USD Men's Tennis 2004-2005



OSCAR PLOTNIK 6'1" Jr. - Mexico City, Mexic Noteworthy: A junior who wi ll see playing time at both singles and doubles... Plotnik is an experienced colleg iate player who will add a lot of energy to the team petitor who thrives in the doubles game. Fall 2004 Results: Finished with a 2-2 record, post– ing victories at the USO Surf & Volleyball Challenge over USC's Aaron Badart and Arizona 's Nathan Co-

chrane... participated in the ITA West-South Regional Championships with Matt Ozurovich.

2003-2004 at USO: Reached the Round of I6 at the Wathen/Hancock Bulldog Classic... ended singles dual season 2-0 at the No. 6 position... was also paired with several Torero players in doubles act ion, most frequentl y seeing time at No. 3 with Matt Ozurovich. Prior to USO: Competed for Florida Atlantic University during the 2002-2003 season... played singles mainly at the No. 5 and No. 6 spots... partnered with \. Cristian Piaz at all three positions and sported a I0-4 dual doubles record.

Personal: Majoring in International Business with a minor in Business.

MICHAEL MESCHEDE 6'3" Jr. - Sandton, South Africa Noteworthy: A junior who will look to compete for time in the lower half of both the singles and doubles ladder. .. Meschede has many weapons in his arsenal , including a huge serve and a devastating forehand. Fall 2004 Results: Posted a 3-2 singles record , including going 3-0 at the San Diego Surf & Volleyball Challenge... teamed with Matt Ozorovich at the San Diego Surf & Volleyball Challenge.

2003-2004 at USO: Did not play during dual season.

2002-2003 at USO: Reached the Round of I6 of the Wathen/Hancock Bulldog Classic... parti cipated in the Omni Hotels Southe rn California Region Champion– ships and the Southern California Intercollegiate Championships ... sported a singles dual season record of 3-4 at the No. 6 spot... partnered with Mirza Kori stovic at the No. 3 position in doubles.

Prior to USO: Ranked No. 4 in the U- 14 divi sion in South Africa.

Personal: Rec ruited by Pepperdine, William & Mary, and Kentucky... chose USO for good tenni s, nice people and strong academics... majoring in Business Administration, w ith a minor in Computer Science.

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