U Magazine, Spring 1989
A L u M N
was appoi nted to the professional staff o f the San Diego Children's Museum. She will be responsible fo r the public relations and mar– ke ting of the museum... Margaret Sproul will marry he r high school sweeth ea rt, Jim Stra chan , on June 3. She is presently a paralegal in Rancho Berna rdo but w ill be moving to Huntington Beach, Ca lif. , whe re Jim is a business banking offi ce r with Wells Fargo ... Peter Browne Oliver works for Coldwell Ba nke r in downtown Sa n Diego. He now is engaged to Julie McDonnell '90. They w ill be wed in June , 1990.. . Sharon Kavanagh works at Fra nklin Funds as a portfolio accou ntant. She lives in San Mateo, Ca lif.. . Gary Saunders accepted a posi– tion with Harcourt, Brace, Jova– novich law firm as the Southern Ca lifornia director of Bar Bri Bar review... Harry Hadjian works for AT&T in their Los Angeles marketing offi ce. He appeared on the "Win , Lose or Draw" game show in November and awards program. Incoming alumni President Virginia Slehly 83 revealed plans calling for expansion of tbe alumni recognition program in order to bonor more graduates wbo contrib– ute service to USD and tbeir comnnmi~y. Tbe expanded recognition program - mucb ofwhich already is in place - calls for awarding tbe Bisbop Buddy Award, a Distinguisbed Alumnus/Alumna Award, an Outstanding Alumnus/ Alumna Award and a one– year Service Award, on an annual basis. Anspacher returned in Decem– ber from fi ve months of cultural explo ration through China, Sri Lanka , India, Nepa l and Thailand. won $1,200.... Karen Guirior lives in Sa n Diego and works fo r Ames Color File as a systems representa- tive.. .E. Gillis SUMMIT PROPOSAL Expansion of the alumni '
Torero Tracks
Among those a11e11di11g a recent reception honoring outgoing alumni board 111e111bers: outgoing president Delle ( Willet 64) Stallin and ber son, Derek; Michael Liuzzi ·76 a nd Denise Ya111ada: and Al1111111i Relations Director.foh11 hi/iletri '78.
.l /e11 :, creu· coach.foe Flohr chars u•ilh a11 admirer/ollowing his rowers· Cal Cup vic/orv at the Sa n Diego Crew Classic April I.
Dr. Hughes presents Christina Ni1ikes 89 with a commemo– rative calendar/or her se1v ice as 7 988-89 president ofthe Student Alumni Association during the al11m11i board reception.
Brenda Gabby is engaged to Greg Griffith. They plan
a Ju ly 1 wedd ing.
n,e bea111i/ili weather on Classic day drew a larger than 11s11al crou•d.
UMagazine 21
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