USD Annual Report 1981/82
Patricia Howe Ellison Partner and Manager L.F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin, San Francisco Patricia Howe Ellison, origina lly a Trustee of the Board of the San Diego College for Women, a predecessor institution of the University, has served on the USO Board since 1972, currently sitting on the Finance Committee . She is also a director of Lear Siegler, Inc ., and the Downtown Association, San Francisco, and is membership chairman of the Banker's Club of San Francisco.
community, not just Catholics and not just Christians, like to be identified with USO because of its strengths and its values. As a professional in the business sector, I know that corporations are finding the best employees, the best managers, to be those who have had a well-rounded liberal arts background. You cannot reach the vice presidential level today without broad knowledge of the arts, the humanities, human psychology. The University has always had a strong liberal arts emphasis, even when it was not "fashionable" in higher education to sustain this emphasis . This approach, combined with quality, devotion to excellence, accessibility and competence of faculty, small classes with individual attention, and a philosophy oriented by concerns of the spirit, produces graduates of value in every walk of life.
I am proud to have been one of the prime movers in the decision which merged the University's predecessor institutions, creating the University as we know it today. As a resident of San Francisco, I do not know San Diego intimately, but my participation on the Board and exposure to groups such as the President's Club give me a clear picture of the kind of support the University enjoys-I have the sense that all leaders in the
Kim Fletcher Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of San Diego Ki111 Fletcher lends tire seventh largest savings and loan association in the nation. An ou tstanding civic and business lender in tire community, Ire has /Jee11 n USO Tru stee since 1978 and is vice chnir111n11 of the Board's U11iversit1; Relations Co111111ittee. ยท We have seen repeatedly that communities w hich have the influence of an academi c se ttin g in their midst have a quality of life-both culturally and economica ll y-better than
positions nationwide and even internationally. USO has been a good citizen of the San Diego community. We have benefited greatly from the involvement of the University in many of the cultural, philanthropic, and social endeavors in our city. The corporate community is indeed fortunate in ha ving the University's many talents from which to draw. Home Federal, like many firms, has certainly found USO a vast reservoir of tal ent . I feel strongly that I am associated with one of the quality ins titutions in San Diego County, and in hig her ed uca ti on na ti onally. 9
that of communities where the university environment is lacking. That is certainly the case he re in San Diego, and the University of San Diego is a key factor in that quality. It has been rewarding to see how the University has expanded its sphere of influence . Original ly serving ba sically the San Diego community, the University ha s evo lved ove r the past decade to an in s titution of regio nal and, ind eed , national impor t. This is evidenced by th e fact that we a ttract academicians and s tudents from across th e nation, and by the fact th a t our g radua tes an d faculty are sought for important
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