USD Annual Report 1980/81
University of San Diego Archives
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It is my privilege as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of San Diego to take this means of expressing, in an official public document of the institution which you head, and on behalf of the entire Board, our deep gratitude for all you have accomplished in the past decade and our profound esteem for you as an exemplar of the meaning of Christian values and service. As a man of faith, intelligence, vision and courage; as an administrator of acuity, dedication, compassion and dynamic leadership, you have made an immeasurable contribution not only to the University and to the community of San Diego which forms its matrix, but to the life of each man and woman who has been beneficiary of the USD experience, which extends to ever y community where graduates of the University live and work. In this tenth anniversary year of your arrival at the University of San Diego, with grateful thanks we salute you and your devoted wife Marjorie, who likewise has made a great contribution to the University of San Diego .
The vigorous university which occupies the 180-acre mesatop campus overlooking Mission Bay emerged from the vision of Bishop Charles F. Buddy, to whom it was imperative that higher education in San Diego include a quality private Catholic institution. Through his efforts and those of Reverend Mother Rosalie Hill, RSCJ, the University's predecessor institutions were established: the College for Women by the Religious of the Sacred Heart in 1952, and the College for Men and School of Law in 1954. Over the y ears, the three institutions worked more and more closely, sharing not only the campus but often facilities and faculty. Eventually the need for full unification was clear, and it was determined that the institutions should merge, governed by a single board of trustees, w ith one student body, one faculty, and one president . Dr. Author E. Hughes was appointed to the presidency, and under his leadership legal unification took place in 1972, actualizing the University of San Diego which had been chartered nearly a quarter of a century earlier through the foresight of Bishop Buddy. Today the University of San Diego enrolls nearly 5,000 students in four professional schools-law, nursing , business administration, and education-the School of Graduate and Continuing Education, and the undergraduate College of Arts and Sciences.
+ Leo T. Maher, D.D. Bishop of San Diego Chainnan, Board of Trustees
The 1980-1981 Annual Report of the University of San Diego is published as an information service by the Office of Public Relations, Sara 5. Finn, APR, Director. Editor, Sandra Prewitt Edelman , Publications and Information Officer. Design by O'Shaughnessy and Willett. Con tributing photographers, Doti Corser, Michael Fawlkes, Bob Glasheen, and Roy Porello. The University gratefully acknawledges the contributed services of JetCopter of Los Angeles, Mr. Peter McKiernan, Presiden t, which made possible the aerial photograph used in this publication.
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