U Magazine, Spring 1987
Students give 'thumbs up' to Center
By Mary Kay O 'Connor W hat do students think of the Center? All interviewed agree the building has impacted their daily lives. Resident stu– dents now eat all of their on-campus meals in the Center. Many commuter students go back and forth between classes and the facility. And students now have an alternative to the library for late night cramming. The Center also is quickly becoming the place to "hangout" on campus, students say, a popular place to meet friends, study or simply relax after a test. Although student reviews of the building weren 't unanimously favorable, the positive comments far outweighed the negative in this informal survey. Here's what students said:
Kent Kilpatrick , senior, business. Santa Ana, Calif. "The center is a great asset to the students. There are many great opportunitiesfor stu– dents to use thefacilities ofUSD to their maximum potential now.. . I also like thefact that the stu– dent organizations have offices oftheir own, a place to call home."
Angie Bruzzese, senior, international relations, San Diego "The center has brought a lot of benefits to the campus. Thefact that it's open until midnight to study is great. It's also nice to have a variety of food places to choosefrom. "
Alex Stamatakis, junior. business, Winnetka, Ill. "The Center has changed the school. Everything is here now. It seems like the school could never have gotten along without it. I think it will make commuters stay on campus more. I stay all day now."
CathyCogliandro, sopho– more. communications , San Francisco. Calif. ".. .I think thefood is better and it's real re– laxing in here. You can be by yourself and do your own thing or spend time withfriends. "
Pam Haupert, senior, international relations , Laguna Beach, Calif. ".. .shows a lot ofexcellent planning. I really like thegeneral environment and the beautiful view of Mission Bay. Ifind myselfspending more time on campus because the Center is so convenient and close to the valley housing. "
Kathy Histon, sophomore, international relations, Palos Verdes, Calif. "It makes the school better as a whole. We really needed a student union. rm here a lotjust hanging out. I especially like the viewfrom the dining room." BarryWick, senior, accounting, Carlsbad, Calif. "I think it'sfantastic! I really like the location on campus and there isn 't any segregation, everyone is in the same place (at mealtimes]. " The negative responses revolved around common themes. Long lines in the eating areas, higher food prices, a lack of clocks in the building and a certain emptiness on the lower level were the most fre– quently voiced complaints. Students over 21 are disappointed because USD has not yet obtained a liquor license for the Grille. Others complained about the fee structure for using game equipment, typewriters and computers in the Center. • Mary Kay O'Connor is an intern in the Office of Communications. The senior behavioral science majorplans to pursue a career in public relations following hergraduationfrom USD in May.
Brian Berliski, senior, business, Phoenix, Ariz. ".. .It's a real improve– ment. I'm much more willing to come here because of the atmo– sphere. I study, eat and socialize here. I couldn't do all that in Serra."
Grant Williams, sophomore, international relations, Carlsbad. Calif.
"It is something USD has neededfor a while. I find myselfspending a lot oftime in the U.C., eating, playing in the game room, kicking back or Just killing time. The thing I like most about it is the music listening lounge. ·•
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