USD Baseball 1980


For 1980 Coach Cunningham will have the luxury

of working with three highly capable assistant coaches.

John Gunther will be beginning his second sea­ son as the Toreros pitching coach. John graduated from U.C. Santa Barbara, where he was a catcher, with a dgree in sociology. He then got a Masters in P.E. at the University of Pacific. After one year of semi-pro ball, he spent a few years at var­ ious coaching assignments before becoming pitching coach for two seasons at San Diego State. He then spent four years at Mesa College as an assistant, before coming to USD. John and his wife, Diane, have been married eleven years and have three sons, Scott, Paul, and Tim, ages seven, four, and one.

Dave Gonzales returns to the Torero coach­ ing staff after a year abscence. Dave is a former Torero shortstop, who led the I97I team to the College World Series. After graduating in 1971 he coached two years with USD, before moving on to Southwest High School where he be­ came head baseball coach and assistant football coach. He is still there as a football coach. He is currently a member of the Board of Direc­ tors for the San Diego County Umpires Associa­ tion, and on the USD Alumni Board. David has a bachelor degree in history and a masters in ed­ ucation. He and his wife, Donna, have a two year old daughter, Melissa. Dave will work primarily with the infielders.

Tommy Thompson, another former Torero, joins the coaching staff this season as a hitting instructor. Tommy was USD's Most Valuable Player in I967 andagain in 1968. After his junior year he signed with the St. Louis Cardinals and played four years in their organization. He then taught at Mt. Miguel High School while also coaching soccer. He is currently teaching at Valhalla High School, where he has been the junior varsity baseball coach and head soccer coach for the past few years. He holds a bachelor degree in political science and a masters in educational coun­ seling, both from USD. Tommy is planning to get married this March.


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