USD Football 2007

NCAA COMPLIANCE I want to play Division I intercollegiate athletics at San Diego ...

What do I n eed to do in order to play at San Diego as a fre shman? If you intend to participate in Division I or II athletics as a freshman, you must register and be certified by the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. Your high school counselors should provide you with a student-release form and a brochure titled, "NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete." In order to be registered with the clearinghouse, you must complete the student-release form and mail the top (white) copy of the form to the clearinghouse along with the $50 registration fee. Give the yellow and pink copies of the form to a high– school o fficial, who then sends the yellow copy, along with an official copy of your high-school transcript that includes your SAT or ACT score(s), to the clearinghouse. Your high school should keep the pink copy for its files.You may also register online at www.ncaaclearinghouse. ruj;. After graduation and before the school closes for the summer, your school also must send the clearinghouse a copy of your final transcript that confirms graduation from high school. Your counselors can obtain registration materials, at no cost, by calling the clearinghouse at (319) 337-1492 or (877) 262-1492. H ow do I know if I'm being re cruited? You become a " p rosp ective student-athlete" wh en you start ninth-grad e classes. Before the ninth grade, you become a prospec– tive student-athlete if a college gives you (or your relatives or friends) any financial aid or other benefits that the college does not provide prospective students generally. You become a "recruited prospective student-athlete" at a particular college if any coach approaches you (or any member of your family) about enrolling and participating in athletics at that college. Activities by coaches that cause you to become a recruited prospective student-athlete are (1) providing you with an official visit; (2) placing more than one telephone call to you or any other member of your family; or (3) visiting you or any other member of your family anywhere other than the college campus. Boosters: In addition to general recruiting regulations, no alumni, boos ters or representatives of a college's athletics interests can be involved in your recruitment. There can be no phone calls or letters from boosters. If a USD booster is contacting you, please call the San Diego Compliance O ffice as soon as possible at (619) 260-7577. Don't risk your CAA eligibility!

you will be visiting; (2) on the day o f a coach's o ff-campus contact with you by that coach; (3) on the initial date for signing the National Letter of Intent in your sport through two days after the initial signing date; and (4) you (or your parents) may telephone a coach at your expense as often as you wish. After a National Letter of Intent is signed, unlimited calls may be placed to the prospect. Off-Campus Contacts: A college coach m ay contact you in p erson o ff the college campus only on o r after July 1 after the completion o f your junio r year in high school. The contact must take place on the p rosp ect's high school campus and follow res tric– tion s on the sp o rt's recruiting calendar. A co ntact is any face-to– face meeting between a co llege coach o r athletics staff m ember and you o r your p arents, during which any o f you say mo re than " hello." Also, an y such face-to-face m eeting that is prearranged or that takes place on your campus, at an o rganized competitio n o r practice involving you o r your high school, preparato r y school, two -year co llege or all-star team shall b e con sidered a contact, regardless o f the conversatio n . H owever, a college coach m ay visit your high school (with the approval o f your high school principal) only once a week during contact p eriod . E valuations : An evaluation is any o ff-campus activity u sed to assess your academic qualification s o r athle tics ability, including a visit to your high school (during which n o contact occurs) or watching you practice o r compete at any site. In foo tball, a coach h as three evaluatio n oppo rtunities and six contact opportunities. Once you sign a N ational Letter o f Intent, you m ay b e evaluated an unlimited number o f times by a college coach from the college with w hich you have sign ed . Le tters : Letters and printed recruiting information may be sent to you starting September 1 st at the beginning o f your junior year in high school. H owever, you may still contact a university prior to this d ate to receive gen eral (non -athletic related) infor– m ation . You may also comple te an athletic ques tio nnaire p rior to this date. What Can I Rece ive from San Dieg o? You (or your family) maynot receive anybenefit,inducement or arrange– ment, such as cash, clothing, camp, improper expenses, transportation, gifts or loans to encourage you to sign a National Letter of Intent or attend an CAA college. Who do I contact with any Questions on Eligibility?

When can I talk to the c o ach and have him /he r see m e play?

Telephone Calls: In Football, a prospect may receive one phone call in May of the prospects junior year in high school and may start receiving additionalcalls after September 1 of your senior year. After this, a college coach is limited to one telephone call per week to you (or your parents or legal guardians), except that unlimited calls to you (or your parents or legal guardians) may be made under the following circumstances: (1) during the five days immediately before your official visit by the college

You may contact Shaney Fink, USD's Associate Director of Athletics for Compliance and Student Services/SWA at 619-260-4755 or by email at

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