U Magazine, Summer 1989
Michael Mohr Memorial Golf Tournament.
Women's volleyball vs. University of Virginia. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. Free. 260-4601.
Ivanhoe Golf Course. Fee. 260-4692.
law alumni event. Reception and tour of new
law library. 3-5 p.m. Free, reservations required. 260-4692. Football vs. Whittier College. 7:30 p.m. , Torero Stadium. Fee. 260-4601.
law alumni event. Cole Porter Pops Night and
picnic dinner. Fee. 260-4692.
Soccer vs. alumni
Institute for Christian Ministries workshop.
Parents' Orientation day . 260-4808.
"Gospel of Matthew. " Rev. Jack Lindquist. Continues for eight Sunday evenings. Fee. 260-4784. Soccer vs . University of Nevada-las Vegas. 6 p .m., Torero Stadium. Free. 260-4601.
Women's volley– ball tournament vs.
Parents' Weekend for parents of so– phomore, junior and senior students. 260-4808. Football vs. University of laVerne. 7:30 p.m., Torero Stadium. Fee. 260-4601.
University of Missouri, Univer– sity of Mississippi, University of Idaho, Utah State University. Times vary. Sports Center. 260-4601.
Soccer vs. Loyola Mary mount University. 7 p.m. , Torero Stadium. Free. 260- 4601.
Institute for Christian Ministries workshop. "Church in Transition." Fr. Ron Pachence. Continues for six Thursday evenings. Fee. 260-4784.
Reunion. Class of '79 Law School. Fee.
Institute for Christian Ministries workshop.
Institute for Christian
"World of New Testament. " Dr. Florence Gillman. Continues for four Wednesday evenings. Fee. 260-4784.
Soccer vs. U.C. Berkeley. 7 p.m., Torero
Stadium. Free. 260-4601.
Football vs. Asuza Pacific University. 7:30 p .rn., Torero Stadium. Fee. 260-4601.
Women's volleyball vs. University of San Fran– cisco. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. Free. 260-4601.
Soccer vs. Cal State Los Angeles. 3:30 p.rn. , soccer
field . Free. 260-4601.
Art exhibit. Soviet Arts Festival "Art of the Chil–
Institute for Christian Ministries workshop.
Auxiliary Fashion Show. Town and Country
dren of Leningrad." Continues through October 31. 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. weekdays, Founders Gal– lery. Free. 260-4600, ext. 4261.
"Enneagram." R. O'Sullivan, RSM. Continues November 18, Decem– ber 9. Fee. 260-4784. Soccer vs. University of San Francisco. 6 p.m., Torero Stadium. Free. 260-4601.
Hotel. 260-4681.
Freshmen Parents' Weekend. 260-4808.
Soccer vs. Cal Poly Pomona College. 1 p.m.,
soccer field. Free. 260-4601.
Soccer vs. U.C. Irvine. 3 p.m., soccer field. Free .
Women's volleyball vs. Loyola Marymount University. 7:30 p.m. , Sports Center. Free. 260-4601. Women's volleyball vs. Pepperdine University. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. Free. 260-4601.
Women's volleyball vs. University of Portland. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. Free. 260-4601.
Alumni Association board of directors meeting. 6 p.m. , University Center. 260-4819.
UMagazine 23
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