U Magazine, Summer 1990
A L u M N
-- e No rberrin e Fathers in
O'Connell and his wi fe, Laurie (Leone '82) , celebrated the birth of their first child, Anthony Joseph, April 14. Bill is an operations superviso r with
No rwalk...Bryan Toner and his wife, Rachel, rece ntly celebrated their first wedding anniversary. They live in Simi Valley whil e Bryan wo rks on his mas ter's in in fo rmati on systems at Cal Sta te ' Unive rsity N orrh ridge. H e is employed by G rear Western Bank 1 in data process ing.. .Jeanne Herms is a graphi c arrisr/ illustrato r fo r Lakeshore C urricu– lum Materials of Long Beach, Calif. fo r Cox Cable of San Diego ... Heather Hurley is a human reso urces generali st for the San Diego company JAYCOR... Emily Schell reaches in the Sa n Diego C ity Schoo ls netwo rk.. .Jeff Nemechek is a fin ancial co nsul– tant for Shea rson Lehman Hutton in Denver, Colo.. .Steve Carter is a financial planner for C IG NA Financial Services and res ides in San Diego...Eric Johnson is th e general manager for Cal-Prig Roo fing In c. in Yan Nuys, Calif.. .Tim Penick and Anne Connie Glassford is a general ledger acco un ta nt
range, Ca li f. Fr. O ' Brien's first signment will be as a reacher at arer Dei High School in Costa Mesa...Debora Dodds (J.D.)
Michael Fowlkes '83, '88 (MBA)
General Dynam– ics and Laurie is a civilian buyer fo r the N avy Resale System...
rece ntl y join ed the O range County office of Sedgwick, Dererr, Mo ran and Arnold.
Background: Project control analyst, T RW. Member Junior Chamber of Commerce, Youth Basketball Association board member and coach. Member, USO Class Agent program. Received Outstand– ing Alumni Achievement Award , 1988. mology residency at Beth esda Eye Institute in Sr. Lo uis, Mo. H e and his wi fe, Darcy, and their two children live in Webster Groves, Mo....Mike Davis and Annette Roy will be marri ed Aug. 25 in Fo unders C hapel. Ann ette compl eted her master's in English at US O this yea r. She and Mike will reside in Palm Desert, where M ike is a tennis fac ilities coo rdinato r fo r H yatt G rand C hampi ons. Annette hopes ro find a teachin g position in their new hometown.. .Trisha (White) and Bruce Humphrey '84 were married in Jun e of 1987. On Feb. 27, 1989, they welcomed a daughter, Whitney Marie, in to their family. T risha wo rks in new home sales fo r Pardee Construcrion.. . Mary Ellen (Quill) married Anthony Krur March 3 at La Jo lla Beach
Debo ra's practice focuses on the defe nse of profess ional malprac– tice cases bro ught against lawyers, acco untants, rea l es tate agents and other pro fess ionals... Michael Bush '85 (J.D.) is a prosecuro r fo r th e D epu ty Distri ct Atro rney's Offi ce in Kern County, Cali f. H e res ides in Bakersfi eld.
Denise (Capozzi) Sebrechts and her sister, Maria (Capozzi '86) Cutri, were married in a double wedding Nov. 25 at th e Immaculara. Denise's bridal parry included Rachel Michelsen '83, Carol (Damon '84) Scherer, Cathy (Collins '83 ) Geier and Kimberly (Pavel '83) Woolley. Groomsmen included Joseph Capozzi '85 . Maria's bridal parry included Christina Cutri '86 and Kathryn Newnham '88. Marco Alessio '84 was a groomsman. Denise and her husband , the Honorable Patri ck John Sebrechts, honeymooned in Z imbabwe, Bo tswana, fo r an African safa ri , and also visited South Afri ca. T hey now reside in Carlsbad, Calif. Maria and her husband, Joseph C utri , honey– mooned in the Orient and now res ide in T ierra Santa No rte, Ca li f. D enise is director of sales , for Vacati on Inns ofAmerica, and Maria wo rks at No rdstrom in the collections department. offi cer fo r San Diego First Financial...Carla Garcia is a sales/deco rating consultant fo r Carpeteria in Encinitas, Calif... .Rebecca (Stout) Wilson is rhe manager for Syufy Enter– prises, a mo ri on picture rhearer chain . She lives in Fremont, Cali f...Holly Tibbels is a staff acco untant fo r G rice Lund & Ta rkingto n C PA's in Escondido, Cali f...Karen Grills resides in Lisbon, Conn ., and teaches sixth grade at Plainfi eld Memo ri al School.. .John Rogers recently was promo ted to vice president of 1 Joseph Lozano is a mo rtgage banker/loan
Richard Peterson '76 (M.Ed.), '82 (M.S.N)
Background: Staff member,
G reen Hospital, Scripps C linic. President of local Catholic elementary school board . C hair of fund raising for sophomore and junior class, Our Lady of Peace Academy. Former president of USO G raduate Nursing Association. llftll Fran Huffman is a senio r 111:11 tax co nsultant fo r the firm of Deli orre & Touche in San Diego...Lana Olympius is the training manage r in charge of a program whi ch trains employees in computer and software systems use.. .Jamie Knoop is ass istant vice pres ident at Johnson & Higgins, a commercial insurance bro ker. H e res ides in La Crescenra, Ca li f....Mark Miville owns Executi ve Derail , a mobile auto derailing service company in Sa n Diego. He and his wife, Lauri (Margeson '84) are expecting their first child in J ul y...Ronald Scott rece ntly was awa rded an L.LM. degree in mili ta ry law. Hi s thesis, "Pro tect– ing United States Interests in Antarctica," was published in th e San Diego Law Review.. . Bill
Anthony Mournian '64, '72Q.D.) Background: Practicing attorney, civil
litigation and trial work. Member of San Diego T rial Lawyers Association, San Diego County Bar Associa– tion , Superior Court Subcom– mittee on Efficient Litigation, School of Law Alumni Association board. Marie Kankowski '88 were married July 7. T he co uple reside in Sa n Diego .. .Vincent Coscino (J.D.) has been promo ted ro senio r associate at the law fi rm of Shenas, Shaw, and Spievak.. . Daniel Haugen has been named ge neral manage r ofNCR's new engineering and manu facrnring fac ili ty in Du lu th , Ga. H e and his wife li ve in Alpharetta, Ga.. .John Kownacki fini shed his medical internship and began his ophrh al-
and Tennis C lub. Mary Ellen is an acco unt manager with Digital Equipment Co rp. Anthony
I ,.
is chi ef
J\lmy l:l/m (Q11i!IJ A"r111 lU financial offi cer of Foto ball , Inc. T he couple res ide in Del Mar, Cali f. Steven Mehok works fo r Parke-Davis as an outside speciali st. H e lives in Studi o C ity, Ca lif.. ..Katherine Farrand Anatasia is development ass istant fo r th e C handler Schoo l in Pasadena, Cali f. ...GloriaJultt– Walker is the owner/decoraro r
1 administrati on of C iti zen's
U tiliti es Company in Stamford , Conn . H e and his family reside in
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