News Scrapbooks 1977-1979
Bishop Chavez to new permanent deacons: -;;Q 7 'Give yo r est, and t row castoffs a ay' S m Cross eporters J
Wheel Spins For Museum
ter on saffron nc roast tenderloin of beef, marinated mu hrooms, roasted peppe
orgonzola and
Pears \\1th
eight d.ff rent · d of pastry
Amaretto That sort of The Cq g at th Ir La Jo 'l
e\erybody tog ther
horn the other rught to samp e me of the party fare, check the deSlgllers' ·etches and re\1ev. a zilh n details
iving in the lay community with the charisms of holy orders, they are. left line from front, William Dalzell, K n• neth Finn, Bernard Gray and Ralph Rob ns. and, right line from front, Leo Dube John Geis, Robert oore and John Stenbeck.-SC photo The choir from Blessed Sacrament parish helped to fill the church with the music h ch echoes so majestically around ,ts marble-ii e walls and floors. so beloved of the diocese"s founding bishop, Charles F. Buddy. AND BISHOP CHAVEZ recalled that 18 years ago he pros r ted himself m that same sanctuary durmg his ownordmat1on to the priesthood at the hands of Bishop Buddy. The number of permanent deacons now ordained in the diocese has reached 34, with as many men m the formation program and others to be accepted for the fall semester The ordained men return mostly to their parishes and other apastolates, able to preach, to witness marriages, to baptize and to conduct funeral services. But most of all, to be men of service, living in the lay community with all the charisms of holy orders.
CO . ht m n stand before auxiliary Bishop Gi bert £. Cha ez at the beginning of their ord" tion to the permanent d,acon- ate I t S turd y in t lmmaculala church, on th USD campus, San Die o. Ordained to s et e ch rch by I G TO SE VE- These the dalmatlc and stole sign flcant of the deacon's role in the lltu gy rd for the 1 es, children and r ends o the men ho have spent se eral ears n the formation program or the d,acon te T e v s e ca hose special nends" ho ave helped th men through ti e arduous pro ram 'You have been tested as ell, he told them THE CHILDREN, he recalled, had "many ,mes when you may not have understood why your parents were gone a lot (on formation events) This celebration should g ve you an idea of the reason why. They were preparing for God"s service.•· And the friends and v.orkmates of the men, who had found "'how many times they had to say no when they might have been with you, because they were further• mg their relationship with God and the deacon ommunity" Fa her Dolan had a spec,a
are the Ely pie,, Danah yo~ Pete ii·
(Honorary chalf1ll
He! n
Callawa) son, the
Fayman, Betty and
ahm , Ctiff Robertson, the James Wyeth. and the • 'icola Bulgan .) tin ed n E-4, Col. 4) Olga and Joseph H1 hhom
Plans for .t~e annual Lo Patrones dinner at 1iss!on Basilica of San Diego de Alcala will be oompleted at a luncheon being given Tue-day at the ~uya~a~a Club by the dinner co-chairmen, Mr. and 1rs. Smo Anton Th 0 dinner is scheduled for July 9. Proceeds from the event will be used for construe- on of a chapel on the mission grounds. The chapel 'ill house Span· h choir stalls donated by Daniel Donohue of Los Angeles. Th chapel will be avail-
Way To Health Care directo~ " H •J, artoch but Harto h nts are required to have givei w:gdov~:e1:: !:ejssectsthwouJd be ha~pered b t 144 · . "We could · e commumcaUons tho~ 1 clinic hours something /ave developed problems were solved .. Har- e ast semester, but we con~:; arthea, toch _said. "So, we decided o er on this blg abstraction."
John Cadden to retire
a_ble for weddings, bap- tisms and other small r!7 liglous gatherings, ac- cording to Monsignor I. Brent Eagen, pastor of the mission and chancel- lor of the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese. Guests will gather in the mission patio for a pre-dinner social hour with entertainment by fanuel Verdugo and his mariachis. Bob Austin will present a musical program during dinner in La Sala.
.,J .,tr;~.:..,,._ - xi.. t" '1-1 omestic Violencf;;- 1s Seminar Topic IT' than 2 ,.,.. poll off1rns ,.. r n , rncluding Judg and att~~sag;~~o~~ . lors, to attend a day-long 'con' pect d d me 1 1 1 ,er nee on l, c ' o en('e .J..uly 11 at th., -fl!VPrs v of San Diego Lay, h 'I e ronfercnce (' 00 attorne,>- gen ral'~ :;~sored ffi llic w,tti remar b ce, will o n ral E,,;elJe J / stat Attome. GPn- Court Judg obunger and upeno,. Th or ert EhJ"Pn!reund eml'1ar wru h , group \\ork ho wi 1• Jude ran , of b P • wi.JJ <'OH a broad " J c from police tr t fi:t~;t 1 1~~: st ;~ ,10Jence and .rf 1; \\omen and women ~~~eri~agt~rlng en .
r The Fri nds of Music of the Umversit) of I Diego is sponsoring a de ert card party July 15 De Sale!i Hall on the campus to benefit the mu 1 department Proce d wtll be u ·ect for scholarship and special projecl'i. Mrs. John Fabian and Mrs. Raymond Stangl ar co•chairmen. A_s1st1ng with arrangement! are Pro- fessor Marjorie Hart of the music department and Mr . Joseph Brock, pr sident of the Friends. Ticke information is ;ivailable froIIJ. the q partment r rs. Brock. ~.f.,10 •~ 1 ~J · 0 . w. ,~, 7#.
Southern Cross Reporter A priest who tias headed t~ree of the ma 1 or educa- t1ona I inst1tut1ons in the diocese w11! retire at the end of this month Father John Cadden will step down as a pastor of st Mary, National City, forcecJ by 111 health to give up the strenuous activities 01 unrnng a parish HE HAD th~ d1stmct1on of having been principal of Aquinas High School San Bernardino. Un1vers1ty H1f:h School, Sar- Diego, ano president of the Un1- vers1ty of San Diego College for Men Born in 1913. he was educated at the University ot Scranton (Pa.) and Cath- olic Un1vers1ty. Washing- ton, DC He was ordained for the Bened1ct1ne Order and served as a chaplain m the U.S Navy from 1943- 46. Arriving 1n the San Diego diocese 1n 1951 he_wasf1rst
Father John Cadden assigned to Holy Family church. San Diego and then Sacred Heart m Redlands. In 1955 he became princi· pal of Aquinas AFTER TWO YEARS he was moved to University High School and in 1961 became president of USO men's college, which was then separate from the College for Women, run by the Religious of the Sacred Heart. He left USO m 1967 to become pastor at St. Mary.
. Ors. Bwt and Ethel Agmsky ar in cha~ge ~f ho~t couples for the party. Mr . Anthony Temch 1s takrng reservations. Others assisting include Dr. and Mrs. Robert Epsten and the : Imes. Henry G. Fenton, J. Irons Guymon, John R1ppo, James Casey, William Oates Daniel de la \'ega, Henry Kelley, Clarence Cami bell, John Waters and Davison Obenauer A special guest will be film produc~r-director Franco Zefferelli, who is noted for his film "Jesus of • •azareth." HAZEL TOW
'"" The'Co~xiliary to the N;tural Hi tory Museum, celebrated its 10th anniversary yesterd'.ly with a lunch- eon at Atlantis restaurant. \A 11-i~ 17 i Dr. Richard Phillips, head or the· USD Em-ironment..11 Studie Laboratory, was guest speaker (He was director of the museum in 1968 when Thf' Cove; was founded.) New officers installed at the luncheor. were Marilyn Regalado, president, and Joan . Arentshor~t, Odette Davis, Teddy Howatt, Nancy Cottmgh~m, Elrnor Doak, Vivian Davidson, AlicP Turner and Sallie Miller.
Two to train for ministry to deaf . To further assist the spiritual needs ot the dear 111 the diocese Bishop Lee T Jlaher 1s sending two young aou 1ts to a summer otkshop at the only four year 1bera arts college for the dear n the Un1tea State~ Anna Espana a ~uden at the l;nivers1ty of San Diego and coora1nator · " the· Catholic Dea C1rc1e and Chn~ Potter a d1oce- sar seminarian ... 111 trave to Washington DC for the summer C ergy raining Program ilt Gallauaet Col• 1ege be e~posed o man~ pastoral experiences with deat Christians. The 1v1I
Soturdoy, June 24, 978
Catholic 'Women In Ministry' Ins itute Is Held
Thursday, June 22, 1978 Weckstein ends USD sabbatical Page 2~
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"I think it began back in the churctt, and If women the 50s when we began to get were ordained, ha ViOU!d professional education in there be left f r h m to o," order to carry out the teach· Brennan said. ing and nursing tasks we had "I think th 1 <>•t,,nc,;,,11 o always fulfilled," she said. because our aeveloplng "IDER NEEDS We.stem culttrre is beCO g Then, Brennan said, she more aware of t erns of and other members of rellg- cooperation and partnering ious orders began to feel in accomplishing work," called to work outside the Casev said. "I think thal JS institutions. whatwe wU1 come to even · Although ordination of ally, greater di\erslty and women ts not the main topic partnering in min6--try '
'TIit sen DI- u Ion
Stoff Wrl
Sixty women and a mar- ried couple are at the Uni- versity or San Diego this week seeking the theological underpinnings for their min- istry in the Roman Catholic Church . "We are not a pane: of experts on ministry," said Sister Margaret Brennan, Ph. D., who convened the institute called Women In linistry. ' We are the ones who pro.ide the background for what these women are already doing in the church.'' The women, who came from all over the country, include members or relig• 10us orders and laywomen, both single and married, who are exercising some Corm of ministry m the church, whether teaching, 'counseling or Just helping people cope with life. "We not so much dis- cussing the question of or· daining women as we are the question of some kind of val- idation for what women are already doing," Sister Bren- nan said. SEEN IGNORED
Donald T. Weckstein of La Jolla, dean of the University of San Diego School of Law, has returned to the USD campus after a 10-month sabbatical leave, during which he visited and taught in several states and countries. Weckstein began his sabbatical by leading a group of labor lawyers from the United States on a three-week tour of Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Tokyo. The group met with their foreign coun· terparts and govern- ment officials involved
those countries. Weckstein a semester of Labor Law at Arizona State University, conducted a course in Labor Law and a seminar in Labor Arbitration and Negotiation at the University of Hawaii, and met with USD Alumni groups at both campuses. Weckstein is currently working on a new book for fall publication entitled "Professional Responsibility in a Nutshell." " taught
of the institute, the question "I think women should be admitted to orders," Sh ban .aid. "There is no theological argument ag inst it. The arguments are sociological and anthro- pological. The priesthood needs maleness and female- ness because God includes both .• Casey said she agreed with the statement, but would like to see a moratori· um on ordinations for a few years.. "Rather than argue abOut whether married men or women should be ordained, I think we should conSJder the question wha is ordina• Brennan said the problem is largely one of ", Jany cleric realire it 1s
Monday, June 26 (c-~- 7-g
"Framed Symbols-Ritual and Liturgy in Film," through July 6, Urnvers•ty of San Diego. Details: Mal Rafferty 291·
____.:lj..~£ ~t-~·..1.::,. 1...
by William E.
Inhibitions Whitely.
_/ 7-'-Free
to Diego meeting beginning at
"Whatever Happened
En erprise" \\ill be the 11:S0 a.m. today at the Mis- 1.op1c of a talk b) former s10n Valley Inn. Gov. Ronald Reagan at the Home Federal Savings and Four speakers are sched- Loan Association's 11th -an- uled for the Executive Com- nual Realtor-Builder Open pensation Seminar begin- H;:iuse scheduled for 1:30 ning at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow p.m. Thursday in the Town mthe Vacation Village Hotel & Countrv Convention Cen• under the sponsorship of the ter. • University of San Diego Also on the program wU: business administration be R. Gene Conat er. eco- school and Peat, Marwick, nomtcs and planning v1 :\Htchell & co. The subjects pr 7 s1den_t for Baru:_o! Ameri covered will be "The Total ca s Californ~~ di 1s1on, \\ Overview" by will talk on The ~on 5 lrn . Fred Bahr.: "Executive In- t1on and Real _F:sta.e Indu · cent1\e Awards - Methodol· try m Callforrua." ogy or Myth'' by Edmund A. Robert G. Steiner will dis• Scbweslnger Jr.; "Execu- cuss "Punitive Damages tJve Benefits - Opportuni- and Vicarious Llabilit;" at ties and Restraints" by Roy the Independent Insurance .Oil\·er and '"Ta: Implica- Agents Assoc1at10n o! San lions - •fot!vations and
"Traimng Quickies" \\ill be discussed by Karl Al· brecht at the Wednesdav noon meeting of the Ameri,.., can Society for Traimng and Development, San Diego chapter, in the Mission Val· Jey lnn.
- s1o11 Photo bv 0on aor11e1t1
participated in an institute on Women in Ministry this week.
Sisters Margaret Brennan, Juliana Casey and Mary Sheehan, from left,
Bishop Maher 1n hospital Bishop Leo T Maher has been confined to Mercy Hospital San Diego for the past ten days for tests to right an infection His cond1t1on 1s not de scribed as serious but there is discomfort He left the hospital Wednesday to return to his home --S. CJ2..Cf0 2)
are doctors of sacred theolo-- tion'" Casey said. gy. Sister Brennan, who toda:r served as president of the power. United States Leadership Conference on Women Relig- not so much logical ious, said her interest in the but a traditional po, tion ways that women could that denies ord.nation to serve the church grew out of women. -There is a fear on her own experience, rather the part of some priests. One than any kind or study. priest I talked to •said that the laymen already doing almos th g in th
worked in the church, and nan at the institute are Sis· One woman attending they get a stole and a recog- ter Mary Sheehan frorp St. noted that the church is find- nized office," she said. John's Major Seminary in ing ne N ways to recognize "There were women at that Michigan; Sister Juliana the ministry of men outside ceremony who have been in- Casey from St. Meinrad the priesthood while ignor- structing in the doctrines of School of Theology in Indi- ing the women. the church for 30 years and ana and Patricia Cooney, "I was at a reccrit ceremo- have all kinds of degrees, M.A., a doctoral student at ny whrre deacons were but all they get 1s a pat on Catholic University of Amer· being ordained. They had a the back." ica. few years of study and have Teaching with Sister Bren- Both Sheehan and Casey
Buddy Award The USD alumi award named for Bishop Charles F. Buddy this year went to someone who exempl1• fies courage in the.face of sudden disaster in the family. Trudy Fabian, who graduated from USD in 1958, was suddenly widowed a couple of years ago, with 11 children to rear. So she set to and virtually moved into her husband's career and has become a field representative for a large food marketing concern Her c1tiat1on from USO encompassed her commitment to her far,ily, her faith and her friends.
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