U Magazine, Fall 1987
6 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. "Hea lth Promoti on in the Work– place," D1·. Cynthia P avett , professor of management. Continen– tal b1·eakfast 7:30 a.111., semi nar 8 a. m. , Manchester Conference Center . $15 . 260-4585. School of L aw's Michael Mohr Memorial GolfTournament. Cottonwood Golf Club. 260-4692. Men's basketball vs. Athletes in Action. 7:30 p.m. , Sports Center. 7 \,\lomen'sswimmeet vs. U.C. Irvine. Noon, Sports Center . Ten-year reuni on, law alumni class of 1977. Mex ican fiesta, 6 p.m., featuring Dr . Allan Bloom, autho1· of Tiu Closing oftlie Ame1·ica11 Mind. 8:30 a. m.-4 p.m., Man chester Conference Center. Fee. 260-4538. Women's volleyball vs. University of Colorado. 7:30 p. 111 ., Sports Center . 13 Catch th e Torero spirit during -15 H omecoming weekend . See page 16 for compl ete sc hedule. 13 \,\/omen's swim meet vs. Cal State/North ridge. 2 p. m., Sports Center . Women's vo lleyball vs. Pepperdine Univers ity. 7:30 p. m. , Sports Center 14 Women's swim meet vs. alumni . 9 a. m ., Sports Center. Football vs. Menl o Co llege. Homecoming game. 1: 30 p.m., Torero Stadium. \,\/omen's volleyball vs. L oyola Marymount. 7:30 p .m ., Sports Center. 20 Business Update Breakfast Sem ina1·. "Managing E ng in ee rs and Scien– ti sts." Dr. Gary Whitney, assoc iate professor of management. Continen– tal breakfast 7:30 a. m ., seminar 8 a. m., Manchester Conference Center . $15. 260-45 85. Women's swim meet vs . P omona Pitze r. 3 :30 p.m ., Sports Center . 30 Men's basketball vs. U. C. Santa Barbara. 7:30 p. m., Sports Center. DECEMBER 1 Women's basketball vs. San Di ego State Un iversity. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. 2 Alca la Society/More H all Society University Center. 260- 4692. Women's volleyball vs. Gonzaga University. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center . 12 E thi cs and leadership conference
chairman Mark Brandon '78 ('82 J.D .). 6 p.m., Serra H all facu lty lounge. 260-4724 . 4 M en 's basketball vs. U ni versity of M ontana. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. 7 M en's basketball vs. U ni versity of Puget Sound. 7:30 p.m. , Sports Center. 8 Alumni mass. USD fri ends, faculty, staff also invited . 7:30 p. m., F ounders Chapel. Cham– pagne recepti on follows. Presen– tati on of Bishop Buddy Award. 260-4808. Women's basketball vs. Cal State/Fullerton. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center . 19 Men's basketball vs. San Di ego State University. 7:30 p.m., San Diego Sports Arena. Women's basketball vs. Seattle Pacific Un iversity. 7:30 p . m., Sports Center. 20 Women's basketball vs. North– western University. 7:30 p. m. , Sports Center. 28 M en's basketball vs. Brown University. 7:30 p.m, Sports Cente1·. 30 \,\/omen's basketball vs. Fordham U ni versity. 5 p.m., Sports Center. JANUARY 2 M en's basketball vs. United States Internati onal University. 7:30 p.m ., Sports Center . 3 \,\/omen's basketball vs. St. Ambrose College. 7:30 p.m. , SportsCente1·. 5 \,\/omen's basketball vs. Northern Illinois University. 5 p.m. , Sports Center . Men 's basketball vs. University of Texas/Ar ling ton. 7:30 p. m. , Sports Center. 8 \,\/omen's basketball vs. Southwest L oui siana U niversity. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. 9 \,\/omen's swim meet vs. Northern Ari zona U ni versity. 10 a. m., Sports Cente1·. OTHER PROGRAMS Institute for Christi an Mini stri es workshops November and D ecember. Topics include the bishops' economi c pastoral letter and theology of Christian consci ence. Fees. Times and dates vary. 260-4784. T he area code for all USD telephone numbers (those beginning with 260) is 6 19 .
Through Nov. 17 "Centu ries of ArchitectUI·e in Spain ." Ex hibiti on of photogi-aphs depicting the hi story of Spanish architecture from 7th ce ntury Visagoth to 18th ce ntury Rococo. 12-5 p.m ., weekdays, Founders Galleq,. Free. 260-4600, ext. 42 6 1. 16 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. "The Type E" Woman: The Effect of Ge nder on \,\Tork and Family Stress." Dr. J ohanna Hunsaker assoc iate professor of orga ni zati ; nal behavior. Continental breakfast 7:30 a. m. , seminar 8 a.m ., Manchester Conference Center. $15. 260-45 85 . 17 !Vlen's and women's cross country vs. UCSD. 10 a.m., UCSD . Football vs. Pomona-Pitze r College. 7:30 p.m., Torero Stadium. Fee. 20 v\Tomen's volleyba ll vs. USIU. 7:30 p.111., SportsCente1·. 21 Soccer vs. Biola College. 3:30 p. 111 ., socce1· field . 24 Soccer vs. Loyola Marymount University. 1 p.111., soccer field. Five-year reu ni on, law alumni class of 1982. 6 p.m., University Center. 260-4692 or 238-1010. Women's volleyba ll vs. Santa Clara U ni versity . 7:30 p.111., Sports Center. Alpha D elta Pi so rority 10th anniversary alumni/student dinner-dance. 260-4819. 30 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. "The Role of L eadership in Organi zati onal Excellence." Dr. D enni s Briscoe, professo r of management and personnel. Continental breakfast 7:30 a. m ., seminar 8 a. m ., Manchester Conference Center . $ 15 . 260-4585. NOVEMBER 3 Soccer vs. United States Interna– tional University . 3 p.m., soccer field. 4 Graduate School D ay. Grad uate school representat ives from approximately 40 graduate schoo ls across the country will be on campus to speak to prospective students. IO a.m.- 1 p. m ., University Center, Forum A and B. Free. 260-4524. Alumnae of the Sacred Heart annual fall dinner . Optional mass 6 p. 111. , followed by cocktail s and dinner . La J olla.297-3 145 . 5 Women's volleyball vs. University of Portland. 7:30 p.m ., Sports Center.
fa ll _recepti on. M eet outgoing cha1 rman Steve Garvey, new
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