USD Magazine Fall 2021



[ s o c i a l j u s t i c e ]

n the spring of 2021, the University of San Diego announced the Horizon I ACTION AND UNDERSTANDING Horizon Project launches to build a more inclusive campus by Julene Snyder

She comes to the university from the University of Chicago, where she served as the assistant pro- vost in the Office of the Provost. “In my experience, most people are genuine when they say, ‘I want diversity, I want inclusion, I want equity.’ But they don’t know how to implement it,” says Dixon- Reeves. “I have an opportunity to really help people to think about how we do this work, how we do teaching and learning with an eye toward diversity, inclusion and equity. People at USD are com- mitted to this work; they just need some help and ideas for how it might best be done.

students enrolled and retention and graduation rates of students of color; and increase the number of full-time Black faculty within each of the professional schools and the College of Arts and Sciences. On August 1, Regina Dixon- Reeves, PhD (pictured) was ap- pointed as USD’s vice provost for diversity, equity and inclusion.

The project’s goals are ambi- tious but achievable: By the fall of 2026, the university will be recog- nized as a Hispanic-serving insti- tution; be one of the 100 most di- verse, independent universities in the country; be a leader among our national Catholic peer universities for percentage of students of color enrolled, percentage of Black

Project, an initiative designed to move USD into the forefront of Catholic higher education by following Pope Francis’ guidance that as a Catholic community we must be more “open, expansive and welcoming.”



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