USD Magazine Fall 2021
my husband, and I am stepping into a new role as program manager of human resources operations next week with Dept. Agency, the largest digital agency in Europe (and growing)!” ANDREW JONES (BS/BA) recent- ly accepted a new position with Boeing as an electrical design and analysis engineer for the Interna- tional Space Station. Working at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, Andrew is assisting with the design and development of the new NASA Docking System (NDS Block 2). He is also happy to announce his recent engagement to fellow Torero Olivia Greenwood ’19 (BA). [ 2 0 2 1 ] PATRICIA SYLVESTER (MS) was recently accepted to the Suffolk University School of Law, where she will be pursuing her Juris Doctorate. She adds, “Following this, I will be going through Officer Candidate School to become a JAG in the Unit- ed States Navy.” In Memor iam JEANNE “JENNIE” (BABICH) FOLLETT ’74 passed away on August 23, 2020. She had a long and arduous career as a court reporter, initially working for the San Fran- cisco Public Utilities Commission, and she finished her career report- ing depositions in San Diego. She was a passionate physical trainer and a health aficionado. “She was a great person who should be remem- bered,” says John DeVine ’72 (BA). ERIC F. YUHL ’81 (JD) passed away on March 14, 2021. “The adjective I’d use to describe Eric, if I had only one, would be ‘legend- ary,’” said his brother and legal partner, Christopher P. Yuhl ’87 (JD) in a Los Angeles Daily Journal obituary. He added that Eric did everything at full speed. “Whether you were on his team or opposing him, you had to drive at the speed of light to keep up.” Send Class Notes Submit class notes via email to
O C T O B E R 1 2 – 1 7 S P I R I T • T R A D I T I O N • T O R E R O S
Relive good times, reconnect with great friends, and create new memories! Return for USD's biggest week and explore an ever-changing campus with countless alumni, families, and friends. Festivities include Torero Tuesday, State of the University Address, Legacy Pinning Ceremony, Alumni Honors, Fabulous Torero Casino Night, Student Concert, Big Blue Bash Tailgate, Torero Football vs. Drake, and Alumni and Family Mass. S E E YO U AT U S D ’ S B E AU T I F U L A L C A L Á PA R K !
Fall 2021
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