USD Baseball 2000

13 I


2000 Torero Baseball Meet" The Torero Ref'urners David WATERS 6-1 Jr. P R/R


Scottsdale, AZ Horizon HS

1999 at USO: Appeared in 17 games with I start ... fin ished with record of 1-2 ... tota led 28. 1 innings, fini shing with ERA of 6.04 .. . cred ited with victory over Big IO champ Michigan. 1998: Made IO relief appearances and recorded four strike outs in 9.2 innings o f work. Prep: Hori zon Hi gh Sc hoo l was state champi ons fo r two years and league champs for three years ... Ranked #I in state... All-Desert Vall ey Conference pitcher... Second Team All -Region. Personal: Business major (Marketing emphas is); Communication s minor. .. Also recruited by Grand Canyon, Pepperdine, and Utah ... Chose USO because of locati on and schoo l's reputation... Brother current ly attends USO and sister graduated from USO... Parents are Ken and Linda Waters ... Born April 25 , 1979 in Stockton , CA. Hill on Waters: When David puts it all together he has good stuff Great kid with a great work ethic. Plus curve ball. Water 's USO Pitchin g S tats Year GIGS w L SY IP H 1999 I 7 /I I 2 0 28 I 34 1998 I 010 0 0 0 9.2 17 Caree r 27/1 I 2 0 38.0 51 K 2 1 4 25 BB ERA 8 6.04 11 I 0.24 19 7. I I

22 Bryan BEALER 6-3 Jr. P RIL

Medford, OR No. Medford HS

Noteworthy: Drafted in the 30th ro und by the Kan sas C ity Roya ls out of hi gh school. 1999 at USO: Appeared in 5 games before being lost for season to injury. Sophomore : Posted a 1-3 record in 24 pitching appearances in 1998 ... Got two starting nods and earned two saves... Won 5-3 deci sion against Santa C lara (3- 15 -98). Freshman: Made 12 appearances with six starts.. . First coll egiate win came Feb. 16 vs. Portland State... Recorded 22 strikeouts. Prep: Selec ted to First Team All -Sou the rn Oregon Conference, after posting a I 1- 1 record for North Medford HS as a seni or. .. Second Team All State after a I0-3 record as a junior... Bl ac k Tornados went 20-7 during senior season and ranked third in state... Played bas ketball during sophomore year. Personal: Business major. .. Al so rec ruited by Oregon State, Portland State, Gon zaga... Chose USO \ because of basebal I program and school size... Son of Bobbie Jo Bea ler..



Born December 7, 1977 in Loma Linda, CA. Hill on Bealer: Bryan makes everyone around him better. He has an infectuous personality to go along with his competitiveness. He 's everything we want a USD player to be.

Bealer's Year

US O Statistics G IGS w L

ERA 7. 7 1 6.70 6.1 I 6.52






1999 1998 1997 Career



-+.2 6



() 2 0


2.+13 1216 4/ /9

3 3

-+ 7 0 5 8 35. I -+3 87.0 10 7

33 22 57



2 1 57





David LEMBO 5-11 Jr. OF L/R

Mesa, AZ Mesa HS

1999 at USO: Injured knee during ' 98 footba ll camp and mi ssed ' 99 baseball season ... came bac k fo r '99 USO footba ll season, ru shing for 454 yards and 5 TDs. Sophomore: Appeared in 2 1 games ... pinch-hit homer at Gon zaga in season final. Freshman: Played in 17 games with starts at Gonzaga ... 4-game hitting streak in mid-April. Prep: Mesa HS where he earned All Eas t Vall ey Conference honors .. . Honorabl e Mention A ll -State ... Team ranked #4 in state and won two league championships ... All -State Ist Team se lec tion in football. Personal: Business major ... Chose USO for academics and chance to play both baseball and foo tball ... Parents are James and Maria Lembo of Mesa, AZ ... Born September 13, 1977 in Mesa, AZ.

<:::> Hill on Lembo: Possesses tremendous power. Has good baseball skills. Needs experience and he could make a big impact on our team this year.

Lembo's US O Statistics Year GIGS AB R 1999 Did Not Play 1998 221 1 15 2 1997 1712 23 5 Career 3913 38 7








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