USD Magazine, Spring 2003
john Trifiletti '78 is USD 's assistant vice presidentfor development. He is known on and offcampus fo r his incredible ability to recall names, faces and - watch out.' - personal information. I honed my skills as USD's "human Rolodex" during 12 years as alumni and parent relations direcror.
A particular challenge is large social events, where I sometimes meet graduates - or worse yet, spot chem across che room - and realize I can't remember their names! ... BE AHUMAN ROLODEX? As my heart races, I'll first run through the alphabet co see if a letter triggers my memory. Then I'll frantically rhyme sylla– bles, switch consonants and search my internal database of major donors, former students and discipline cases from my years as a resident direcror - all while crying co carry on a meaningful conversation with the person in front of me. As the "unknown" moves coward me, I'll first cry spotting a namecag. As the clock ricks and the person approaches greeting distance, the name usually comes co me. If it doesn't, I recommend one of two things: ask politely for their lase name, which usually triggers the first name; or, if all else fails, panic and run! To avoid such desperate measures, carry a pen and, as you meet people, jot down names on a cocktail napkin or business card for future reference. Of course, it won't help if you find chose items among the dry cleaning a week lacer, so chat part of your memory is up co you. It's work, but you'll find, as I did, chat you get better with practice. As I run inro USD graduates and friends in my travels, I find it extremely gratifying co remember their names. That pleasure is the true key co the Rolodex in your head.
This.favorite ftom USD's coffeehouse is a family reczpeprovided by Connie DaSilva a USD bakerfor more than 15 years. '
1. C ream rhe burrer and sugar rogerher. Slowly_ add eggs and vanilla, mix well. Combme rhe Aour, cocoa and baking soda. Add rhe Aou r mixture ro rhe creamed mixture and mix well. Add 2 cups_of chocolate chips ro rhe mix. Top w1th I cup of chocolate chips before baking. 2. S~oon rhe mixture inro a baking sheer w1rh a 2-inch cake edge, which will allow rhe brownies ro rise in rhe oven.
Yields 24 brownies,
Ingredients 2 ½ cups butter 4 ½ cups sugar 5 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla 4 ½ cups all-purpose Aour I cup Hershey's cocoa 2 teaspoons baking soda 3 cups chocolate chips
3. Bake ar 350 degrees fo r lO ro 15 . . or unnl brownies are ser.
4. O nce cool, drizzle wirh chocolate ici v no·
SPRI N G 2003
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