USD Magazine Spring 2022



[ c u t t i n g e d g e ]

e’ve all heard it before. Love what you do, and you’ll never work a P A S S I O N M E E T S P U R P O S E W Un g r i c h t l e a d s USD b a s e b a l l f o r w a r d by Mike Sauer

bat when I was still in diapers — at least that’s what my mom tells me,” he says, laughing. “My dad recalls that he would let me hit off a tee in the house after mom had gone to bed. He just had one rule: ‘Don’t break anything!’” As years passed, those indoor batting sessions transitioned into nine-inning games with the other kids. Ungricht consumed every bit of baseball knowledge he could from his dad, and when he wasn’t playing, he was thinking about how he could get better when he did. “I always wanted to learn from

Coach Brock Ungricht. No way. He can barely contain his ex- citement when talking about his position at the helm of a team he is already very familiar with, hav- ing served as USD’s hitting coach under previous manager Rich Hill. “Can it get any better than this?,” he exclaims. “I get to man-

age a team with a really talented core group of players, a group of guys I know and care about.” Ungricht’s infectious energy is driven by his love for the game. To hear him tell it, it’s a love that was evident from a very tender age. “My dad was a baseball coach, and he had me swinging a whiffle

day in your life. But in reality, everyone has those days where the workplace challenges and obstacles far outweigh the re- wards and opportunities, right? Not if you’re new USD Baseball



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