USD Men's Soccer 2001
The University ofSan Diego
SETTI NG The Uni versity or San Diego is an independent Catholic institution of higher edu– cation . Founded in 1949, US D is located on 180 acres overlook ing Mi ssion Bay, San Diego Harbor and the Pacifie Ocean . The campus is named Alcala Park and is located ju st IO minutes from dow ntown San Di ego. The campu s was named after a Spanish vill age near Madrid - Alca la de Henarcs. Founded by the Greeks as Complutum , the vil lage was later renamed Al Kala (the Castl e) by the Moslems. Christians recaptured the vil lage centuri es late r and founded a unive rsity whose buildings became the inspiration for USD's architectural sty le. THE CAMPUS The USD campu s is regarded as one of the most architecturall y unique instituti ons in th e country. featuring major bu ildings des igned in an ornamental 16th century Spani sh Renaissance style. Si nce 1984, USD has completed numerous major con– struct ion and ex pansion proj ec ts. Last year the Jenny Craig Pav ili on. a 5, 100-seat at hl et ic ce nte r. opened its doors as home to USD vo ll eyball and bas ketball. Thi s fa ll the Joan B. Kroc Institut c for Peace and Justi cc wi11 open on the west end or campu s, and a new Science and Tec hnology Center is underway. Ari ve-story, Spani sh Renais– sance parking garage ( 1. 100 spaces) was compl eted in 1998. A landscaped fou ntai n plaza was fi nished in the fa ll of 1995. conn ec ting the entrances of the lmmac ul ata and Ilughes Adllli ni stration Center. In 1992. the uni ve rsity comp leted the 45 ,000 sq uare foot Lo!lla Hall. whi ch inc ludes an expanded bookstore. a larger mai l center. class– rooms and laboratories. ACADEMICS
USD enroll s more than 6.943 students who have a choice of more th an 50 undergradu ate and gradu ate deg ree programs. The uni ve rsity's academic units include the Coll ege of Arts and Sciences. and the Schoo ls o f Business Admini strati on. Edu ca– ti on. Law and Nursing. Class size ge nerall y averages betwee n 18-25 student s with the student to teacher rati o being 18: I. Ove r 97 percent of USD's ful I-time faculty hold doc torates. In the annual ratings o r the coun try's co ll eges and uni \·ersi – ti cs. publi shed by U.S. Ne1l'.1 & World Report. USD moved from the reg ional to nati onal category in 1994 . The uni ve rsity is ranked among the top I00 schools in the nati on.
Student ac ti \·it ies include cultu ra l eve nts. dances. boat crui ses. beach part ies. BBQ's . conce rts. comedy ni ght s. sym– posia and much more. Students parti cipate in a wide range of
vo lu nt ee r pr oj ec ts such as adult lit eracy tutoring. se ni or citi ze n
DID YOU KNOW ? Torero Stadium, home to USO soccer and football, also is home to the San Diego Spirit, the women's professional soccer team that re– cently completed its initial season in the WUSA. With that, Torero Stadium received numerous up– grades that make it one of the best facilities of il'> size on the west coast. New seating behind the east endzone , as well as on the south side of the field, expands the sta– dium seating capacity to 6,000 seal'>. ToremStadium also received a new grass turf, new lighting and sound system, and additional press box space.
outreach . and hou se bui lding in Tijuana. The int ramu ra l program is also an integral pan of student Ii fc on campu s with ove r two-thi rds of the USD community partaking in intramural sports . ATHLETICS The Uni\'e rsit y of San Di ego is a lll elllbe r of th e West Coas t Confe rence for nearl y all sport s and co!llpetes in 16 intercol legiate sport s on the NCAA Di\' ision I level. The foo tba ll tea111 will begin ih eighth season in the Pi onee r Football League. Women's sport s include: basketball. cross count ry. rowing. socce r. softball. swilllming. tenni s and \'Olley– ha ll. Men\ sport s inc lude: base ba ll. basketba ll. cross coun try. go lf. foo tball. rowing. socce r and tenni s. Si nce 1990 US D teams ha\·e won ele\'e n conference champi onships: made 28 NCAA post-season appea rances: had tv.-'cnt y-sc\'e n Conference Coache s of th e Year: twent y- two Confe rence Playe rs of the Year: twc h·e Conference Fres hmen of the Year: four WCC Scholar Athle tes of the Yea r: and thirt y-one Al I-Ame rica se lections. The USO men 's socce r team is the wi1111 i11gcst team in USD at hl etics \\' hen it comes to WCC title s - thq·\c won fi\ c. includi ng three st raight (2000. 1999. 1998. 1995 . 1992 ). Last ~c ason the Torerns fi nished rank ed 10th in the nat ion and for\\'ard Ryan Coiner was se lec ted a 2nd Team SCAA All -Ameri can. and co-WCC Player of the Year.
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