USD Football 1994
RAIN FOREST RESCUE: To HELP STOP TuE DES1RUCTION E very minute. an area of rain forest the size of 10 city blocks is destroyed. Once 8 million square mile of rain forest circled the globe. Now. a little over 3 million. 96.000 acres of rain forest are being burned and bu lldozed every da:,. Rain forests directly affect our weather. 70°0 of the plants found to have anti-cancer properties come from rain forests. They're home to more than half the world's plant and animal species. Many of the songbirds in our own backyards winter in the rain forest. Unlike our own forest . many tropical rain fore ts have poor. thin soils... virtually all of the nutrients are in the plants. When the trees are destroyed, the land give out after a few short years. What was once a dense woodland full of life becomes a barren wasteland. Ifs time to do something. Right now. you can join The National Arbor Da~' Foundation and support Rain Forest Rescue to help stop the destruction. When ~rou join. the Foundation will pre erve threatened rain forest in ~·our name. Help us help top the destruction. Before ifs too late.
To contribute to Rain Forest Rcscu~ call 1 -800 -222-5312 The National Arbor Day Foundation
Trees are the basic building blocks of the ram fores! Countless other forms of hfe depend on them for survival
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