USD Football 1995

We're concerned about the abuseofour prochicts. And we're doing something about tt.

}{ Anheuser-Busch we, like any esponsible manufacturer, are concerned by the abuse of our products. The vast majority of the 80 mil- lion Americans who enjoy beer do so responsibly. But those few who abuse it can have an impact far beyond their numbers. An impact that reflects on us as a company, on our products and employees, and on the much larger population of responsible beer drinkers. On this page you'll find a brief introduction to a few ofthe pro- grams weve created, or help spon- sor, to lessen that impact. The absolute solution to the abuse of alcohol isn't on this page. Thats a challenge oursociety as a whole has before it. We must all continue to take the problem seri- ously, as parents, hosts, friends and citizens. As a brewer we feel an added responsibility. The ancient craftwe practice is designed to produce a beverage of friendship, refreshment and moderation. We brew beer to be enjoyed responsibly. Ifyou have comments or sug- gestions, please let us hear from you And please take a fewmoments to see if you can play a role in any of the programs mentioned here. We'd welcome your help. We brewour beers to beenjoyed.. . . responsibly. ~ -!lii.uJC/4~ For inform:ation con1ac1: Your local Anheuser-Busch wholc:s:alc:rorAnheuser-Busch, Inc., Dept. of ConsumerAwareness and Education, Ont'. Busch

BACCHUS _____ BACCHUS is the kind of grass roots program we support on college campuses to encour· age responsible decisionmaking about alcohol. In the more than 500 BACCHUS chapters nationwide there5 plain talk between students oflegal age who choose to drink. Their goal is to develop responsi- ble drinking habits, and respect for State laws and campuspolicies. BACCHUS is proving that with responsible decision making about alcohol,

studentscan make the best teachers. For information, write BACCHUSof the US., Inc.,110. Box 100430, Denver, CO80250.

Alert Cab____ _ This program offersa free or reduced-priced taxi ride home to cuscomers in tavernsor res- taurants who have chosen nOl IO drive after drinking. Alen Cab isno substitute for safe and responsible drinking,but it can add a greater margin ofsafety for these customers . and others in the community.

Family Talk About Drinking_ This program featuresaseries ofinforma- tive guides written in conjunctK>n with prominent authorities on chiktren, family counseling, and alcohol research. The guides cover everything from the effects ofpeer pressure and recognizing teenage drinking problems to drinking and driving and the community resources available to youand your kids. For copies, just call 1-800-359-TAlK. t:unil\' Tall, .\hout l>iinkinA I'mDriving______ We support the designated driverconcept through sponsorship ofthe "I'm Driving" program. ' I'mDriving" ispromoted with counter cards, table tents, buttons and other educational materials. Thisprogram isnot a substitute for responsible drinking, but it offers a sensible option in potential drunk drivingsituations,

T.I.P.S~------- T.1.P.s. (Training for Intervention Procedures by Servers of Alcohol) is a program designed to help bartenders, waiters, waitresses and sales clerks prevent alcohol abuse in retail establishments. Employees ofAnheuser•Busch wholesalers have lx.-en trained as T.I.P.S. instructors. They in turn are helping to train workers in taverns, restaurants and stores across the country. These courses help T1 -vs servers recognize signs of f intoxication and to respond effectively to prevent abuse and potential drunk driving situations.


Place.S1. Louis, Missouri 63118. Q 1990,AnhnMr•BuM:h. Inc., Sc. Louis. Mo.

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