USD Magazine Spring 2009
[ u n d e r g r o u n d ]
and Côte d’Ivoire. His reports recommended how such abuses can be prevented through gov- ernment reform, vigilance and prosecution of perpetrators. In 2007 in Guinea, government forces brutalized peaceful demon- strators, who were raped, assault- ed, and murdered under the watch of President Lansana Conté’s corrupt administration. Meanwhile, presidential cronies accused of crimes such as embez- zling from the Central Bank were released from prison. Sharp’s 64-page report for Human Rights Watch detailed many abuses and recommended remedies. In 2007 the govern- ment created a new, independ- ent panel to investigate these crimes and prosecute those responsible. The report also called on the United Nations for assistance, and the U.N. took preliminary steps to enforce human rights in Guinea. In his new post at USD, he’ll remain active in human rights, but with less travel to work in dangerous locales. Sharp says his position allows him to split his time between teaching human rights to gradu- ate students and developing and managing social justice programs in West Africa. “The tricky thing in interna- tional relations is that jobs are few and far between on the West Coast,” Sharp says. “I was lucky to land at USD. I grew up in Colorado and Utah and have never lived in California. I’ve always been a big outdoors per- son, and I spend every weekend in back country areas like Mount Laguna on my mountain bike. I also hope to take up a water sport — probably sea kayaking.” Once he gets out past the breakers, say exploring the caves near La Jolla Cove on a sunny, summer day, Sharp can drift in serene waters, for a brief time far removed from the turbulent regions where he’ll continue to push for peace and justice.
SECRET GARDENS S t uden t a r t i s t s ge t t oge t he r t o co l l abo ra t e , c r i t i qu e a nd s h owc a s e o n e a n o t h e r ’s wo r k
by Stefanie Wray A healthy dose of rebellion has blossomed among student artists on campus in the past few years. Three dis- tinct groups epitomize this artis- tic mini-movement, encompass- ing various genres, defying labels and encouraging the develop- ment of questioning minds. Emerging from the underbelly of Camino Hall, an undergraduate group calling themselves The Basement Society is showcasing original paintings, photography and sculptures, often without professorial oversight. Their work is strongly affected by social injustices, tending to employ a heavy dose of irony in wry pieces such as a Louis Vuitton purse on a pedestal in front of Aromas. A recent meeting with controversial Tijuana artist Marcos “Erre” Ramirez —well known for his trenchant observations of border culture — provided some provocative influence on their artistic points of view. The Basement Society strives to “open doors for students, chal- lenge their views and motivate [one another].”Group founder and visual arts major Tatiana Ortiz- Rubio ‘09 explains their raison d’être : “The continual showing of our work is not only essential for our artistic education, but also for the education of the community.” Back above ground, Students For Free Culture are challenging the university to hold itself to the highest standards of integrity. Members strive to educate stu- dents, faculty and administration with collaborative shows that incorporate visual arts, live and recorded music, creative writing and film. In addition to a passion
Writers’ Club fills a niche by inspir- ing and encouraging students’ creative expression through poetry, short stories, novels, flash fiction, diary entries and other free-flow- ing literary ventures. “As a freshman I was totally bewildered,” recalls junior Joseph Carothers. “I felt like there was nothing here for people who just enjoy writing. When looking for art, I had to go down to a secret door under the castle. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to get the Writers’ Club going.” As clubs like these emerge from the underground, there’s a growing awareness among students that they are surround- ed by an outpouring of artistic talent, and are part of a culture devoted to the joys of creating collaborative artwork.
for promoting recycling and opposing censorship, the group is dedicated to overturning what it considers unjust intellectual property laws. USD’s chapter of this national organization was founded two years ago by senior SamWoolley: “What free culture is about is art being free and open to everyone, as opposed to being commodified. Art for art’s sake.” The undergraduates who make up the Writers’ Club are devoted to collaboration; they rely upon their peers’ critiques and guidance to strengthen their skills and grow in their craft. Though the university offers the prestigious Cropper Creative Writing Series with guest lectures and workshops, the informal, all-inclusive environment of the
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