U Magazine, Spring 1989
A L u M N
Johnston's New Direction Opens Doors for Homeless
wife, Erin, are expecting their first child in September. Jeff is assistant clean of students at one of the Va l– ley High Schools in Phoenix.
of the world , and they are getting a big kick out of it.. . Mark Oemcke and his wife , Sue, are in Zurich, Switzerland. He works fo r Price Wate rhouse and will be in Zurich until 1991.. . Debra Jane (Anderson) Cole and her hus– ba nd just celebrated the birth of their fi rst child , Jessica Lee, born March 5...Patricia (Fasbender) Mlatac obtained her MBA from the University of Hartford , Paris program, in August of 1988. She and her husband , Mirko, plan to work in Paris.
Larry Ernst recently was promoted to field contract
By John Sutherland
manager fo r a national home health ca re company.. .Bill Haley is a high school teacher in the business department of Santa Ana High School. He has coached varsity football for the past four years and each year his team has gone to the CIF playoffs. He is working towa rd a master's in computer education .. . Sharon Cook works fo r Hertz Corporation as
Five years ago, Rosemary (Masterto n '70) Johnston never imagined she one day would be offering soap and a towel to a homeless pe rson. But that's just what the forme r Alumni Association president (1978-79) finds herself doing today on 'a regular basis. And not only is the native San Diegan glad about that unexpected turn of events, she's assumed a leade rship role in addressing the homeless issue in San Diego's east county area. "It all happened quite accidentally in December of 1986," she relates, he r blue eyes ablaze with intensity. "Walt '68 (her husband) was cleaning o ut his dresser one day and he had all these little bars of soap and shampoo from his trips that he didn 't know what to do with. I said 'I bet a homeless shelter could rea lly use these. ' So I got o n the phone and located the Volunteers o f Ame rica eme rgency shelte r. " Jo hnston recalls being greeted by the shelte r's director as though the bars of soap were bars of gold. Late r she took clothes to the shelte r. "Afte r that," she remembers, "I felt like I just couldn't walk away from the problem." It wasn 't long before the mothe r of four proposed that he r parish, Our Lady of Grace in El Cajo n, begin a shelter program for the homeless. The idea was suppo rted by her pastor, so he r church provided shelte r for a group of men that May. "It really increased everyone's awareness of who the homeless are and helped diminish the stereotypes that people tend to have," she says. During the past three years, the concept of marrying churches and the homeless has blossomed . Today more than 100 churches of all denominatio ns spread
Desiree (Whar– ton) Collings
and her husband , Jim, and daughter, Katelyn, recently moved to Ed ina, Minn. They love it there 1 Jim is the new
the employee relations representative for the mid-Atlantic zone. She
SUMMIT PROPOSAL Continued growth in the quality and number
vice president of busi– ness development for IDS-American Ex press in Minnea polis. Katie will be two in March and will
ofalumni events.
have a baby brother or sister in June .. Jacqueline Hlavin re– cently was p romoted to GM-1 4 with the Defense Contract Audit Agency. Her new duties include ·erving as a liaison with Congress and the Inspector General. She also will participate in a fellow– ship program as a legislative assistant.. . Nancy Donovan is teaching philosophy at Cal State , Sacrame nto, and completing her Ph. D. at U.C. Davis. She recently returned from Harvard as a Na– tional Endowment for the Hu– manities Fe llowship recipient. ton in July. He works as a control– ler for Calmaric Realty Manage– ment in Los Angeles. They live in Whittie r, Calif...William Farr spent an adventu rous two weeks exploring Central Ame rica during the holiclays.. . Beth (Claar) Escona and her husband , Dan, live in San Francisco. They were married in June 1988. Beth is re– cruiting accounting students for Chevron Corporatio n.. . Ann Tom– mey recently was on "vacation" at UCSD medical center. Ann is fin– ishing her fourth year of medical school at Tulane, which allows students to do part of their medi– cal rotation at other medical schools.. Jeffrey Vetnar and his Tom Treinen married Angela Demman of Fuller–
Board member Lori (Muny '83) Simpson told the assembly
that instituting eventsf or alumni living outside the
Southern California region is a major goal of the association during the 90s. Other goals in the program– ming/activities arena include plans f or the biggest Home– coming celebration in USD history next November to com– memorate the university's 40th anniversary, continuation of the Alumn i Mass each Decem– ber and the a eation ofmore special events such as the Crew Classic and the School of Education 's annual dinner. is based in Alexandria, Va. , and lives in Ga ithersburg, Md. She would love to hear from fellow alumni visiting or living in the area .. . Terrence Burns was ap– pointed senior financial consult– ant with J.T. Mora n & Co., Invest– ment Bankers & Broke rs.. . Catherine Fasbender received her maste r's degree in interna– tional management in May 1988. She is a market development ana– lyst for Hilto n Hotels in Beverly Hills.. . Greg Stein recently com– pleted his MBA at the University of Arizona. He is working with the government electronics group of
througho ut San Diego County partici– pate in the Interfaith Shelter Network . And Johnsto n serves as the east county coordinator fo r the group . Currently studying for he r maste r's degree in practical theology at USD, Jo hnston expects to continue he r work with the homeless, pe rhaps
branching o ut into a ministry involving imprisoned women. "I want to be actively involved in social justice ," she
explains, "and I believe we need to show a lot of sensitivity and compas- sio n towa rd the dis– placed in society. It's what being a Christian is all about. "
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