USD Men's Soccer 2009
The Universi(y of San Diego is my prottd of the student-athletes that represent our instit11tion on 16 mens and JJJomen s NCAA Division-I ath– letic teams. These are proud and seriotts competitors, honored to represent the University. The dedicationyo1t JJJitness on the plqyingfields, on the cottrt, on the course, or in the JJJater isgreat!J' matched in the classrooms, the laboratories, on stage, or in the commtmity. Lastyear thirty nine percent of our st1tdent– athletes carried agrade-point average above 3.2, and 11 of ottr teams had a cttmttlative grade-point average above 3. 0. Athletics is vital to the University of San Diego, a 111qy s!ttdents, faettlry, stqff and al1tmni come together as one commtmi(y. I am both a university president and a Torero fan; I lookfonJJard to shan·ng the excitement of Torero athletics JJJith ottr ma'!}fans.
Dr. Mary E. Lyons President
Dr. Julie Sullivan Exec1ttive V:P. and Provost
Ms. Carmen M. Vazquez V.P. Student Affairs
Dr. Timotfy O 'Mallry V.P. University Relations
Msgr. Daniel Dillabough V.P. Mission & Minist,:y
University of San Diego Mission Statement
The University of San Diego is a Roman Catholic institution committed co advancing academic excellence, expanding liberal and professional knowledge, creating a diverse and inclusive community, and preparing leaders dedicated co ethical conduct and compassionate service.
University of San Diego Vision Statement The University of San Diego is becoming a nationally preeminent Catholic university known students who are globally competent, ethical leaders working and serving in our complex and changing world. The University of San Diego is a Roman Catholic institution committed to advancing academic excellence, expanding liberal and professional knowledge, creating a diverse and inclusi,·e com– munity, and preparing leaders dedicated to ethical conduct and compassionate service.
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