USD Magazine Fall 2021



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hat do managing a successful private equity portfolio and REACHING A NEW LEVEL W New g o l f f a c i l i t y a g ame c hang e r by Mike Sauer

a generous lead gift of $2 million has made that possible. In part- nership with USD, and with the guidance and input of USD Men’s Golf Head Coach Chris Riley, Purcell’s gift establishes a new on-campus golf training resource. The Purcell Family Short-Game Practice Facility was designed by San Diego native and golfing icon Phil Mickelson. “Having our own dedicated golf facility will be a game changer,” Riley says. “It will give us something that other top-25 collegiate programs have: an on-campus site that serves as an indoor and outdoor classroom

ing his winter mornings in shorts rather than snowshoes, and the self-proclaimed “golf nut” would have the chance to play his favor- ite game 12 months a year — studies permitting, of course. “My brother and I played a bunch back then, and what I re- member most is the social aspect of it; how much fun we had hang- ing out together, playing with our friends. Getting the chance to connect with people is one of my favorite things about the game.” As a member of the USD Board of Trustees, Purcell is committed to providing future Toreros that same opportunity;

approach the game of golf,” he says. “In both instances, prepara- tion puts you in the position to succeed, but you still have to be willing to take the shot. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take in life, business and golf.” It’s been 28 years since Purcell travelled the roughly 2,000 miles from his native Illinois to attend USD. He loved the idea of spend-

hitting a perfect 7-iron have in common? The way Paul Purcell ’97 (BA) sees it, both require focus, commitment and a touch of fearlessness. “There’s lots of different ways to approach business, just like there are lots of different ways to



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