USD Men's Tennis 1999-2000



GERMAN MALDONADO 5'11" Sr.- Mexico City, Mexico Gennan is in hi s fo urth and fin al season wi th the USO men's tenni s team .. . he was the fi rst player head coach Tom Hagedorn signed for the Toreros three years ago upon hi s arriva l .. . over his ca– reer has played No. I doubles and in the top-4 in sing les all three seasons ... will play No . I

doubl es (w/Ri cardo Ri zo) and in top ha lfo f sing les line-up in 2000 .. . last season as a junior fi nished 7- 11 in sing les and 12-7 in doubles (9- 3 at No. I with Ri zo) ... won Fresno State Bulldog C lass ic Doubles title (w/Rodo lfo Rodri guez) ... talented all-court player with great hands and control ... has improved hi s serve and strengt h eac h season since arriving at USO ... in 1998 was named to the WCC All-Doub les Team (w/Rodri guez) after fin ishing 12-7 at No . I doubles ... fin– ished 11- 10 in singles (8-4 at No. 3-4) ... freshman season fi nished 22- 18 overa ll ( 13-7 in doubl es; I0-5 w/Rodriguez) ... prior to USO he reached a nati onal ranking of No. 2 for all of Mex ico fo r B18s .. . he won the Mex ico Nati onal Tenn is Champi onships in the Fa ll of 1995 ... he cracked the top- I00 World Juni or Rankings (ITF) ... prepped at St. Thomas Aquines in Mexico City, Mex ico .. . parents are Olga and Leopoldo Ma ldonado of Mex ico City, Mex ico ... brother Leopo ldo played tennis at the Uni versity of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas ... also recru ited by SMU, Indiana State , UTEP and Oregon ... hobb ies include watching box ing and play ing soccer ... on

schedu le to graduate thi s comi ng Spring. Maj or: Business Admi ni stration .

MATTIAS TANGEFJORD 6'3"Jr. - Gothenburg, Sweden Matti as enters hi s third season at the Uni versity of San Diego and w ith the USD tenni s program ... w ill prov ide leade rs hip and expe ri e nce to To rero line-up ... proj ected to compete fo r No . 1-2 sing les spots and play No. 2 doubl es w ith e ither Stephe n Tay lor o r newcomer Ray va n Wasbeek ... last season fi ni shed 8- 12 in sing les

during the Spring season, and I0-5 in doubl es (5 -1 w/ Rodriguez; 5-4 w/Tay lo r) .. . was 4-0 at No. 2 doubl es w ith Rodri guez .. . fres hman season fini shed 8-10 in sing les but was a strong 7-3 at the No . 3 spot ... teamed w ith Sean Cooper at No . 2 doubl es where they fini shed w ith a reco rd of 9-10 .. . despite hi s 6'3 " he ight, has g reat ba lance and agility ... has world c lass vo ll eys and has gotten better and better each season since arri ving at USD ... prepped at Elof-Lind a lv Gym– nas ium in Go thenburg, Sweden ... ranked in the top-ten in Sweden fo r U l 8's ... chose USD for its strong academics and tenni s pro– g ram ... parents are Kjell-Ake and Ann-Chri stin Tangefj ord , and has one sister (Jess ica) ... bes ides tenni s, enj oys play ing gol f. Major: Business Admini stration ; Minor: C hemi stry.

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