USD Magazine, Summer 1997

offer more scholarship money, the coaches sell USD's academic programs, small class sizes, idyllic location and commitment to winning. "Our business plan says the program should be enjoyable for the athletes and for the coaches," says Swenson. "A big part of the enjoyment comes from accomplishments, from meeting the challenges we set for ourselves." The coaches also made important deci– sions early on about how their program should be conducted. Morgan notes: "The most important rule we have is to be com– pletely honest and ethical in our dealings with the athletes. We view that as the path to success." With the success they've had so far, if the Toreros were a business they would already be in the Fortune 500 and climbing fast.

o come out on top of their competition, Bill Morgan and his staff have to ana– lyze strengths and weaknesses, determine how to allocate resources, measure results, forecast future needs and hold themselves and others accountable for their performance. If it sounds like they're running a business, that's no coincidence. "The coaching staff knew early on that we needed a business plan for each year," says Morgan, the swimming and diving head coach. "Every decision we make has to be analyzed to see whether or not it will make for a better team." At the same time Morgan and the assistant coaches - Darrell Swenson, Mike Fitchett and Chris Anderson - draw up their business plan each season, team members write their own "team covenant," which outlines what they expect to put

into and get out of the program. The staff does not dictate any of the specifics of the covenant, only requiring that the team write it together. "It's their contract with each other, so they decide what they want from the team and how they're going to accomplish their goals," says Morgan, a three-time Pacific Collegiate Swimming Conference Coach of the Year. "They decide how they will hold up their end of the contract." Like any business, the swimming and diving program operates under tight budget constraints and has to make full use of every resource. The coaches know USD inside and out, from admissions to financial aid to academics, ensuring that they can answer questions from athletes who are heavily recruited by other schools. While USD is often outmatched by universities that can

1996-97 TDnras: (Franl Raw] llivi111 Coach Mike Fib:hatt, &ndduin Pan, J1111ny Tharpe, Marissa llannkamp, Kanm Edgar, Kristina llayuhi, Tina Raja, Laura Sides, Caurlnay Calenuan, Shannan Pace, Shanna &uzman, Assistant Coach Chris Andarsan. (Bade Raw) Head Coach Bill Margan, llaalluir Dlsan, Julia Larson, Carisa Billnff, Magan Thampsan, Ari Bain, Sanja Klimp, Katrina Rawe, Muy Wurster, Ahby Harrai:ks, Assistant Caach Dlll'l'IID SW1111San.


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