USD Magazine Summer 2022


[ p r o g r e s s i o n ]

pproximately every decade, the University of San Diego undergoes A A Q U A L I T Y E D U C A T I ON 10 - y e a r a c c r e d i t a t i on r e a f f i rms USD ’ s v a l u e by Allyson Meyer

Committee, WSCUC Steering Committee and Strategic Planning Steering Committee), twice monthly meetings with an Executive Team, detailed evidence gathering, an institu- tional report, and a three-day site visit with 100+ university stakeholders culminated in the announcement in March that USD is reaffirmed in its accred- itation for another 10 years, the maximum reaffirmation available to institutions. “In addition to this 10-year reaffirmation, due to a long pattern of USD having quality outcomes, the campus qualified for the Thematic Pathway for Reaffirmation (TPR) process,” explains Giddens. “The TPR process is a shortened accredi- tation process for institutions

framework for institutions to demonstrate educational quality and continuously improve. It is critical to our operations as a university, how we service stu- dents, their learning, and their successes at USD and beyond.” First accredited by WSCUC in 1956, reaccreditation occurs roughly every six to 10 years, with the entire process taking a few years to accomplish. Multiple cross-campus collabo- rations (with entities such as the University Assessment

accreditation is a peer-review process that enables “students, families, the government and the public to know that an institution provides a quality education.” “It’s a process to ensure we are meeting our mission in many different ways,” says Elizabeth Giddens, director of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Initiatives (IESI) and the WSCUC accreditation liaison officer. “Accreditation provides an accountability

an accreditation process — an evaluation of operations, aca- demics and institutional proce- dures. In March 2022, the uni- versity was granted a 10-year reaffirmation of accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). A requirement for universities receiving federal funding,



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