U Magazine, Spring 1987


USD, Old Globe to co-produce new program U SD and San Diego·s Old Globe program to a select group of budding actors. The n ew Master of Fine Arts in Dramatic Arts program will enroll its first students in the fall. The two-year. 60-unit program will combine practical theatrical work a t th e Globe with academic stud ies offered by USD's English depa rtment. Enrollment will be limi ted to about a h a lf-dozen students in th e fa ll. Sub– sequently. no more tha n 15 students will be enrolled in the program at one ti me. Those enrolled will receive tuition fellowsh ips. "A lo t of people will be watching our prog– ress because it is an extremely innovat ive prog ram ... acco1·ding to Globe Executive Producer Cra ig Noel. "It is our des ire and our hope that this prog ram will produce th ea tri cal a rtists of the high es t caliber ... Simila r joint prog rams with profes– s ional theate rs exist a t only a h a ndful of universities across the country, including Harva rd , Yale, Florida State and Al abama. Sr. Sally Furay, USD provost and vice pres ident a nd also president of the Old Globe Theatre Board of Directors . credits Noel for developing the idea of a joint ven– tu re. "This program began as a seedling in Cra ig's mind 25 yea rs ago ," s he says. "It is Craig 's vis ion , hi s dream. that is becoming a reali ty ... David Hay. Old Globe assoc iate director who a lso holds a doctorate in English. will direc t the program. He says h aving th e prog ram linked to USD's Englis h depart– ment will g ive stude1its the edu cation n ecessary to perform classical theater. "Actors today don ·t h ave the intellectu a l tools to understa nd wha t is s upposed to be h a ppen in·g when yo u start s peaking S h akespeare ," adds Dr. Bart Thurber, ch a ir of the English department a nd one of the program·s a rchitects. Students in th e program will not only act in Old Globe productions and study thea– ter literature at USD , but a lso serve as con– s ultants to the Un ivers ity's underg raduate drama depa r tment. Establishment of the program at USD , which has no g raduate drama depart– ment , allows the Old Globe to tailor the program to fit the n eeds of classical. thea– ter, Knoll points out. "It g ives us th e ab ility to explore the training prog ram without precon ce ived ideas of what the train ing s hould be." • Theater recently inked a n agree- · ment to offer a new g raduate degree

Dr. Bart Thurber

Craig Noel

New taxation program set for fall start Ai new graduate degree program des ign ed to meet the growing emand for tax accountants with a strong background in the legal aspects of th e profession will be introduced by the School of Business Administration in September. The Master of Science in Taxat ion pro– gram will require students to enroll in courses in both the business school and the School of Law·s graduate tax program . Both Dr. James Burns, dean of the School of Business Administration , and law professor Lester Sn yder, director of th e law school's graduate tax program, agree the new program will meet a need of accountants. "We don 't think there is a high quality gradu ate program of this kind in existence on the West Coast," notes Dr. Burns. Adds Snyder, "There h as been a real need for this for a long time. Under the n ew program . we will share resources a nd a llow cross-fer t ili zation of students. Students will come away with a broader perspective. .. • Fr. McDonnell dies F former facu lty member Fr. Henry McDonnell died January 14 in San Diego. He was 77. Fr. McDonnell taught history at the San Diego College for Men from 1963 to 1967. The New Zealand native a lso served as assoc iate pasto r at ma ny Sa n Diego-a rea parishes and as ch a pla in in area detention fac ili ties during his career. He re tired in 1982. •

Dr. David Hay

Fr. H enry McDonnell


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