USD Men's Basketball 2006-2007

Jim Stone, Voice Of Torero Basketball


Jim Stone, weekend sports anchor fo r NBC 7/39 TV, returns fo r hi s third year as vo ice of To reros' men 's basketba ll. Stone will announce every Torero men's basketbal l game this season, home and away, and wil l also ca ll the action for a ll USO home games telev ised by Channel 4 San Diego. The games will a lso air on CASH 1700 AM , and via the internet at Stone, who joined NBC 7/39 in March of 1990, has produced an award-wi nning career as a sportscaster with prev ious stops in Reno, Nevada; Springfi eld, Ill ino is and the Harrisburg-Lancaster market in Pennsy lvania. "Jim Stone brings a wealth of experience and a high profil e to US O Ath leti cs and our men's basketball program," stated Ky Snyder, USO Exec uti ve Director ofAthletics. " He pa ints a terrifi c word pi cture, he's the consummate profess ional, and he wants to help the USO program." Stone has an outstanding background in pl ay-by-play announcing. ln recent yea rs he served as the play-by-p lay announcer of San Diego State football and basketball. Additionally, he has pl ay-by-play experience from hi s days with the San Di ego Sockers and the Uni versity of Nevada. He sti ll has fo nd

memories of ca lling the annual Blue-White scrimmage at Penn State with Joe Paterno. He is a lso the voice of the C lF champi onships, when those high schoo l football and basketball title games are televised loca lly on Channe l 4 San Diego. His extensive resume a lso includes past te levision games for USO men's and women's basketball. "I'm looking fo rward to working with Brad Ho lland and hi s players agai n," sa id Jim Stone. " I've always been a great admirer of hi s teams from afar." The San Diego Press C lu b has honored Stone in the past fo r his work as a sports reporter. He also has won numero us Go lden Mike Awards. He was twice named Nevada 's Sportscaster of the Year by the Nationa l Association of Sportscasters and Sportswriters. He also has earned the Assoc iated Press award as Centra l Pennsylvani a's Top Sportscaster. Added Stone, "This is a wi n-win dea l for both myse lf and USO. I' m ca lling games in the city I love fo r a program that has a chance to real ly make a mark." Ji m and hi s wife .Ji ll, who resi de in Rancho Berna rdo, have two grown ki ds - Mindy & Zach.

Jim Brogan returns fo r his e ighth season as color ana lyst forTorero men's basketball. Brogan is a forme r NBA player with the Gol den State Warriors ( 1980) and San Diego Clippers ( 1981 -83). He is a 1980 graduate of West Virg inia Wes leyan Co llege where he earned degrees in Business and Psycho!- Jim is Pres ident of Jim Brogan Incorporated, based in Sa n Diego. With his company, Jim's I0 Steps To Success Program is an exciting new approach to teaching and insp iring chi ldren ages I0-16 to choose success now and throughout their lives. Forover a decade, Jim Brogan has successfu lly influenced thousands of yo ung people in determining and ult imately achieving their academic and persona l goa ls with hi s uniquely effective IO Steps To Success Program. He a lso trave ls across the U.S. as a keynote speaker to corporations, companies and busi nesses ta lking about his program and how it can he lp g ive today's youth the proper too ls to make them successfu l and futu re leaders. Additiona lly, since 1985 , he has run the Jim Broga n Basketball Academy. He has developed

a very unique way of teachi ng basketba ll and life ski lls to children of various ages to deve lop strong well-rounded indiv iduals on and off the court. In 1988, with the U.S. Olymp ic Committee, he published a book titled, "Insp iring Others To Win. " He is the President of the Pitch It Forward Foundation . Ji m and hi s wife CJ res ide in Sorrento Va lley. TORERO TELEVISION SCHEDULE Sat. Dec. 16 Furman 4SD 4:00 PM Fri. Dec. 22 UC Santa Barbara 4SD 7:00 PM Wed. Jan.10 UC Riverside 4SD 7:00 PM Sat. Jan.20 Santa Clara* 4SD 4:00 PM Mon. Jan.22 Saint Mary's* ESPNU 8:00 PM Sat. Jan.27 @ Portland* ESPNU 2:00 PM Mon. Jan.29 @ Gonzaga* ESPN 9:00 PM Sat. Feb.3 San Francisco* 4SD 4:00 PM Sat. Feb. 10 Loyola Marymount* 4SD 4:00 PM Mon. Feb. 12 Pepperdine* 4SD 7:00 PM Sat. Feb.24 Portland* 4SD 4:00 PM Mon. Feb.26 Gonzaga* 4SD 7:00 PM


All times pacific... *WCC Contest


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