USD Men's Soccer 2007
Athletic Administration
Table of Contents
P resident:. . Dr. 1\ lary E. Lyons NCAA Faculty Representative:............................................. i\fitch i\falachowski Executive Director of Athletics: ......................................................... Ky Snyder Senior Associate Athletics Director: . ............... l\ like l\ latoso Assoc. AD/ Business Affairs: . ......... Dan Yourg Assoc. AD / Compliance & Student Services/S\XI,\ .......................Shaney Fink Associate ,\D/ t\thletic D evelopment: ......................................... Brian Fogarty Associate AD/ Facilities & Operations:........................................... Andrew Fee Associate AD / Sports i\ ledicine: .........................Carolyn Greer, l\l.J\., A.T., C. Associate AD/ Media Relations: ........................Ted Gosen Asst. Director of i\ th!etic D evelopment ............ Kari I.ogan Promotions Coordinator: ................................................................Chris Morales Asst. Director of Media Relarjons ................ Chris Loucks Coor. of Athletic Academic Support ......................................Sarabeth Po!Jock Coor. of Student Athlete Services ...................... Keddy Saunders Game Operations l\lanager .......................... Kathy Marpe Director,Jenny Craig Pavilion ...................................................... .Josh Lawrence Asst. Dir of JCP/ Events l\ fanager:. .............Branda Cook Athletic Ticket Manager: ................................................................... Sierra Foster Strength & Conditioning Coach: ................................................ Stephane Roche l\ lgr. of Athletic Equipment Services .. ...............l\ laggie Sinclair Assoc. Athletic Trainers: ......................... \Xiii Filamor, Paul Signorelli Head Team Physician: ....................................................... Paul C. Murphy, l\l.D. Associate Team Physicians: ......... Jerry Hizon, l\ lD; R.ich Uhler, DO; Calvin \Xio ng, i\ lD; Ken Anderson, DO. Men's Soccer Information Head Coach .........Seamus l\ fcFadden, (29th season) Assistant Coach: ........................................ l\ like "N ico" N icholson (3rd season) Assistant Coach: ...Brian \Xlilson, (Ist season) Soccer Office Phone ...................................................................... (619) 260-2305 Fax: .................................................................................................... (61 9) 260-2990 Athletic\Xlebsite .................................................................
2007 Season Previe" · . ....................... 2 USD Soccer 'i\ Torern Tradition o f Excellence' ............................................... 3 Head Coach Seamus i\ lcl'adc.len ... ............................ 4 Assistants l\[ike N icholson & Brian Quinn ....................................................... 5 2007 USD Roster & Team Photo ........................................................................ 6 Player Biographies ...........7- 15 l\leet The Toreros ................................................................................................. 16 2006 Final Statistics & Results .......................... 17 USD Record Book.. . . 18 Year-By-Year Scores ........................................................................................19-2 I All-Time Records vs. Opponents ..................................... 22 USD Alumni .......................................................................................................... 23 USD Honor Roll ................................................................................................... 24 University o f San Diego Profile ........................................................................ 25 President l\lary E. Lyons & Ky Snyder, Executive D ir. o f Athletics ........... 26 Academic Support & Strength Training .. . .. 27 Adidas Team Sports ................................................. 28 2007 Team Photo/ Schedule ........Back Cover
University Quick Facts
Location: Founded:
5998 ,\lcala Park, San Diego, CA, 9211 0-2492 1949 7,600 Toreros Columbia Blue, Navy & \Xlhite NCAA Division l \Xlest Coast Torero Stadium (7,000 capacity)
E nro!Jment: N ickname: Colors: A ffiliation: Conference: Home Field:
TORERO STADIUM ToreroStadium, home to USD soccer 1111dfootball, also1vas home lo the Sau Diego Spi,it, the }}!Olllen'sprofessionalsoccer team thatplcJJ•ed three seasons in the 117(.;SA (2001-03) . 117ith Iha!, Torero S1adi11111 recei1 1 ed n11111ero11s upgrades Iha! make ii one ef !he hes/jt1cililies of ils size Oil !he JlJeSI coasl. Neu, sealing behind the em/ e11dzo11e , as }}/ell m 011 the south side of the field, expands !he sladi11111 sealing capaci(y lo 7,000 seals. Torero Sladi11111 also receind a 11eu1grass lmf, 11eu1 lighting and so//11d system, and additionalpm, box space. A little 01•er aj'erJr ago thefield }}las }J/idened fry 7)'tlfds; ii is /JO}JI 72_)'ttrds widefor socce,: Torero Stadi11111 has also heen the host sile for 1111111ero11s men's 1111d 1J1O111en 1 s J\ rCAA Postseaso11 To11r11a111enls.
TOREROS DEFINED #JloREROS. The University o f San Diego, which sponsors sixteen NCJ\ f\ Division I intercol– legiare reams, competes under the arhleric nickname of Toreros. In 1961 , the J\fosr Reverend Bishop Buddy, the founding farher of USD, announced that the school's nickname would change from Pioneers to Toreros. "The name Toreros is keeping with rhe friendly relationship which exists between San Diego and P.lexico," His Excellency said at the time. Torern comes from the spanish rerm turu, rhe bull, and from rhe \vord rorear, to fight bulls. /\ll of rhe conresrams in the ring are called toreros. Torero is a general term describing a bullfighter and signifies courage, honor and fidelity. USO student-athletes, like the Torero, represent a willingness to stand alone in rht: ring and acct:pr the challt:nge.
Tht: 2005-2006 school year marks the 45th anniver:-ary with Tort:ros as rhe official nickname for LJSD athlt:ric teams.
2007 USD Men's Soccer Media Guide Edit and layout: Chris Loucks & Ryan McCann Photos: Brock Scott (Scott Photo) Printing: Kings Printing
USD NCAA Tournament Appearances - 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990
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