USD Magazine, Winter 1998
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This calandar nDacts only major campus 11V1111ls with dates 6nn as al magazine press lime. Far a complete listing, please call the public relations office al (&19) 26D-4&81. Fine arts evanls an subject la change. Please call the fine arts deparlmllnl al (&19) 26D-228D la confirm. JANUARY 5-22 2& Family Businass lnstilula Breakfast. " How Values Drive Your Family Business - Learn from the Founders of Successful Family break. The program includes Mozart's "Flute and Harp Concerto" and a staged perfor– mance of John Blow's opera, "Venus and Adonis" (1682). 8 p.m., Shiley Theatre.
University al the Third Age. Three weeks of exercise and educational seminars for lifelong learners over the age of 55. Each day begins with Tai Chi Chuan exercise, followed by a series of lectures on such topics as music, science, history, literature and social issues. Mondays through Thursdays, Manchester Executive Conference Center. Fee. (619) 260-4231. G Institute far Project Management. "Project Planning: Strategies for Project Success." Continues Tuesdays throughout January. 6:30-9:30 p.m., Olin Hall. $275. For infor– mation on this and other Institute for Project Management courses, call (619) 260-2258. 7 Certificate in International Business. "Legal Aspects of International Business." Continues Wednesdays throughout January. 6:30-9:30 p.m., Manchester Executive Conference Center. Fee. For information on this and other Certificate in International Business courses, call (619) 260-4231. 1 3 Sacand Annual USD Real Estala Canlarence. This sellout program draws outstanding speakers from across the United States. Topics cover a wide range of real estate devel– opment and finance issues. An all-day event at Hahn University Center. For information, call Use Hunnicutt at (619) 260-2256 or Mark J. Riedy at (619) 260-4872, or fax either at (619) 260-4891. 1 5 Graduala Business Alumni Association Breakfast Sarias. 7:30-9 a.m., Hahn University Center Faculty/Staff Dining Room. $10. (619) 260-4819. 17 Alcala Park Walking Tour. Features highlights from USD's history and architecture, includ– ing Shiley Theatre, the site of the 1996 Presidential Debate, Copley Library, the Pardee Legal Research Center, and many other points of interest. Guides will discuss the traditions, history and design themes of the campus. Group tours are available by appointment. Reservations are required. Tour begins at 9 a.m. Repeats the third Saturday of every month. For information, call Anna Cain in USD's public relations office: (619) 260-4659.
Repeats March 8 at 2 p.m. $8 general admis– sion; $5 for students and USD faculty/staff. For more information about this performance or other fine arts events, call (619) 260-2280. 21 "Music by Woman Campasars:' Featuring guest violinist Emily Guglielmi and USD faculty Angela Yeung, cellist, and Key Etheridge, pianist. 8 p.m., French Parlor. $8 general admission; $5 for students and USD faculty/ staff. For more information about this concert or other fine arts events, call (619) 260-2280. APRIL 1 Graduate Businass Alumni Association Caner Night and Nalwarking Forum. 5-7:30 p.m., Hahn University Center. Free. (619) 260-4819 or (619) 260-4654. 2 Caraar Day. 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Hahn University Center. Free. (619) 260-4819 or (619) 260-4654. 1 & Graduala Business Alumni Association Braakfasl Sarias. 7:30-9 a.m., Hahn University Center Faculty/Staff Dining Room. $10. (619) 260-4819. MAY 2 Fourth Annual Authur E. Hughes Caner Achiavemanl Awards Dinnar. Awards honor USD alumni who have attained outstanding success or achievement in their career fields. Five awards will be presented - one each to an alumna or alumnus of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Schools of Business Administration, Education, Law and Nursing. (619) 260-4819 or e-mail: a University Community Chair Cancarl. Performance of Handel's "Dettingen Te Deum" with USD orchestra. 8 p.m., Founders Chapel. Repeats May 10 at 2 p.m. For more information about this concert or other fine arts events, call (619) 260-2280. 23 Schaal al Law Cammancamanl. 24 Undargraduala and Graduala Schaal Cammancamanl.
Owned Businesses." 7:30-10 a.m., Manchester Executive Conference Center. Fee. For infor– mation on this and other Family Business Institute seminars, call (619) 260-4231. 30 Ahlars Canter far lnlernatianal Business Breakfast Serias. "Legal Update for Business Investment and Trade in Mexico," Jorge Vargas, USD School of Law. 7:30-9 a.m., Hahn University Center. $10. (619) 260-4896. FEBRUARY G All-Faith Sarvica. Noon, The Immaculata Church. (619) 260-4735. 1& 10th Annual Schaal al Nursing Lacturaship. "Life Support: Protecting and Promoting Nursing in a Market-Driven Health Care System," Suzanne Gordon, investigative reporter, author and health care specialist. Sponsored by USD School of Nursing. 4 p.m., Manchester Executive Conference Center. Free. (619) 260-4548. 21 Chamber Music Cancarl. For The James N. Kolar Amadeus Fund, established by Henry Kolar, USD professor emeritus of music, and his wife in memory of their son. An all– Mozart program. 8 p.m., Shiley Theatre. $8 general admission; $5 for students and USD faculty/staff. For more information about this concert or other fine arts events, call (619) 260-2280. MARCH G Faundars Gallary Exhihil. Artist Helen Redman of Point Loma, Calif., expresses the feelings of women going through the aging process. Exhibit continues through April 17. Founders Gallery is open from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Free. (619) 260-2280. Naw Yark Previaw. Preview of the perfor– mance the Choral Scholars, directed by Virginia Sublett, and the USD Symphony, directed by Angela Yeung, will be taking to New York for a music festival during spring
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