U Magazine, Spring 1987
newleyweds.. . Regina Izu has a new posi– tion as a health ca re s upervisor. S he was asked lo be an ed itor for Specia l Care, a nurs ingjou rnal. . . Elizabeth Garvy moved to Chicago with a nother alum - Muffy Patterson .. .Michael Lynch is now employed with First lnlerstate...Jeanette Burney is working on her mas ter·s at SDSU... Steven Weisz is a M.l.S. consul– ta nt with Lave n thol & Horwa th . CPA's. In September 1987 he will begin a ttending the University of Mi am i Law School. .. Denise Marie Ingwersen is curren tly working for Xerox Corpora tion . Recently tra nsfe rred to Florida. s he is wailing fo r an open ing back in th e San Diego district wh ere s h e in itial ly worked for a year. She hopes to return soon ... . Mike Whitmarsh has spent the past n ine months in West Berlin playing baske tba ll a nd touring parts of Europe. He is planning to re turn to West Berlin next season .. . Emily Louise Scanlan is cu rrently employed as a mortgage loan underwriter for Avon Dale Bank. Chicago. Ill. In November 1986 she became engaged to David Dahl '84. They wi ll be ma rried in August 1987. Dave is employed at Duff and Phelps Com– pany in Chicago as a fina ncial a nalyst. They wi ll be living in Evans ton . Ill. after their Caribbean cruise hon eymoon ... Clay Epperson is in Honduras in the Peace Co rps for the n ext year.. . Madeline Russo is working on her master·s in busi– ness a l Cla remont College. She recently became engaged to Da rren Johns .. . Avis Reinicke will fini s h gradua te school in May of 1987. She will receive a master·s in s peech communica tion from SDSU. On June6, 1987sh e willma rryherWest Point cadet a fter a four-ancl-a-ha lfyea r long cl istance rela tionship (whew!!). They will be ma rried in Founder·s Cha pel with Fr. Owe n Mu llen celeb ra ting. After honey– mooning in Hawa ii. they w ill move into th eir house in E l Paso. Texas. Avis hopes to la nd a job wo rking in a huma n re– sources or personnel department for a
had her second ch ild a nd firs t cla ugh ter - Ma llory.. . Lori (Stenquist) Robinson a nd Rich a rd . her husba nd , a nnounce the birth of their da ugh ter. Brianna J ean Rob inson. She was bo rn November 5. 1986 ... Kelly Nicolls ma rried Daniel Joseph DeLaurentis '75 on October 26. 1986. Da n is a n ens ig n in the U.S. Navy. The couple res ides in Coronado. Calif. .. Melanie (Ross) Smith celebrated her firs t wedding a nniversary with hus band . Mark Smith. on J a nuary 4 . 1987. Ma rk is attending USO Law S chool a nd working pa rt-lime a l a law firm. Mela nie continues to write for the San Diego Union. 1984 Lance Stevenson is currently a ttend ing Notre Da me where h e is work ing towards his MBA. La n ce is looking for a n interns h ip in San Diego for the s ummer of 1987 in real estate development. .. Joan (Waters) Lofgren and Paul Lofgren a re th e proud pa ren ts of Bret J a mes. born October 22. 1986. Mom says ··he is a beautiful boy - looks just like his clad.··... Grace (Bugelli) Villard a nnounces the birth ofson John Emanuel. born October 3 1. 1986 ... Navy Ensign Frank Bugelli recently was des ignated a Naval Aviator. Presen ta lion of the ··wings of Gold .. ma rked the culmination of 18 months of 0igh t tra ining..Lynn Page was married lo Brian Drazba on August 23. 1986. Lynn also received her master·s degree in 1986 in spec ial education. The couple lives in Ora nge. CaliL .. Victoria Becker and Michael Paul were ma rried in 1985. Both attend law school at George Washing ton University: Victoria is in her firs t year a nd Michael in h is last. Victori a works fu ll -lime al the un ivers ity a nd Michael works for a law firm in Washing ton . D. C., where he w ill rema in a fter gradua tio n.
Katie ORour/ce "85
David Dah l "84 and Emily Louise Scan lan "85
lion ... Chris Busch a nd Lorna Joham announce their engagement. Chris is currently working towa rd h is Ph .D. at Notre Da me while Lorna has ta ken a leave from the School of Law to earn a M.A. at USD... Katie O'Rourke is teach ing juniors socialstud ies at Un ivers ity ofSan Di ego High S chool. She is also adv ising the chee r squads. which took second in the na tion for pompom routine per– formed J an uary 198 7. She is working on h er mas ter·s at USO in history and educa tion . 1986 Page Nicol is a real esta te broker with Commercia l Inves tment Servi ces. She lives in Del Ma r. Calif. .. ShawnBacile is studying a t the University ofTexas a l Dal– las for h is MBA. He is employed by Frito– Lay... Chris Carr is a sales represen tative with Clairol in Encino. CaliL .. Steve DeGennaro ma rried Kelly Pe terson in June 1986. They live in Westlake Village. Calif. He is a staff accounta nt with Peat, Ma rwick. Mitchell in Los Angeles... Gregory Levi has recently taken a posi– tion wi th Coldwell Banker Commercial Real as systems coordinator in Sacra– mento , Calif. .. Navy Ensign Joseph Bartel has completed the Basic Surface Wa rfa re Officer·s Course. During th e course h e was ta ught how to perform as a wa tch a nd divis ion officer a boa rd Navy s h ips ...Ursala Jaehn and Sean Cunneen are ge tting ma rried on Oc tober I 7, 1987 in Founders Cha pel. .. Valerie Israel a nd James Real '87 a nnounce their engage– ment. They plan to ma rry in s pring 1988... Lorraine Lee is wo1·king a t Citiba nk as a management associate in Hong Kong. 1987 Barbara DeBellis is pa ralegal assis ta nt al Li lli ck. McHose a nd Charles. a law firm in downtown San Diego.
Susan Pardee a nd Scott Brown '81 a re Texas a nd California-based corpora- r---------------------------, I Send us.:o~n~! . . . I Ma il to: U , Pubhcat10ns Office, Umvers1ty of San Diego 1 1 Alcala P a rk , San Diego, CA 92110 I Na me ------.-------------- I I Address ___________________ I I City --------- State ___ Z ip ____ I I Class year _ __________________ I I Please includethdollowing in ·u·, I I -------------- I I -------------- I I I I ================= I L---------------------------J 20 I I
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