USD Magazine, Summer 1992
Producing a magazine can be a lonely job if the only response is an occasional change-of-address notice. Since a goal of any magazine is to elicit reader response, an empty mailbox strikes a fear of reader apathy into the heart of even the most intrepid editor. With that in mind, then, I'd like to thank all of you- and there were dozens-who wrote or called with comments about the changes in the last issue of the magazine. The reactions were as diverse as our readers: • "I love the new look-I read it cover-to-cover." • "I miss the large photos from the old V Magazine." • "There seems to be more 'meat' to the stories now." • "The frenZY of type changes makes me dizzY." • "It is easier to read." • "It is much harder to read." Positive or negative, all the comments provided helpful feedback for us on the staff as we continue to assess what is-and isn't-working for USD Magazine. Further changes can be found through– out this issue. Many are part of the magazine's natural development; others are a direct result of your comments. I hope you'll keep the feedback coming. Encouraging that sort of dialog between maga– zine and reader-or between the university and our alumni or parents-is the purpose behind the "Letters to the Editor" section introduced on Page 2 of this issue. It is a section that can succeed only with your help, so as you look through this and future issues, I hope you'll take a few minutes to write down your reactions, not only to the look of the magazine but to the articles you read. It's your opportunity to let the University of San Diego know what you think.
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