USD Men's Tennis 2003-2004




Tom Hagedorn enters hi s eighth season as head coach of the University of San Diego men's tennis program. Last year he directed the Toreros to its seventh straight winning season, fini shing at 13-10 and ranked 42nd in the nation. More importantly, the Toreros advanced to the NCAA Tournament for the firs t time under hi s direction. In 2002 the No. 1 doubles team of Juan Cerda and Jason Pongsrikul advanced to the

second round of the NCAA Doubles Championships. Hagedorn takes a seven-year record of 86-69 into the 2004 season.

Hagedorn came to USD via the University ofArizona where he was assistant coach under Bill Wright since 1988 . During his tenure the UA Wildcats advanced to the NCAA Tournament twice (1995 , 1996), with the 1996 team finishing 18-10 and ranked No. 23 in the nation by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA). Prior to joining the Arizona coaching staff, Hagedorn played four years on the Wildcat tennis team (1984-87) . As a player, he was ranked in the top-10 in the Southwest (1982, 1983). He graduated from the University of Arizona in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Marketing. Besides his coaching duties , Hagedorn has been a mem– ber of the U.S. Professional Tennis Association for the past eleven years; has coached collegiate All-Americans and ATP Touring Pro– fe ssionals - the most notable being Jim Grabb who was No. l in the world in doubles in 1993 and No. 29 in singles; and was director of the Bill Wright Tennis Camp in Vail , Colorado from 1989-1996. For the second straight season, Hagedorn will be Region VIII 's repre– sentative on the ITA Division I Operating Committee. Tom and hi s wife, Melissa, reside in San Diego. ASSISTANT COACH RON JENKINS ---- 7th Season Ron Jenkins begins his seventh season on coach Tom Hagedorn's staff. During his time at USD he has played a key role in the Torero's success regarding recruiting, scheduling and player development. This past season he was selected the Region VIII ITA Assistant Coach of the Year. Prior to USD he assisted legendary tennis coach Gl en Bassett -- one year at Pepperdine and four years at UCLA. While an assistant at UCLA, the men's tennis team won the National Indoors and reached the semi-finals of the NCAA Team Championships. Overall, Jenki ns has seventeen years of tennis experience in both teaching and coaching. A 1976 graduate of Menlo College (B .S. in Business Administration), Jenkins is celebrating hi s 16th anni versary as CEO and President of Texas Area Management & Investments, hi s own Commercial Real Estate Business.

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