News Scrapbooks 1977-1979
USO speaker!t to be Zeffirelli~; degree, Presi~ Franco
Justice j1anuel USD Law Speaker l alifornia Supreme Court A soc. .1te ,Justice Wiley M. Manuel will be guest speaker at com• menccment exercises for the l mversity of San Diego School ol Law graduation on Sunday, May 21. The f;chool of Law will confer honorary dPgn·es on Manuel, Sr, Sally Furav, USD Vice and Provost , and Ronald H. Maudsley, Dislingu1slwd Professor o( Law at USD l\1anuel v. as appointed to the State Supr<·me Court by Governor Edmund G. Hrown, Jr.. in February, 1977. He "'" formerly Chief Assistant At- torney General from 1971-1976, and ',uperwr Judge in Alameda County from 1976-1977. He is a graduate of UC B,•rkle and Hastings College ol Law. US!l School of Law will graduate 274 ~tudcnts a st the ceremony.
Son D,.,,Ma,,dar, May 22, 1978 44 confetti mark graduations (2) EVININO TIUIUNf
Zeffirelli, noted film director, will be the Commencement speaker for the graduate, under- graduate com- mencement to be held at the University of San Diego's Alcala Park campus at 3 p.m. Sunday. Some 180 men and 180 women will be presented bachelor's degrees in the arts and sciences, business administration, education and nursing. Master's degrees in disciplines will be received by 121 men and women. The board of trustees awarded Zeffirelli the honorary degree of Doctor of Hwnane Letters. In announcing the
Author E. Hughes said, "Franco Zefferilli will be awarded the Doctor of Humane Letters for his talents and gifts as a director of outstanding films; gifts which he has shared with a world much in need of beauty. In particular, the board of trustees of this Catholic university singles out his inter- nationally acclaimed television drama, 'Jesus of Nazareth.• This ac• curate and sensitive portrayal of the life of Christ is highly signi- ficant and continues to bring society an under• standing of Christ."
By JOSEPH TIIE 'KEN TAtlUN lduartlOII Writer
TIie graduates were frisky. the w ther balmy and the mood dell• nltely high a9 more· than 6,000 stu- dents received degrees yesterday at San Diego Slate University One of the few sober notes was injected by State Supreme Court Justice Rose Bird, the commence- ment speaker, who recited a Ulany of problems graduates and the na- tion wW be facing in years ahead She made a plea for the graduates to become actively Involved in trying to solve such major Ills as racial Intolerance, wasting natural resources and hunting aside the elderly The chief Justice decried a youth• ort nted society which she said largPly Ignores Its senior c1tlzeru;, instead of Integrating them Into the !amUy structure and society 1tselt But the graduates seated In Aztec llowl were reluctant to grapple with rtous issues on this day of days. Th y were light-hearted and Jovial during th tw~hour ceremoniP . Colorful balloons were sprinkled among the black-gowned students. one coed held high a red umbrella to shl id h 11 from th sun. Some d15played "No on 13'' gns They threw confetti and programs Into the air when the degrees were conferred. Tb 15,000 or more spectators who IU!ed the bowl were enjoying them• Iv as well They ch red and applauded the graduates and speak- ers alike Dr Trevor Colbourn, In probably his last ofllclal function at San Diego Slate presided at the commence- ment. He will be leaving early In June to become pre !dent or Florida Techtlologlcal Institute U1 Orlando, alter acting as head ol SDSU for the 1977-78 S<·hOOI year. Ruth Elaine Burns repr nted the eight CO'valedictorlans who complel• ed th Ir studies at SDSU with a perfect 4 0 ade average The 17 professors who retired at the nd or the current school year were honored by Dr. Robert Detw Ucr, head of the university's Senate, n faculty advisory group to CcilbOurn When the graduates heard the Sil US onlc Band strike up the tradltl 'Recessional" at the end ol the cermonles. They cheered lustl· ly, w ved at their parents and trt nds In the stands, d headed gratc/ully the exits. san 01cgo tale wasn t the only local lnst1tutlon havln gradua• tlon y erday The were two morning com menccments, the Calllornla Western School of Law at the Organ Pavlllon In Balboa Park, and the University of San D1 go SChool of Law on the U D campus Al the Catl/orrua Western exercls- es, Martin R. Hollman, former Sec- retary of the Army, addressed the graduates Dean Robert K Castetter award ldm n ho of law d COHTJ#USD ,.OM PAGE J Jurts doctor degrees were given to 224 graduates of the school. Associate Justice Wiley W Manuel or the State Su• preme Court was the com• ,.._ _ mencement spe:i.Ker at USD rS' SChool cf Law ceremonies 0- Degrees were conferred on _ 274 gradu tes. _ Honoral')' doctor of Jaws degn.-es were presented to Justice lanuel Si.Ster Sally Furay, USO vice president, nnd Ronald H. laudsley,
. .
. Franco Ze firelli, a film director, will be the commencement speaker for the graduate, undergraduate 1 commencement to be held at the University of San Diego May 21 at 3 T p. m. The director will be awardM the< honorary degree ol Doctor of Letters. 1)."T~ff . . .
director Franco Zefltrelli with an honorary degree during graduation exercises yesterday. - Photo by Tony Doubek
DEGREE FOR A DIRECTOR - Bishop Leo T Maher, left, and Dr Author E. Hughes, president of the University ol San Diego, present Italian lllm
Film Maker, Jurist .S--;i..A-1& To Speak At USDi A film director and a Cali- grees will be conferred Qfl lomia jurist will be the com- Manuel, USD Vice President mencement speakers at the and Provost Sally Furay and students' graduation cere- Ronald H. Maudsley, :P monies at the University of professor of law San Diego tomorrow. Manuel was appointe to Franco Zeffirelli. who has the state Supreme Court by directed many well-known Gov Bro" n in February films, will s~ak at the cere- 1977. He was formerly chi mony starting at s p.m. at assistant attorney general the university's Alcala Park and a Superior Court judge_, campus
~1A1'\IE&) C~ trf,'t Ii Pf13 USO to honor 111mmaKer Franco Zeffirelli at commencement
u~~Du.ALaW scll801 ceremony slated Associate Justice USO School of Law; Z14 Wiley W. Manuel of the students will be California Supreme graduated. Court will address the USO School of Law graduates at com- mencement exercises, Sunday. The ceremuny will
earned her ,aw degree from USO law school, and Ronald H Maudsley, dist1ngu1shed professor of law at the school. Bishop Leo T. Maher, w,11 addre~s both ceremonies.
Noted ftlmmaker Franco Zefftrelh w,11 tum his skills to speaking when he gives the commencement ad- dress to about 481 graduat- ing students of the Urnver• s,ty of San Diego Sunday, May 21 Zeffirelli, who made the highly a claimed TV film Jesus of Nazareth," will receive t e honorary de- gree of Doctor of Humane Letters at the 3 p m. cere- mony on the West Lawn of the Alcala Park campus. In wh t uld be billed an equa o~ ortun,ty cere mory J8() men and 180 worn n w11 r eve •he 360 und grad te degrees the un,vers ty will confer ,n the arts and sciences, business
and nursing. Masters degrees in these areas will be received by 121 students. Earlier ,n the day at the same site, 274 w,11 be graduated by the USO School of Law At the 10:30 a.m. com- mencement, graduates w,11 hear from Associate Justice Wiley W Manuel of the Caltfornia Supreme Court who will alsc; receive an Hororary Doctor of Laws degree The ldW school w ISO confer t• 1 hvr r on S1 er Sally Ft ray USO vice presi- dent, provost and law school instructor, who
During the ceremony, 180 men and an equal number of women will be presented with bachelor degrees in the arts's sciences, business admrnistrat10n, educaticn and nursing. Graduate de- ees will also be <;onferred 121 men and women. Zef11relli will be awarded L e honorary degree of Doe- r of Humane Letters for bis talents and gifts as a director ol outstanding films," said USD President AUthor E. Hughes At 10:SO am the same day, Associate Justice Wiley W. Manuel or the Qallfomia Supreme Court will address 274 USO Scbool of Law· uates. The ceremony will take place on the West Lawn 1 of the school. During the c-eremony, hon- orary Doctor of Laws de-
take place at 10:30 a.m. on the West Lawn of the campus. The School of Law will confer Honon:ry Doctor of Laws degrees on Manuel; Sr. Sally Furay, USO vice-president and provost; and Ronald H. Maudsley, distinguished professor of law at the
Ma~ o/Y Thursday, May 25, 1978 Page 25
Roon honored by university La J ollan Leo Roon was awarded the hono· rary Doctor of Hwnane Letters by the Univer- sity of San Diego Sun- day arts, medical research and education. Born in New York Roon was president and founder of Roxalin Flexible Fimshes, Inc., and later Nuedex Products Co., Inc., both in New Jersey.
t, I
City, Roon was educated m his home city where he received a degree in pharmacy from Columbia University College; later he studied engineering at Columbia. Following teaching assignments at Columbia and :s;ew York University, he earned a Master of · Science degree from :-0-YU
In Roon's absence, the degree was accepted by his son, Donald Roon, at the 3 p.m. graduation ceremony Sunday on the Alcala Park campus. Roon, chemical engineer, industrialist and philanthropist, has been recognized by the board of trustees for his total contributions to the
Roon has served as director and trustee of many institutions throughout his lifetime. He is listed in "Who's Who in America" and ''Who's Who in the V,-'est." Roon is a member of the President's Club at USO.
Ustlngu!Shed profe r of law m USD's School ol Law Yesterday afte oon, film director Franco zetflrelll gave the comm ncement address at U D s gradua lion, which wa held on the Alcala Park pus Zeff rclll, who directed 611Ch aJor films 'The Taming of the hr w," "Romeo and Juli t and 'Brother Sun I ter loon.' wa given a doc or f humane letters degree by Bachelor degrees were conferred on 360 USO grad• uates and Iii master's de• grecs were a anlt'd. -- e USO president f ' w ng his talk.
664 Law Students To Graduate Here ' Over the Weekend A total of 664 aspiring members of the legal profession will be graduated this weekend from San Diego law schools, followed by a few more in rune. 01 those 273 will be receiving degrees from the University of San Diego. Its commencement is on the school's west lawn 10 a.m. Sunday. Guest speaker will be Associate ;J .istice of the C11liforriia Supreme Court Wiley Manue_t. Reeently retired FBI Director Clarence Kelley will be the keynote speaker at the Western State University College of Law graduation, Saturday, in the C1v1c Theater. The ceremony is sch<>duled for 2 p.m. Western State graduates 168 students this year. California Western School of Lav. will be graduating 223 law students Sunday, at the Organ Pavillion at Balboa Park. Guest speaker will be '.\,lartin R. Hollman, former Secretary of the Army and general counsel of th,· Atomic Energy Comm ssioe Ceremonies begin al 10 a.m. Cabrillo Pacific College ol Law graduation is scheduled for June 4 at 1 p.m. in the SDG&E auditor um Twenty-three are to graduatP he , . with a gue!i,L speaker to hi' d later. ~.
Leo Roon •
SOUTHERN CROSS, May 25, 1978-3
• Dr Author E H
USO awards 755 degrees in the sun
modern way of life." he urged The graduates were also urged to reflect on history as a guide to the future by Bishop Leo T. Maher add· ress,ng them as chairman of the USO Board of Trust- ees. THE BISHOP spec1ftcally mentioned the history of Rome "whose decline and fall were brought about by factors and events pa,nfully parallel,ng some" occur• ring now ''in materialistic America." such as higher taxes and ,nflat,on Associate Justice Manuel told law graduates that the,r numbers could help seive the neglected needs of the middle and lower income groups to whom legal ser- vices for the most part are inaccesible. There are many rights battles, in addition to racial injustice, that lie ahead, Manuel said, citing the handicapped, the aged and the "Dade County syn- drome. These are tough emo\ional issues that with your background you can deal with." BISHOP MAHER told law graduates that ,n spite of recent crit1c1sm of lawyers, a dedicated lawyer cannot help but feel a sense of fulfillment for having toiled to seive those in need. •1 trust you w,11 always be m,ndlul that trad,tionally the legal profession, by maintaining high standards of personal integrity and morality, has generally been a sh1n1ng example to our citizenry," he said.
Southern Cross Reporter In two ceremon,es last Sunday under a high blue sky and the California sun, the University of San Diego graduated 755 and honor- ed several persons of local. state and mternat1onal fame The west lawn of the picturesque campus was the setting as 274 received law degrees in the morning before several hundred guests, and 360 and 121 received bachelors and masters degrees respect- ve ly ,n the afternoon, witnessed by more than 3,000 friends and relatives. ITALIAN film d,rector Franco Zeffirellr, who is designing a church ded1· cated to St Franc,s 1n Indian Wells 1n the diocese, received the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree and delivered the commencement address in the afternoon, Also honored was La Jollan Leo Roon, a chemical engineer, industrialist and philanthropist. The law school conferred an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree on its commence- ment speaker Associate Justice Wiley W. Manuel of the California Supreme Court and to two of ,ts own. SISTER Sally Furay, USO v,ce president and provost and an instructor in the law school of which she also is a graduate, was honored on her 25th year of service to the university. Robert Maudsley, d1s- t,nguished professor of the USO School of Law was also honored. In his address film maker Zeffirelli, of "Jesus of Nazareth" and "Romeo and Juliet" acclaim, told bache- lor and master degree rec1p1ents that this society ,s destroying its natural and sp,r1tual habitats. "WE ARE ,n danger of being cast adrift ,n a world that is confused and ful! of adversity, that lacks 1den- t1ty and the enviornment to insptre.
An Honorary Degree Ronald H. Maudsley, Distinguished Professor of Law from the University of London, received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree Sunday at University of San Diego School of Law commencement exerclse5. He is now teaching at the local sc,hool. He has served as justice of the peace at Oxford, barrister at Llncoln's Inn, and has been an un- derwriting member of Lloyds of London. His best known book is "Modern Equity."
3,000 persons gathered on the west lawn of the campus to watch 481 receive diplomas. The law school graduated 274 at morning ceremonies at the same site.-SC photo
USO DRAWS WELL-The University of San Diego has had championship basketball and baseball teams this year but commencement exercises last Sunday afternoon perhaps was the biggest draw of all. About
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