U Magazine, Summer 1987
Kelly Leahy and some of her new:foundjriends.
A gift from the heart Story and photos by Pablo Mason
H ammering nails and sawing boards are not part of USD 's curriculum. However, that didn't stop 23 students from journeying south of the border in March to build a house for a fam ily living in Tijuana. And a lthough their work was completed in just two days, the experience left an indelible mark which will remain long after academic stud ies are forgotten. Preparation for the project began back in November, Fr. Michael McKay '72, director ofUSD's Campus Ministry Office, received a letter outlining a plan that would enable USD students to become involved in a program that assisted needy families in Tijuana by providing them with low-cost shelters.
Bob Morris of the St. James Mission Circle proposed that if students could raise $1 ,000 and volunteer some labor, arrangements for the purchase of materials and site preparation could be accomplished by Esperanza, an ecu– menical organ ization in Tijuana devoted to h elping the city's poor. Realizing the effort was cons istent with USD's philosophy ofconcern with social issues, Fr. McKay saw an exciti ng opportun ily to bring the prayer community of the University together in support of the project. In addition, it would be a good way to get into the sp irit of the Lenten sea– son . The project a lso neatly tied in with USD 's renewed emphas is on programs and activit ies involving com– munity service.
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