U Magazine, Fall 1987


UMagazine Editor J ohn Sutherland Director of Communications


Charles Reilly Photography Ken J acques '78 Pablo M ason Contributing Writers Die Doumanian Ted Cosen Shirley Hulett Rosemary (Masterson '70) J ohnston J ohn Nunes Clare White '80 Editorial Board Dr. Eren Branch Ted Cosen J oan Murry '87 (MBA) J ohn Nunes Maureen Phalen '7 6 Charles Reilly Clare White '80 USO President Dr. Author E. Hughes Vice President for University Relations J ohn C . McNamara U Magazine is published four times annually (Fall , Winter, Spring, Summer) by the U niver– sity of San Diego for its alumni, parents and fri ends. Ed itorial offices are located in D eSales H all, Room 274 , USD, Alcala Park, San Di ego, CA 92 11 0. Telephone (6 19) 260-4684. Copyright 1987 by the U niversity of San Diego. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Third class postage paid at San Diego, CA 92 11 0. Unsol icited manuscripts should include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Opinions expressed in U Magazine are those of the indi– vidual authors and do not necessar– ily reflect the views of the Univer– sity administration. All materials submitted are subject to editing. Postmaster: Send address changes to U, University of San Diego, Publications Office, Alcala Park , San Diego, CA 92 110. Member, Counci I for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). On the cover: William J ones '8 0. Photo by Pablo Mason

Fall 1987 Vol. 3, No. 1


William Jones believes By Clare White '80


William J ones '80 may be off to Harvard, but he won't soon be forgotten in his hometown. "Project I Believe" wi ll see to that.

Saying thanks in a special way By Shirley Hulett

Alumni Vince and Meg (Mary Ellen Goode '70) Reardon '70 wanted to say thanks in a special way for their USD education . They found the answer by estab– lishing a scholarship for children of other alumni.

Teaching:sometimes it affects eternity By John Sutherland Teaching is USD's first priority . But how does the teaching process work at the University? What do professors and students gain from their interaction? A professor and his student share their insights .



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Class Nates Upcoming

Alcala Park Alcala Park Sports Alumni Potpourri

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