USD Annual Report 1981/82

Dr. a11d Mrs. ]a111es Schultz Bria11 W. Schwartz. (L) Mr. n11d Mrs. E11ge11e A. Schwar:kvpf Otto J. Scott Mrs. Frances L. Sellers Mr. and Mrs. William 8. Sexton David /. Shapiro (L) Robert Shepard Mr. and Mrs. R. £. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman Peter S. Sht:r111n11 (L) Mr. and Mrs. George S. Shimanek Allen E. SJ111lmt Virginia Shue (L) Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Siegan (L) Mr. and Mrs. 0 . Morris Sievert John Silber, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sid11cy R. Sih.ien11n11 Robert L. Simmons (L) Edmund C. Slevin Roher/ H. Smith Lloyd Smithson Mr. t111d Mrs. Gerard S111oli11 , Jr. (L) Ro/rert S11orldy Mr. and Mrs. George J. Soares Mr. n11d Mrs. Joseph So11kn Mr. and Mrs. James T. Sotiros Msgr. William D. Spain Mr. and Mrs. Leslie P. Spelman John T. & Julia A. Spellman Christopht'r Stal,/ Phillip Stein Gary S/t'i11/Jerg /11111es W. Sll'i11berg (LJ M r. and Mrs. Raymond E. Steinbroner Mark K. Stender (LJ Pa11l Ste11sv11 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smelik Mr. a11d Mrs . Peter B. Smit!i Rick Smith Mr. a11d Mrs. Jol,11 Stevrns (L) Mr. and Mrs. "fr fford Sfl've11so11 P. /. Stitt Dr. and Mrs. R. Stocklin Robert Stone, M.D. Victoria B. Storer Albert W. S11llirn11 Mr. a11d Mrs. L. D. S11llii.1n11 (L) Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Surnow (L) Mrs. Ro/Jeri Swa11sfo11 Ti111 E. Swett Dr. Lawre11Ct' Swerney Daniel Tackett Michael N. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Taylor Mr. 1111d Mrs. Cast11cr Tebbetts Hagos Tt 1 k1 William E. Temple, M.D. Dorothy /. Thumns Jack W. Thornton, Jr. jea11 W. T/1ra11e Oeliomh Th11r111a11 Alison Tibbitts Mr. and Mrs. David A. Tiedemann Mr. (/1/d Mrs. Ja1111..·s !vi. Tn•ese Richard F. Trefielo Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Trepte Flore11ce L. Stephenson Mrs. A. Richard Stern

Jacq11eli11e G. J\llaso11 Dr. and Mrs. John J. Massart Mr. a11d Mrs. Edward R. Mastro Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mauro h n ferh:k R. M.ed11g1iv Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Meese, Ill (L) Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Messier Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Achille Mierlot Roi//. Millender Ill (L) Mr. a11d Mrs. Kirk Miller (L) Mildred Millt'r Mr. and Mrs. Devin C. Milner Mr. and Mrs. John H. Minan (L) T. R. Z. Mi11ya1111ircs (L) Mr. and Mrs. Ken Miyamoto Marily11 Mohr (L) Charles J. Molnar, Jr. Dr. 1111d Mrs. Frrlllk Moody Cathcri11e A. Moant'.1/ Colleen Moore Mr. and Mrs. Malcol111 H. Moore Robert J. T. Moran Jose F. Morena Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moreno, Jr. (L) Grant Morris (L) Mr. a11d Mrs. Sid11ey Morris Mnrg11erite Most (L) Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Moy L. Wayne Mullane Rev. Owen Mullen Thomas E. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Murphy Or. a11rl Mrs. Tho111ns Murry /0/111 B. Myer (L) Mr. a11d Mrs. Stephe11 G. Myers Dia11e L. Na/Jryeski Frederick J. Nn111L'fh (L) Mr. a11d Mrs . Alexa11der Nnsi (L) Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Nathanson (L) Michael J. Navin (L) Richard C. Neer, M. D. Paul E. Nr1111er Mr. a11d Mrs. Joseph L. Nierodyi11ski Dean N. Ninteman Dr. Paul Nora Gemgt• Notli11gham Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Novak Eilee11 J. O'Co111wr Evangeline P. O'Gara Mr. a11d Mrs. Edward Olmta Mr. mul Mrs. Jn111l's Oli11 Mary E. Oliver Morgan Dene Oliver Beth O'Malley James A. O"Mnllcr1 (L) Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Neil Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. O'Neil Francis H. O rlo\,vski, 0.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. J. O rwig Mary A. 0 /vll(fo John Outrnft Mr. a,u/ Mr:;. Richard F. 0 11trnll Mr. a11d Mrs. V. LetJ11 Page Ci11a f. Paladi11i Stn11 Pnlcich Mr. a11d Mr~. Pela R. Pall'r1110 (L) Irene S. Palmer, Ph.D. Fra11k Pa,wrisi Mr. and Mrs. George M. Pardee, Jr. Lev A. Parker, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Patman Richard A. Pm.•d/.:n rLJ

Leo Payne Rv11ald C. Pmrso11 (L) Dick Pt'tlroza

Friends, cont. Lawrence/. K 11hf1111111, fr. (L) Edward Kujolic Mr. r111d 1\llrs. Ju/111 A. LnBar Richard f. Ln/Js Blair A. L11Frr1111[Jt)isc Mr. a11rl Mrs . Jolt11 M. Lni11g Mr. and Mr:-. Jolt11 Q. Lnlas Donald P. Lang Mrs. Raymund J. Lrngen Col. n11tl Mrs. A. B. Latltrop Mr. .ind Mrs. Laurence E. L1umann Law Lilmrry Staff (L) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Law (L)

Ea monn Lyng R. R. McAuley Mr. aml 1\lfrs. fu/111 McCn/Je Katherine R. McCarthy Mr. a11d A•lrs. /vh11 N. McCord Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McCrink Mr. and Mrs. ]oh11 McDcn11ot (L) Lois K. 1\llc£11roc Mr. r111d Mrs. G. F. McGi1111ess RAdm. r111d Mrs. Rob McGregor Mr. a11d Mrs. /awes F. Mcf-111.r;th Stephen M. McKay ( LJ 1\llr. t1llfi Mrs. Da11afd £. McLa11ghli11 Robert McMahon /0/111 W. McOwrn Rodney I. Macdonald, M.D. Jo/111 M11rGrPgor i\llr. /11/(I Mrs. Gary Mackler Fred MacMillan Rosalie F. Macrory Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Macy (L) GnrlJ Mac,;, M.D. Mr. al/It Mrs . Michael/. Madde11 Todd Maerowilz. Mr. and Mrs. H. Larry Magee Bishop Leo T. Maher, D.D. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Malkind Mr. amt Mrs. William H. Malk111us Sr. Ti11wtl1y Mn/one, RCS/ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Ma11ce (L) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Manchester Mr. n11d Mrs . Edward Ma11sfield (L) Mary M. Mapson Gilbert March Mr. a11d Mrs. Peter A. Marchica II P. Markman Cynthia Marquez P. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Reuben D. Martinez

Other Corporate SuEEOrters

KFSD-FM Radio K111fisl & M.ohr (L) La Jolla Ba11k & Trnst Co11Jpa11y l.nkt• S11CCL'SS 1Vfmiagc111e11t Co111JX111y (L) Luce, Fonmrd, f-/a111ilto11 & Saipps Mitd1ell Properties Colllpa11.11 (L) Mutual of New York (MONY) National Steel & Shipbuilding Company National Vending & Sales 987 Stt>war/ Arie1111e Cm11pa11y (L) North American Phillips Foundation Northwestern Mutual Life Occn11 Realty Co111pr111y O'Melveny & Myers (L) Ora11ge Co1111ty Fair & Expositiv11 Center P & M Manufacturing Chester C. Pagni lnsurar:ce Company Paul, Hasti11gs, Ja,wfsky & Walker J.C. Penney Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of San Diego Pernicano's Pizza House Pervo Paint Company Philip Morris, Inc. Prudential Foundation P11:,:ct So1111d Pvwa & Li8ht RClbcrt-Miclwt'l Realty CMpomlicm (L) Rohm & Haas Company Rohr Industries, Inc. San Diego Auto Body Specialists San Diego Gas & Electric Company San Diego Hilton S,rnta Fe Ind ustries Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark 8. Truver Jea11 f. Twnrdzik Tlw11111s L. V1111cc (L) Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Norman Thomas L. Van Zant Sara Vd111a11 (LJ William Velman (L) Mr. rmd Mrs. Way11e \lem o11 Flora/Jt,f L. Victa Rosa1111e Visco Charles Anthony Viviano Jerry P. Vogler Dr. 1111d Mrs. Richard L. Voller Jake VoHTobe! Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wagner /en1111t• Wahlen Stanley L. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Walts E. Wamer Mr. and Mrs. William K. Warren, Jr. Mr. 1111d Mrs. Dexter Washhum Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watts Mrs. Karl A. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weckstein (L) Lilie Weiss Roher!£. Wdk Louis M. Welsh (L) Mr. 1111d Mrs. He11ry B. Wessd11 Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Weston D01111a White Mr. and Mrs. David Whittaker N. Paul Whittier Chor/es VViggi11s (L) Dr. and Mrs. Howell E. Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Willard A. Coleman Williams Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams Jerry J. Williams (L) Mr. and Mrs. Donald 0. Wilson (L) Danny Wilson Mrs. John Winters (L) Paul Wohlmuth (L) R. P. Woltman W. F. Woods Nlr. a11d Mrs. Dan Yalm111s Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter J. Zable Mr. 1111d Mrs . R11dolp/1 Zakm1 1 icz

Mr. and Mrs. Ja mes H. Pehl Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Perkowski Herbert Peterfrcund (L) Mr. 111111Mrs. L. /\ . Pl'fcr.~e,1 Richard Pettinger (L) Mr. all({ Mrs. folt11 Pnv Isabelle Piccini iv . Pickt.Ti11g 1\llr. a11d Mrs. Gus S. Pi11eda Mr. 1111d J\.frs. Thv111as M . Pi11kato11 Rober/ T. Pira: : i11i /01111 W. Pini/ Theresa Player (L) Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Plott Mr. and Mrs. Michnel H. Plumer Donald Pogoloff (L) Mr. a11d Mrs. Kem,elh J. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Post Mr. 11ml Mrs. James D. Power Mr. n11d Mrs. Jolt11 R. Price (L) Mr. a11d Mrs. Dexter L. Pril1ce Mr. and Mrs. Leland S. Prussia Kart'11 S. Prndy Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Pusateri Mr. 111d Mrs. Joseph Q11i11 Lucille C. Rabun Malachi Rafferty Janice K. Rasson (L) Greg Ratchuk Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Rea Mrs. Happy Red fearn Margn rd Reed ( L) Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Reilly Mr. 1111d Mrs. Fa/iio Restrt>po Lotlu1r Reuss Dr. a11d Mrs. \,\lil/iam E. Rhea Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ridge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Rigsby Mr. and Mrs. Brian Riley Mr. a11d Mrs. Donald Ri111k11s Mr. a11d Mrs. f-/11ber f L. Rolierts, Jr. Mr. a11d Mrs . Joseph A. Robi11so11 Patricia]. Ro/1i11so11 Dorms Wells Rodi Mrs. Jerrold M. Roe Mr. and Mrs. Krcrnier J. Rohtleisch foh11 Rojas, fr. Samuel E. Rosenzweig, M.D. (L) Joseph C. Rost. Ph.D. Mr. a11d Mrs. Richard Ro11se (L) Nor11m1 N. Rudd Mr. a11d Mrs. Fred?. R11ttek Eli:1Jl1dh A. Ryn11 /-/. G. /!1/iack Dr. aHd ·Mrs . Richard £. Saar Mrs. Irving Salomon Jeff A. Sn/t:11,n11 (L) Mr. a11d Mrs. Marlil1 Sa11111e/s Mr. a11d Mrs. C. 0 . Srrntvs Alphonso Sarno Mr. n11d Mrs. Richard E. Sallcr/ee Nlr. 1111d Mrs. Ala11 Sche11k (L) Lynn Schenk (L) Mr. a11d Mrs. Paul Sc/Jl()t.'111cr Patrick V. Schmidt Barbam Schmitz Or. 1111d 1\llrs. James Sch11cidcr (L) Jay Schrock James Powell Susan Powell

The follow ing business fi rms contribu te to the University by supporti ng the Discovery Campaign for ca pital development, special events, the annual giving program, or through ma tching employee contributions. Alcala Travel Alexa nder & Bald,vin, Inc. A111eric1111 Bro11dcasli11g Cu111paHh's A111aic1111 Ho111e Prnd11cts (L) A111t•riTr11st AMS Associates (L) Arthur Andersen & Company Foundation Arts Incorporated Bank of America NT & SA Big Bear Supermarket Brundage & Zell man Bullocks Camillo Motors Caster Family Trust Coldwell Banker Collins Development Company Ct11111t_11 B1111k of Sa11ta Crn: CrockP.r National Bank C11bic Ct1rporatio11 Dalc11 & Heft (LI Dun & Bradstreet Factory Realty Co111p111_1 (L) Fa:io Co11slr11ctio11 , l11c. Raymond C. Ferro Insurance 58-0'/ 37th AP('/111c Corpomlio11 (LJ f irst Interstate B,1nk of Cali fornia Ffl'l'I E11xi11cerii1g, l11c. Fluor Corporation Forest & Stock Fn'1'1111111- S1111f(~rotl1 Ct111s/rnd it111 Campany Gcncr,11Dvnamics Stt·pht'II Gcor~e & Asst1cintcs G1•tf_t/ Oil Ct'IIIJ11111Y (LJ Bri,111 M. Giblin lnsur,1ncr Agency, Inc. Gitw111111i'.~ Rt'st1111ra11t 1-t uold God \\'in & Associ,1tes, Inc iVl.1-1 . Gl1lden CLrn1pany Greil l Western Savings D.C. Heath & Co. (L) E.C. Herbert & Associ,Hcs ffrrr Fiiw11cinl Sa1:·icc:- Gn111p, /He. Holsum Baking Com pany of Cali fo rnia, Inc. ldc11/ Tn11 1 el Scn. 1 ice lntcrn,1tion,1I Business fvlachincs , !VAC Ct1rpc1ratio11

Mr. and Mrs. M. Larry Lnvrencc Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Lawrence Prof. and Mrs. Herbert Lazernw (L) Eliwlid h 0 . Leary Mr. a11d Mrs. David L. Ll'afherlJy Norbert L. LeBoeuf M. De11isc LcBow Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ledbetter Mr. and Mrs. John LeHoy 1-/nn,lrl Lchrcr Mr. 1111d Mrs. JvJ,11 L LeMoi11t' laura M. Lenox Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lconatti Dr. ilnd Mrs. Henry Levy

I hav e a lot of positive feelings about this place, What happens on this campus is that people are allowed to be authentic, to give from what they are and not just from what they do; and the st11dent can't be authentic himself until he has had the opportunity to interact with people who are themselves authentic. - Stanley "Skip" Walsh, Director of Residence Life

Corporate Associates

Hotel del Coronado Household [nternational /MED Corpomtion f11tcrOcea11 Syste111s, Inc. IVAC Corporatio11

Founded in 1982, the USO Corpora te Associates com- prises business fi rms which contribute annual ope ra ting support. Among the Uni- versi ty activities supported by this effort are scholar- shi ps, faculty enrichme nt, and new progran1s. Allstate Arthur Andersen & Com pany Anthony's Fish Grottos Bank of America N.T. & S.A. Campbell /11d11stries Carnation Company Fou ndation Ca~ll'r Fa111if.11 Tmst Certified Laboratories James \.Y. Colachis Development Company Coldwell Banker Company Cubic Corporation Dart & Krait, Inc. D & D Sales Company Dunphy Construction Company 1 Ernst & Whinney First [nterstate Bank of California Foodmaker, Inc. (L) FrazcC' Industries General Atomic Company Harold Godwin & Associates, Inc. M. H. Golden Construction Com pany Home Federal Savings & Loan Association The Copley Press, Inc. Crocker N.1tional Bank

Kevin Levy (L) Robert F. Lewis Gennaro Licosati, M .D. J. G. Lipschitz (L) Jack Littlejohn

Johnson & Higgins of California V. J. Lloyd's House of Fi11e Frm1it11ri' Manufacturers Bank Missio11 J11s11ra11ce Co111pn11y National Steel & Shipbuilding Company NCH Corporation Nielsen Construction Company 919 Corporation North American Phillips Foundation P & M Manufacturing Com pany Pacific Southwest Airlines Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Pathway Bellows, Ille. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company Peninsula Bank of San Diego Ralston Purina Company (L) Ra11clw Bcmardo 11111/Swf '11 Sands Hotel Ri/it'rxlass, l11c. San Diego Auto Body Specialists, Inc. Scars, Roebuck & Company Security Pacific Bank

Pa tricia Lowry, Ph.D. 1\!lr. all(f Mrs. Vn11 Low,y Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lozano Mrs. Edgar L11cc, fr. Marie A. Luhr

SL·curity Pacific Foundation Sdtzcr. C,1plan, Wilkins & McMahon (L) Schoell & P,rnl, Inc. Slrnckey, Barnes & Proko Sholders & Sanford, Inc. Sta ndard O il Company of Ca lifornia Stewc1rt. Smith Wc-st, Inc. Teledyne Charitable Trust Foundation (L) Texas l11str11111cHls Times Mirror Company Tl1ul lll', Ross & Company

Mr. 1111d Nlrs. i\rtl111r Za~io Mr. 1111d Mr.,. /. Z5:lir:y11ski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Zawadzki, Jr.

Mr. ,md Mr~. fol111 A. Zt'/ire Dr. 1111d Nlrs. L11is M. Zcledo11 J. J. Zetcrbcrg Nlr. t1111I Mrs. Gerry A. Zi111111cn11t111

Tr,111sc1merican Properties, Inc. TLll:ker. Sad ler & Associa tes :!Ullt J\i:'t'1111c Assnci11fl's n( College [)()ill/.~ (L) Union Tribunl' Publishing Co. U-Rl'nt Furniture John Walsh & Associates W,111::;11 £11/t'l'Jlri::;c;:;, l11c. Wnrd t, Thont WL•lls F.irgo B,rn k Wcsti11gli1Jtt;:;t· Ed11t"alitmt1! Ft11111dafit111

The Signal Companies, Inc. Standard Meat Company TICOR Foundation Tucker, Sadler & Associates

Union O il Company of Ca lifornia Van Camp Sea Food Company (LI

J,1y-Vcc Cnnstructiun, Inc. KAF B11ildi11J G111111a11y (L) Kat/1111 Electric

WD-40 Company Wells Fargo Bank Zero Corporation

USD is growing in academic stature-a little more dramatically, perhaps, than most other institutions. Sister Furay [Sr. Sally Furay, RSCf, Vice President and Provost] and the academic deans have done a superb job of building a quality faculhj . That's important; the qualihJ of the f aculty and of the students determine the qualihJ of the UniversihJ-not the buildings and the v iew of the ocean, but the relationships, -Presiden t Hughes,from a Fall 1981 interview

Lois M. Trindle Grace 8. Truitt

Nc1 mes c1ppec1 ring in itc1 lics rtl·n esent first time donors. Those n.1 mes .1ppe.1 ring in bold face represent c1n incre.1se in the size of the 1981-82 gift. An (L) fl, lhn\·ing na mes nf dunors in the various sections indicates Lc1w Schon[ .1lumni or supporters. 2.1


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