USD Football 1996

E xcellence. You found it in Atlanta this summer as athletes representing our country strove to be the best. You'll also find it in the men and women of the National Guard. Dedicated airmen and soldiers who train year-round to be ready when America calls. For over 350 years, the National Guard has served our communities and nation. Today, that service continues with the National Guard as a full partner with America's active military forces . In today's efficient military, the citizen-soldiers and airmen of the National Guard are more important than ever. Just ask one of the 75,000 Guardmembers who served in Desert Storm-chances are some of these members are right in your community. They are the most visible example of how Guard units are woven into our nation's military capability. Those who volunteer for the National Guard are trained, equipped and tested to provide wide– ranging contributions in a complex and still-hostile

world. On any day, the mission could be a joint military maneuver in concert with active duty forces half-a-world away in Bosnia or in support of local and state law enforcement battling illegal drugs. Every National Guard mission starts at home where members are your friends, neighbors and co-workers. They are committed to two missions, federal and state, ready to serve whenever needed. They respond to natural disasters and local emergencies. They play a direct role in helping America's kids stay in school, out of trouble and drug-free. They are Americans with a special calling, men and women who feel that it is their duty to lllllr==1 - - NATIONAL Americans At Their Best. GUARD The National Guard For information, Air National Guard, 1-800-TO-GO-ANG, Army National Guard, 1-800-GO-GUARD give something back, Americans delivering excellence in all they do.

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