USD Baseball 2001


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2001 Toirrera B/aseball USD Support Services

USD Academic Support Shaney Fink is in hi s first year as Coord inator of Athl eti c Academ ic Support at the Uni versity of San Diego. The USO Athletic Academic Support Program is des igned to ass ist and moti vate student-athl etes in their journey and progress toward s th eir academi c goa ls. and ultimately graduation. The primary objec ti ve is to improve the student-athl etes· study skills. support them in their academic work. and encourage scho lasti c ac hi evement. It is essential that student-athl etes rece ive the neces– sary academ ic assista nce to continue normal progress toward a degree wh il e participating in athl eti cs. USO student-athl etes rece ive assistance through advis ing. progress reports. academ ic tutors. campus learning cen ters, such as th e Logi c, Math. and Writing Centers. and the Accel erated Study Program. The Accelerated Study Program provides a monitored. quiet area open onl y to the student-athl etes to ensure quality study time. These se rvi ces are ava il ab le to all USO studen t-athl etes. " The greatest challenge to a Division I athlete is to balance the demands of sport while taking full advantage of the educational experience offered. The purpose of our pro– gram is to assist student-athletes in meeting this challenge by offering tutoring, advising, mentoring and a quiet environ– ment to study. The academic support program is designed to assist students in adjusting to life at USD and developing sound academic and career plans. By promoting a philosophy of individual responsibility, which encourages each student-ath– lete to value their educational experience, the academic sup– port program assists each athlete to realize their full poten- tial. " Shaney Fink

USD All-Academic Honor Roll West Coast Conference All Academic Team

Chad Boyd. Business 1993: 1992 Kev in Herde. Business 1993: 1992 Eric Morton. Mathematics 1993

Joe Lima, Business, 2000 Geoff Babbitt. Account ing 1999 Zach Koukos. Business 1999

Mark Yall ecorsa. Accounting Jeff Crane. Business 1999: 1998 1992: 1993 Tony LoPresti. Philosophy 1998

wee Scholar-Athlete of the Year Jacob Slania

Jeb Dougherty. Business 1997: 1996: 1995 : 1994 Jay Parks. MBA/Comp. Sci. 1997: 1996 : 1994 David Rome ro. Int. Rel. 1995: 1994 Jacob Slania. Economi cs 1995 Mike Freehill. Biology 1994


GTE Academic All-America Second Team

Kev in Herde. 1993 David Roll s. 1988 Third Team Robb ie Rogers. 1987

Torero Strength and Conditioning

The USO strength and cond iti oning program is current ly under the direc ti on of Marc Mee ker who is in hi s first year as assi stant Strength & Conditi oni ng Coach. and Fitness Director fo r the Jenny Craig Pavil ion. The USO athletic department recogni zes the need fo r all athl etes of all sports to engage in a comp re hensive strength and cond it ioning program. The US O strength and condi ti oning program has been des igned to deve lop funct iona l strengt h. speed. powe r and endurance . The de ve lopment of these physica l attributes is ineffec tive if the at hl etes are not able to carry them over to th e playing fi eld. Adhering to a properl y des igned program of strength training. condit ioning and nutriti on can enabl e our men and women to become the

best poss ibl e athl etes they can be. whil e simul - taneously red ucing the incidence of inju ry. The heart of the strength and condi – tioning prog ram is the US O Sports Cen ter we ight room. It is open exc lusively to student– ath letes at spec ific times each day. The weight room contains 5.000 square feet of Olympic platfo rms, free-weights. se lectorized machines. dumbbe lls and cardiovasc ular equipment. Stu– de nt- athl etes will also have the lu xury of usi ng the new 3,800 sq uare foot fitn ess room in the Jenny Cra ig Pavili on. USD studen t-athl etes rece ive int en– sive in structi on on proper we igh t tra in ing tech– ni que; speed. power and agil ity deve lopment; and sport-speci fie cond itioning. Their strength and conditi oni ng programs are spec ifi c to the nature of their sport or pos ition. Each ath lete is individu al ly monitored throughout their pro– gram to ensure the greates t chance of athl eti c progress.

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