USD Magazine Fall 2016

pleasure to pursue twomaster’s in pub- lic health and social work at the Univer- sity of Southern California. Having just completedmy first year of graduate school, I amhonored to say that I have been elected as the assistant regional director for Region F (Inland Empire) for the National Association of Social Work- ers for the 2016-2017 year. For my sec- ond year of graduate school, I will be working as amedical social work intern at Kaiser PermanenteMedical Center– West Los Angeles.” Elle says shewas elated to be returning to “SanDiego, my almamater, and reunitewith old and new friends for USD’s 2016Wine Classic. Fight on and olé!” ALEXANDRA PAULUS (BBA) is a property manager for a private com- mercial real estate management company and also an accounts pay- able manager for a wholesale distri- bution company. HENRY PERAZZELLI (BBA) works in wealthmanagement at J.P. Morgan Securities in Boston. [ 2 0 1 3 ] TARA IGUIDBASHIAN (BA) is working in partnership marketing with the Portland Trail Blazers since graduating from USD. She reports that her experience interning for the USD athletics department helped her get to this position. SUE JORDON-TALASKA (MSN) is the education specialist for the criti- cal care and progressive care units at Riverside Community Hospital in Riv- erside, Calif., designated a Level II trauma center, cardiac care center of excellence and primary stroke center. Sue’s job responsibilities include de- velopment of education programs for staff. “I graduated from USD’s MSN, CNS gerontology program in 2013,” she says. “I found the program and information invaluable to my successful job performance!” ANDY QUINTANA (BBA) is a fi- nancial analyst for Acadia Healthcare in Carlsbad, Calif. HEATHER RASAMEETHAM (BA) is a first-grade teacher at Anza Ele- mentary in El Cajon, Calif. LUKE STAGER (BA) earned a Mas- ter of Science in finance from the Ow- en Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University in May 2014. He is a financial analyst at Asurion.

KAYLEY STUMPE (BA) is a full- time producer and also conducts ce- lebrity interviews for the Entertain- ment Tonight television show. She has worked at ET since graduation and interned there the summer be- fore her senior year at USD. [ 2 0 1 4 ] RYAN LANE (BA) began his career in advertising with a year at The Ga- rage/TeamMazda, an award-winning WPP-held advertising agency. “As proj- ect manager, I had the opportunity to work with creatives, account execu- tives, legal teams, our board of direc- tors and Mazda global executives from Japan,” Ryan says. His photography skills were used in the national Drive for Good campaign. Another position followed as national events manager for Quest Nutrition, and Ryan is now director of sales and events for Level Up Entertainment, an Orange County event production company. “I love what I do, and have learned a lot along the way in the short time since gradu- ating, but a lot of the tools I’ve utilized I learned while at USD,” Ryan says. ESTEBAN LOPEZ (BBA) works in management consulting on an enter- prise resource planning project known as FI$Cal, the Financial Information Sys- tem for California, a business transfor- mation project for state government focusing on budgeting, accounting, procurement and cashmanagement. KEVIN PELAEZ (BA) is a San Diego corps member of Teach for America, where he teaches 10th grade math and AVID, a college prep class, at King- Chavez Community High School. MARIA RUVALCABA (BA) fin- ished a year of postgrad volunteer service with a tenant rights advocacy nonprofit organization in Los Ange- les. She is now working with another nonprofit organization in Santa Ana, Calif., that provides leadership and community engagement opportuni- ties for youth. LISA VANDER (MA) moved to the Washington, D.C., area to work in the field of workforce development and social economic justice. Previously, she conducted a job creation sum- mer program for 110 at-risk youth for the city of Baltimore, Md. KYLE WADSTROM (BBA) met his fiancé, Sarah, when they were on USD’s Second-Year Experience trip to

AMANDA (FOBAR) HOGAN (BA) reports that she married Joshua Hogan in October 2015. They relocated to Ro- anoke, Va., to further her career as a la- bor and delivery registered nurse and recently bought their first home. MARGARET (McCANN) HOWARTH (DNP) was promoted to assistant director at the School of Nursing/Health and Human Services at National University in San Diego. CHRISTIAN INZUNZA (BBA) is the cofounder of Solteris Energy, a renewable energy supplier based in Indio, Calif. SHANNON IPPOLITI (BA) is in her first year as a pediatrics resident at the University of California, Irvine/Chil- dren’s Hospital of Orange County. YLIANA PENALOSA (BA) gradu- ated from Azusa Pacific University with a second Bachelor of Science in nursing. She is currently a student in APU’s psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner program. ANNE STEWART (BBA) passed the July 2015 California bar exam af- ter graduating from the University of Southern California Gould School of Law in May 2015. She is a real estate and transactional attorney. [ 2 0 1 2 ] ELOISA AMEZCUA (BA) complet- ed the Master of Fine Arts program at Emerson College in Boston in 2014. She has received scholarships from the Bread Loaf Translators’ Conference, the Vermont College of Fine Arts Post-Graduate Workshop, the Minne- sota Northwoods Writers Conference and the New York State Summer Writ- ers Institute. Eloisa reports that her de- but chapbook, On Not Screaming , was expected to be published by Horse Less Press in the summer of 2016. JOSE FELIX (BBA) is working to- ward a master’s degree in Spanish language and literature and also working as a graduate research assis- tant for the Spanish Department and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at St. John’s University in Queens, N.Y.

wife, three children (two girls and one boy), and an awesome career at Northrop Grumman as an engineer.” VIVIEN FRANCIS (MA) has been passionate about art her entire life. She has a BA in graphic design and her pas- sion for human rights and conflict res- olution led her to USD to earn a mas- ter’s degree in peace and justice studies, specializing in conflict resolu- tion. Vivien combines her background in art and human rights to develop advocacy projects through the use of art and images, including cross-cultural understanding programs between the United States and Mexico. She also founded PilloveTalk, where she designs and produces home textiles with affirmations and empowering thoughts in order to provide people with upliftingmessages in the intimacy of their homes. Vivien has lived in La Jolla, Calif., since 2009, where she is near the ocean and nature, and where she finds inspiration for her work. STEPHANIE LEUNG (BA) moved to Savannah, Ga., where she is a digital marketingmanager for TMC Finance. She is in charge of all digital media buying and planning. ERIC ROBERSON (BA) graduated from the George Washington Univer- sity Law School in Washington, D.C., in May 2016. Following the bar exam, Eric plans to clerk for a federal judge in Alexandria, Va. SERENA ROMERO (BA) relocated to New York for a position at NBC/ MSNBC. SAMUEL SWANSON (BBA) re- ports that hemoved to Dallas, Texas, to bewith his partner, Daniel Martell, after dating long distance for more than two years. Samuel is a development director for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. [ 2 0 1 1 ] ERIN ALTON (BA, MAcc ’11) was promoted to auditmanager at KPMG, one of the Big4public accounting firms. BRITTANY BERG (BBA, MS ’16) graduated from USD’s Master of Sci- ence in Supply Chain Management in January 2016 and is now a senior pro- curement specialist for ViaSat Inc. in Carlsbad, Calif. CLARISSA BROWN-JENNINGS (BA) invites her fellow alumni to “stay classy!”

NANCY JOYCE (BA) works for Christie’s Art Auction House.

ELLE ORTEGA (BA) writes, “After graduating fromUSD, it ismy greatest


FALL 2016

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