U Magazine, Fall 1988
UMagazine Editor
John Suthe rland Director of Public Relations C harles Reilly Photography Ken Jacques '78 Pablo Mason Contributing Writers Ted Cosen Shirley Hulett Rosemary (Maste rson '70) Johnston John N unes C lare White '80 Editorial Board Dr. Eren Branch USO President Dr. Author E. Hughes Vice President for University Relations John C. McNamara On the cover: USO law professor Bernard Siegan. Photo by Pablo Mason U Magazine is published four times annuallv (Fall, Winter. Spring. Summer) bY the Universitv of San Diego for it~ alumni, parc~cs and friends. Editorial offices are located in· DcSales Hall. Room 274, USO, Alcal:i Park, San Diego, CA 92 110. Telephone (619) 260-4684. Copvright 1987 by the University of San Diego. Reproduction in whole or in pare without permission is prohibited. Third class postage paid at San Diego, CA 92110. Unsolicited manuscripts should include a scamped, self– addressed envelope. Opinions expressed in U Magazine are those of the individual authors and do nor necessarih· reflect the views of the University ad~1iniscracion. All materials submiued are subject to editing. Postmaster: Send address changes co U, Universitv of San Diego, Publications Office. Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. Member. Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Ted Cosen John Nunes Maureen Phalen '76 Charles Reilly C lare White '80
Fall 1988
Vol. 4, No. 1
Reflections on a firestorm By Mary Enges-Maas Law professor Bernard Siegan expected in tense scrutiny when he was nominated for a seat on the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. But the firestorm th at developed was more than he expected.
Echoing the pioneer past USO foundress Mother Rosalie Hill was following in the steps of St. Philippine Duchesne when she helped establish the College for Women nearly a half century ago.
Keeping our Navy's ships afloat By John L. Nunes
Navy Undersecretary H . Lawrence Garrett III '72 (J. D .) steers a $ 100 billion budget and captains a crew of thousand s.
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