USD Magazine, Summer 1997


~1 · ~I~ ~- ' ' • ~ ,1 ~ r::, ..fl ' - BUSINESS IS BOOMING In 1975, Jim Burns agreed to serve as dean of the School of Business Administration for six months. Instead, his tenure lasted 22 years, during which he built a thriving business program. Now, he's returning to his first love - teaching.

HOME IMPROVEMENT In theme residence halls, the university provides the blueprint but students build the home. Residents create communities based on common interests and, along the way, they find peer support, lasting friendships and deeper involvement in their university.

Dl&ITALLY YOURS Brad Biddle has become something of a national expert on digital signatures, a technology used in electronic commerce. His comments have drawn the attention of the United Nations, state legislators and corporations such as Microsoft and AT&T. Soon, the average consumer will be listening to Biddle too. PAGE 7


MUCH ADD ABOUT ACTING Joanne Zipay founded the Judith Shakespeare Company as a classical theater ensemble in which actors - especially women - enter and under– stand the world of the play before they memorize a single line. PAGE 8

MAKING WAVES USD's swimmers and divers know the formula for success. The Toreros and their coaches crafted a potion made of equal parts hard work, support and dedication - a mixture potent enough to capture the first swimming and diving championship in university history. PAGE 13



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