USD Magazine, Winter 2004
The pomp and circumstance ofthe Nov. 16 installation ceremony at the jenny Craig PaviLlion includedprayers.f-om Bishop Robert H. Brom and Monsignor Daniel Dillabough, while members ofUSD s ROTCprogram Led the audience in the national anthem. Lyom wed to the occasion to offer her future vision ofUSD, which she said should always be "public in its purpose. "
Lyons Emphasizes USD's Commitment to the Catholic Church's Social Teachings Mary E. Lyons took the reins of USD with a vision of the future rooted in the traditions of the past. In remarks following presentation of the presidential medal officially making her the university's third presi– dent since 1972 - when the San Diego College for Women and the University of San Diego College for Men merged - Lyons challenged the university com– munity to rededicate itself to the social teachings of the Church that inspired USD founders Bishop Charles Francis Buddy and Mother Rosalie Hill more than 50 years ago. In her inaugural addres, Lyons said USD "can never be its authentic self and, at the same time, absent itself from the living, breathing hardships of its local community; from the moral dilemmas with which the human family struggles; from the social tensions inherent in any free society. "(The Church's social teachings) have become the authentic touchstone for judging the authenticity of this Catholic university's public purpose," Lyons added. "That is, its work on behalf of God's creation." More than 500 alumni, faculty, administrators, staff and guests attended the Nov. 16 installation ceremony at the Jenny Craig Pavilion, capping the week of events that introduced Lyons - and reintroduced USD - to the community.
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