USD Baseball 2001


I 20

2001 Torero Baseball

The ~es~ Coas~ Conference Gonzaga, Loyola Marymount, Pepperdine, Portland, Saint Mary's, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Clara Third Season For Divisional Play: West Coast Conference base bal l enters it s ] -+th season and its Conference History:

The base ball portion of the WCC started with fi ve charter members and three assoc iates as LM U. Pepperdine. Saint Mary"s. San Francisco and Sant a Clara were joined hy UC Santa Barbara. Pacifi c and San Jose State. The conference temporaril y sp lit from 1977-8-+ into the Northern and Southern Ca lifornia

third season of di visional pl ay under an eight -team ali gnment. Two fo ur-team di visions. apt ly named ··Wes1·· and ··coas1·· will play a JO-game schedul e. The champions of each di l' ision will co llide at the encl of the season in a best two-o f-three seri es to determine the WCCs

Baseball Assoc iati ons (so di visional play isn·1 compl etl y foreign to the league). hut rea li gned in 1985 to include San Diego and Nevada in a sel'e n-team league. In 1991. th e Wolf Pack ckparted and a six-team loop ex isted until Port land and Go111.aga. full members in all other sport s. left the Pac- IO North league to bring the WCC to its fu ll -bodi ed eight -team se t in I996. Thi s is the fifth year of the current eight -team WCC base ball ali gnment but th e conference has determined a champion in the sport annu all y since 1968. During th at time. teams in the WCC ha ve ad vanced to four Co ll ege

aut omatic entry into the NCAA Champi onships. The site of th at pl ayoff will be based compl etely 011 the outcome of the regul ar season seri es meeting betwee n the two champi ons. The winner of that three-game reg ular season co lli sion earn s the ri ght to host the champi onships. Eac h team will pl ay a total of six games aga inst each team in its own cli ,·ision.

three home and three away. and a single three-game seri es aga in st each team in the oppos ite di vision. Eve ry two yea rs two teams will swap di visions. effecti ve ly mi xing the matchups ove r an eight-year span. Of note is the fact that traditi onal loca l ri val s (Portl and-Gonzaga: Saint Ma1-y"s-San Francisco: LM U- Peppercline and Santa Clara-San Di ego) will nel'e r be in the same di vision. Last season LMU captured it s third straight titl e de feating Peppercline two games to none in the second WCC cham pionship se ri es.

World Seri es. including a national titl e in 1992 (Pe pperdine). Onl y three of the current members -- Loyo la Marymount. Peppercline and Santa Clara -- have represe nted the WCC in NCAA tournament play. That tri o has an all -time reco rd of 70-72 in the champi onships. Portland is the on ly other current member with NCAA tourney ex peri ence. most rece ntl y in 1991 as the Pac ific- IO North represe nt ati ve. The WCC se nds represe ntati ves to NCAA championships in each of the 13 league sport s. Ove rall. con fe rence members ha ve wo n 32 NCAA team and indi vidual titl es .


COAST Gonzaga Loyo la Mary rn ount San Franc isco Santa C lara

Pe ppe rdin e Po rtland Saint Mary's San Diego


Peppe rdine (36- 23; 22-8 WCC )

LM U (40-1 9: 22-8 WCC)

San Diego (34-27- 1: 14- 16 WCC) GONZ (28-25: 17- 13 WCC) Portl and (24-27 ; 13- 17 WCC) SCU (2 2-3 7: 12- 18 WCC) St. Mary's (20-34 ; 10- 20 WCC ) USF (26-33 : 10- 20 WCC ) 2000 All-West Coast Conference Baseball Teams FIRST TEAM SCHOOL POS YR PLAYERS OF THE YEAR: FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR: Dane Sardinha PEPPERDI NE C JR Dane Sardinha. PEP Jack Head ley. SCU Scott Walter LMU C JR Anthon y Ange l. LMU Kri s Zacuto LMU IB so COACH OF THE YEAR: Anthony Ange l LMU 2B SR PITCHER OF THE YEAR: Frank C ru z. LM U Taggert Bozied USF 3B JR Bil ly Trabe r. LMU GREG SAIN SAN DIEGO 3B so A/1-WCC Second Team Corey Lunde PORTLAND ss so Woody C litfords. PEP. I B. So. Je ff Walke r. LM U. DH . Jr. Jason Bay GONZAGA OF SR Jack Headl ey. SCU . 2B . Fr. Damon Kat z. PEP. UT Sr. Dan Garcia PEPPERDINE OF so Kev in Hara. GON. SS . Sr. Jay Adams. PEP. P. Jr. KEVIN REESE SAN DIEGO OF SR Jeremy Coronado. PEP. OF Sr.. Brian Graham. POR. P. Sr. Barry Matthews GONZAGA DH JR Tom Nichol s. SMC. OF Sr. Ben Boni ll a. LMU. P. Sr. Jason Aspito LMU UT JR Dustin De lucchi. USF OF. Sr. Bill y Trabe r LMU p JR USD All- WCC Honorable Mentions: Steve Be nne tt GONZAGA p SR Dan Ha ren PEPPERDINE p so Marty Hayes & Jared Hemus

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