News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

Where There's (B~bj RdPe, There's Always Laughter

II - d'f - 77

school, and if she likes it, time to get off." she's going to let the other Segues so fast you hardly kids back in." In the midst see them fly by - he's glad of another batch of Carter to be In San Diego, and while jokes, a quick look at the he's here he's seeing a doc- ceiling and, "When did they tor in the morning, because take the last dirigible out of the doctors are on strike In here?" Los Angeles, so you can't get Then a few jokes about sick In L.A. or get a starting former President Gerald time on the golf course and Ford, and a mention that the strike is so bad Phyllis he's such a regular guy he'd Diller hasn't had a face lift take the Shah or Iran to mthree weeks. Mc Dona Id's, and at All old-fashioned jokes by McDonald's "the food is so a funny old-fashioned come- fast the jockey hardly had dian .

(Continued lrom Page D-1) But others, myself Includ- ed, were more skeptical. He seemed a relic of a bygone era, or mother-in-law jokes and "My hotel room is so small, the mice are hunch- backed." His close ties to the mili- tary and hi unabashed pa- triotl m made him seem an ana ronlsm when the treet-w1Se, hip humor of George Carlm and the raun- chines or Rtcha d ryor were much more clo tuned to the times. But in the end, a comedian must pass only one test : Does he make people laugh? Bob Hope passed that test. Easily He accepted that first standing ovation, glanced around at the off-white, Spanish-roccoco mission styling or Camino Theater, and observed, "Isn't it mce to be In this garage?" Gaz- ing into the darkened boxes at the side of thr. house, with I their curlicue plaster orna- ments · "What time does Bela Lugosi come out or there?" His manner, as always, was smooth, polished, brash and irreverent. His jokes dug, but gently and not too deeply. Many were aimed at himself, some were so local and topical (including one about snow warnings on Mt. 1 Palomar) , that few in the audience caught them. But 1f you didn't like one joke, h had a lot more. He spat them out like bullets from a Gatling gun, and op- erated on the same theory: a J 1ot or them might miss, but \some wer bound to hit. Joke after joke after joke, each starting up Just the laugh- Jokes about President Carter : "He likes the White House, it has indoor plumb- ing." Which naturally led to jokes about the Panama Canal : "Toe treaty says we don't give 'em the canal until the year 2,000. I guess they're gomg to mail it. How about that mail? I'm still getting Life magazme."

La Jol la girls recently In iti ated into Alpha Om icr on Pi at UCSD are, from left, Rose Marie Bloom, Roxanne Wh lttam, Carolyn Dean and Laura Bloom. Here they are seen at the 'Rose Luncheon' at Sea Lodge Hotel. Return ofthe sorority The first sorority at the ni i y recently University of San Diego, and another at UCSD recently weekend activities. An informal buffet with a western Cortez Hotel. On Sunday a presentation tea was hosted by the national organization · of ADPi.

POINT lOMA, USD, USIU GO TONIGHT Three small college bas- ketball teams in the area launch their seasons tonight. . The University or San Diego, Point Loma College and United States Intern~- tional University all begin the season tonight. Another small team, from UCSD, starts the season tomorrow night. I USD opens the season ~t southern California _rn Costa Mesa at 8; Pomt Loma plays orthwest Na- zarene College In Nampa, Idaho at 8:30, USIU is host for a four-team tournament at Mira Mesa High at 6. UCSD plays LIFE College tomorrow at 8 in Los Ange- les.

r:Jp1d-t1rt' jokes kept the crowd /au hing

llob Hope

/~ c night at the Umversit) of Tht::ic r H1 pcrforman e wa

n Diego's (.ammo lx:nd,c for the Bob

theme was held for chapter actives a nd pledges , national officers, and alumnae at the La J olla home of Mrs . Kermit A. Harcos Jr ., installa- tion chairman. A dinner, an exchange of gifts and ski ts were under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Pitrofsky, pledge adviser , also of La Jolla. Initiation was held on campus the following morning, and Saturday evening a formal banquet was held at the El



lc-Jder hip Fund ro

Among those initiated were Libby Zirpolo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Balsam of La Jolla ; and Kathy O'Dair of La Jolla, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George O'Dair of Denver. La .-Jolla alumnae par- ticipating in the activities in- cluded Mrs . L.E . Patrick Dolan, Miss Lee Harker, Mrs . Frank Menehan, Miss Jodi Menehan, Mrs, Jay K . Miller, Mrs . Robert Plott, Mrs. Richard Schneider, Mrs. Charles Weber and Miss Deanna Worlein . Formal installation and initiation of the Lambda Iota Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi were held at the Sea Lodge. Mrs. August Ackel, inter- national president from Encino, returned to La Jolla where she conducted ttie colony pledging last May, to deliver to the group its charter and to initiate charter members. Alpha Omicron Pi is in- ternational, was founded Jan. 2, 1897 at Barnard College, Columbia University. National headquarters are now in Nash- ville, Tenn., and the so1'ority' s philanthropic work is arthritis research . La Jolla girls initiated were Diane Bernstein, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Bern- stein ; Laura Bloom and Rose Marie Bloom, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Bloom, for- merly of La Jolla, now of Bethesda , Md . ; and Susan Davies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Mervyn Davies . Also, Carolyn Dean, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Richard A. Dean ; Lorene Lolly , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lolly; and Roxanne Whittam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . R.M. Whittam. Jennifer Johnston of La Jolla is an initiate of A O Pi at Northern Arizona University at Flagstaff , Ariz. Ceremonies included a Rose Luncheon, a parents' reception, and an Inspirational Rose Night at the La Jolla home of Mrs. Gerald P . Herman, member of the installation committee. Among invited guests at the reception honoring initiates were Chancellor and Mrs. William McElroy ; Dr. Linda Thompson, UCSD a r thritis researcher; H.M. Poole Jr., chairman of the National Arthritis Foundation board, and Mrs. Poole ; and Dr. Richard Convery and Dr. Robert Reid, arthritis specialists.


initiated its charter members. Three days of ceremonies comprised mstallation weekend for Alpha Delta Pi, Zeta Pi chapter, at USD Zeta Pi is the 129th active chapter of the sorority, founded at Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Ga., in 1851. Alumnae, some 500 strong in San Diego County, hosted the


here There's

There's Laughter By IWBERT P. LAURE. (1,. l nttrta nm.nt WNttr, Ttle son D "° UI\IOft

ter from the last began to fade, the timmg 1mmacu- th.,QJ;rJ~jY~~~j~~~•~~~ :,,:.._~,..;. late, the pacing U1Jtouchable.

to Carter: to public

Then back "Amy 's going

Mrs. Richard Balsam, left, watches as her daughter , Li bby Zirpolo, center, is being given 'Best Pledge' award by Mrs. Joseph Pitrofsky, pledge adviser for Alpha Delta Pi, fi rst sorority at the University of San Diego. The ceremon ies were held at EI Cortez Hotel.

Bob Hope Due at USC "'= - Bob Hope, a native of England who has become an institution in American comedy, will bring his iokes and wisecracks to the University of San Diego's Camino The- ater at 8 p.m. tomor• row. Proceeds from the show will help es- ta blish the Bob Hope Leadership Fund, a schola rship designed to recognize academ- ic a nd community ach ievement by USO undergraduates.

(f ontloued on D-2. Col. 3) ,.,. / I

'7; Torero opponents in for tough time cmo to Umversity or n Diego bask tball oppo- nts thi ason Look out! The Toreros Ill be tough USD open d its pre-sea- son Josmg to Athletes-In• Action 97- 6, one of the toughest mdr.pendent ama- teur teams in the U. S

USD clobber d a touring u trallan basketball team ast night 103-71 at th USD \lore important than the on sld d score was the con I tency with which lJSD' starting umt per- formed and with the add1 t!onal sconng punch provld- (.>(J b) the reserves. USD c nt r Bu1.z Hartnett I d all or rs with 29 point , hilting 10 or 12 from tht• field and nln of 10 from th fre throw Un He al o pulJPd down 11 rebounds. Th 'roreros also got 18 pomts from Ron Cole, last year's leading corer. Re erv s Mike l.arch-.Mil- ler Sl"Or d 16 and Bob Bar- tholomew 13

The Toreros open their regular season Nov. 25 at Southe rn California Col- lege Linescore. AuJtralla (Tl) Toole 121 MOtr'lt W1 ~) McGreoor C6> Ank0t1Y [231 Rllov 1161 Austral

Reading the program of the formal initiation of the Lambda Iota Chapter f Alpha Omicron Pi are, seated, Mrs . John H. Gilliland, toastmistress, lef t, and Ann Ba l lweg, rltual cochai rman and pledge adv iser for the chapter . Standing from left, Tracey Grosser, ritua l cochairman; Pam Drury, chairman of the day; and Li nda Hess, member of the in- stallation committee.

THE 'AMES: Comic Danny Kaye, due in at the We~tgate with his wife Sylvia, will be lodged down the hall from _Piani~ Van Cliburn, due in with his mother. Cliburn opens the regu- lar Symphony season Thursday night. Kaye will warm up the orchestra on Wednesday night in his benefit for the Musicians' Pension Fund. .. . Milton Fried· man, the 1976 Nobel winner in econom1rs, comes here to ad- dress a Chamber of Commerc dinner at Vacation Village on Nov 7. USO is cosponsoring.... Dr. Paul Pickering, the plastic surgeon, was kidding an old friend when he came in for a postoperative check: "You don't look any worse than you u~d to!" . , . Vice Adm. Paul David Stroop, the former command~r of the Pacific Naval Arr Force, 1s back at Annapolis today for his installation as president of the Naval Academy Alumni Assn. His wife Esther stayed home in San Diego, but there's another Stroop looking on: Midshipman Paul David III, the admiral's grandson.




LXo~3 ~.f:;'.41,") USOWELCOMEFOR BOB HOPE- Terri Ketchum. last year' s director of the University of San Diego speakers series and a former Miss San Diego, is hugged by Bob Hope after she greeted the comedian upon his arrival on the USO campus minutes before his benefit performance to a packed Camino Theatre. More than $12,000 was earned for the Bob Hope Leadership Scholarship fund.-SC photo .

At a presentation tea at USD hosted by the national organization of Alpha Delta Pi, Kathy O' Dair, left, initiate, and Mrs. Kermit A. Harcos J r., installation chairman, admire one of the sil ver trays.


Lorene Lolly, left, and Diane Bernstein are two La Jollans recently initiated into Alpha Omicron Pi at UCSD.

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