News Scrapbook 1989

Jlli,. ·• ,,...,,,. The USD lo•lflute for Chriatian Minlafrl • a will hold a class In "Shifts In Spirituality" from 10 a.m. to 3 p,m. Oct. 21 With Franciscan priest Fran- cis 8. Rothleubber, co-director of Coiomblere Center In ldyllwlld. The program will Include guided Imagery and meditation. Deadline for registra- tion Is Oct. 16. Call 260-4784 for in- formation. ?-1 sr- / P, C 8 f


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Jl//a, I P. C. 8 I 888 /votrin'1.e{;fare needed for a study being conducted on .aelp- ing spouses and caregivers cope with behavior of Alzheimer's dis- ease victims. Volunteers should have one family member diagno ed with Alzheimer's disease who is be• tween 50 and 80 year old and has noticeable but not severe memory loss and problem solving difficul- ties. Both caregiver and patient needed. Call Dr. Mary Quayhagen or Dr. Patrician Rothe at the Unive'tty o(fum.Oiega AW,'!imer ProJec of- fice - 491-4515 Qr 260-4578.,

• • • - The USD uxiliary today hosts C'est Chic, 1t 32 annual fundrais- ing luncheon and fashion show in the Town & Country's tlas Ballroom The luncheon's Jf.;-t of chevaliers 1s like a who's who of San Diegans: Ned Baumer, Bruce Moore, Mike Dolan, Mike Yeatts, George Lattimer, Sandy Str~ng, Paul Grasso, Bill Feeley, Vmce Bartolotta and Walt :!, to name a few ~? • • •


San Diego, CA. (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) OCT 7 - 1989


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P. C, 8

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/patience paying off for USD's program, Fogarty By Tom Krasovic ""'I !? )S- not just because Cahill is a priest. s1arr Writer I

Had one said yes, Fogarty would have taken an approach dramatical- ly different from his plan for USD, he said. Not that Fogarty would have cheated, but he would not have counted on having four or five yeal'6 to win. "That's why there's so much cheat- ing in Division I," said Fogarty, whose former assistant, Dan Henson. the offensive coordinator at San Jose State, is one of several friends who coach In Division I. "Coaches find they need players right away. They get desperate." In his first year at USD, Fogarty inherited a senior-laden team that went 5-5. He could have ensured vic- tories by continuing the program's practice of relying on community college transfers. But he stuck to his plan of recruiting high school play-

OCT 6 - 1989

ers. The result? USO went 1-8-1, beating only a club team, UC Santa Barbara. "We knew we'd take our lumps, but no coach expects to win only one game," Fogarty said. The plan took root, though. USD went 5-5 in 1985 and 4-5 in '86. In 1987, what Fogarty calls the turn-the-cor- ner season, the Toreros went 6-3-1. Last year's team went 5-4. Fittingly, two young players have had big parts in Fogarty's best start. Fallbrook High graduate Greg Fri- nell, a freshman, is averaging 33 yards per kickoff return, and sopho- more kicker Dave Bergmann is 9-of- 11 on field-goal attempts. Pomona-Pitzer is 1-1. Next week, USO will play Occidental (3-1).

Preparing for the long haul has worked: If USD beats visiting Pomo- na-Pitzer College today (1:30), Fogar- ty will even his coachmg record at 31-31-2, and will ensure his third straight winning eason. Already, the Toreros (4•0) have achieved their best start since 1981 and have earned a No. 4 ranking in the 55-team Divi- sion III Western Region. Fogarty's saga would seem to bol- ster the argument that the system, not the coaches, is to blame for most improprieties in Division I. When he left La Catlada St. Francis High, where he compiled a 28-18-2 record, Fogarty pined for the big time. But none of the Division I schools gave him ore than a rejection letter. "I wallpaper a room with them,"

President-Elect's Clients All Have Own Convictions

If Brian Fogarty had been coach- ing at one of America's football fac- tories, the boosters would have burned him in effigy, the athletic di- rector would have announced that "it was time for a change" and Fogar- ty's hat would have been handed to him Sure, every coach needs time. But foi:.r ye rs without a winning record? Try another profession. coach. Seven } ears ago, Fogarty became the head football coach at USD, a Division Ill program Whenhe decid- ed to change the program's empha- sis, Fogarty knew the Toreros would lose often in coming years, but he knew also that athletic director Pa- trick Cahill's assurances that his job would be safe could be tru te .

Jllk,. ·• P, C. 8

/:st. 1888

./ The Alice Marquis Collection t French prints, "People and Event of the French Revolution," is o exhibit now through Oct. 25,inJ.h Copley Library at USD. d

Carlsbad, CA (San Diego Co ) Ca_rlsbad Journal (C,r. 2 ,c W. 16,049) OCT 6 - 1989

he said.


M overs & Shakers by Jessica Guynn


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rehg1ou 1 ·ues and socrn I policy in the United States will be the topic of a panel discus ·ion at 7:30 p.m Oct. 16 al the Manchester Executive Conference Center at the Univcr- .,J:f~!~~?i~o~ - The program', "The Changing • hapc of Religion in Society," is spon ored by five prominent national and local organizations: the Arnencan Jewi:h Committee, the U8D ontinuing education program, the N ahonal Confer- ence of Christians and Jews, the an Diego County Ecumenical r.onforence, and People for the American Way Hodding Carter III , former n ·i !ant ;;ecretan of state for publtc affair~ in the arter admin- 1. trntion, will be moderator in the d1scu :-ion, which will bring together prominent figures from the fields ofpolitics, public affairs, relig10n and media. The panelists include John H. institution in social it of San Diego.

A!~.. ~~~ial policy is seminar to~i~


board for People for the American Committee office, 546-8777; or Wav and former Alabama Fniversit.:, ofSan Dicgocontinu- congressman, Cal Thoma , mg l'ducat10n oflice, 260-4585

of Villano,a School of Law.

• • •

nationall.:, syndicated nev.spapPr columnist; Judith Bank1, associ- ate national director of interreli- gious affa rs of the American Jewish Committc·e, the Rev. Robert C Ard of Christ Church of San Diego nd chairman of San Diego Countv Human Hcl11t10n Commissior; the Rev. DenmR L. Mikulanis. ecumenical oflicer of the DioceRP ofSan Diego and pres- ident of the San Diego County Ecumenical Confcrencl Robert L. Simmons, law profe, or at US[) School of Law; and l\run1c1paf Court Judge Larry Stirling. Similar programs hav been done succe ·sfully in Wa. hington D.C. and Dallas. The prog-ram will be p n lo the public at a co ·t of '15 for general admission. Space is limited to 250 people. Advance tickl·t purcha e is required. For more mformat1on.

Los Angeles.CA (Los Angeles Co .) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) OCT 8 - 1989




..Alla.', ,. C. B

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t s~ separated the one-two finish by UC San Diego's Mike Fox and Roger Webb at the Biola Invitational in La Mirada. Fox covered the 8,000 meter men's course in 26,26 for the top individu- al time-Webb ran a 26,27- to help the Triton team take first in Divi- sion I. CS Fullerton and Pepperdine were second and third. USD won the Division II team title. ._ UCSD's women took the Division I title, ahead of CS Northridge and SDSU. USD was fifth in Division II. Michelle Conlay of UCSD was sec- ond in the 5,000 meter race (18:27), behind winner Genevieve Graff of Chnst College Irvine ( 18:26).

..,........................., uvw, ........ '"" ...,....... , .... , The American Way and IJfOrmer U.S. representative for the Sixth District in Alabama, and Cal Thomr , nationally syndicated columnist. i ,t~!ih Bankl, associate national director Qf lnterreliglous Affairs of the American Jewish Committee; the Rev. Robert C. Ard, pastor of Christ Church of San Diego and chairman of the San Diego County Human Relations Com- mission: the Rev, Dennis Mlkulanls, ecumenical officer of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego and president of San Diego County Ecumenical Conference; Robert L. Simmons, pro- fessor of law at 1JSQ School of Law; and California State Sen. Larry Stlrl- int, The program Is co-sponsored by the American Jewish Committee, the University of San Diego Continuing Education Program. the National Conference of Christians and Jews, People for The American Way and the San Diego County Ecumenical Conference. Tickets are $15 per per- son. Call 546-8777 for lnformatlo~ Other/speakers will

cnni Patrons to hold auction for Junior Tennis ~0< The Tennis Patron of San Oi go will hold their first annual uction, "An Evening t Wimble- don, Auction ' 9~ S lurday, Oc- to r 14, at the Univer ity of an Oiego, _Jlniversity en er. II pt'iicc@s will bcn fit the new Ju- nior Tenni Development pro- gram. Fcst1vitic begin at 6:00 p.m. with an open bar, hor d'oevre and Silent Auction, followed by dinner al 7:30 p.m. 'utionally renoened auc- tioneers from Texas, Oklahoma, and Cahfornta, will call the Live Auction, which will include two tnp to th U.S. Open; dinner for three couple~ with Tommy La- orda; an all-expen. e paid trip for four to the Nick Bollettieri Ten- ni Acad my; a doubles clinic with Jim Pugh and Rick Leach; and many more surpri s. Co-Chairperson Audrey Phil- lips talked about what the bene- fits of the auction really mean. "I I exatcd that ny child who want to play tenni , can," she said. "I am thrilled by that. As a p ychologist, I call it primary prevention, helping the kids feel good about them elves. And that' what all ofthi mean ."

La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W. 9,336) OCT 5 - 1989

..Alla.'• ,. C, B



/4inny Lee ~ 1

Ginny Lee has qualified for the Top Producer ' Circle fot midyear J 989 at Glencourt Pro- pcrtic5, placing her in the top IC percent of 700 sales associates in the network. Lee is a graduate oJ llSD aod specializes in residentia. and income property in a Jolla and th beach communiti •


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giou.s affairs of the American Jewish Committ • th R Robert C. Ard ofCh~:•t Ch:rc::r San Diego and chairman f S Diego Count, Hu:n o . a~ omm1ss1on; the Rev Denni L t u ams, ecumenical officer of C . . an Relations M'k I the D' · · s · rs D' iego and pres- t e, an Diego County :cumemcal Conference; Robe,.t L immons, law profossor at USD School of Law: and Municipal Court Judge Larn· st· r imi ar progi ams have been Ddocne .' udccDe~slfilully m Washington s· 1 . - ir mg. _e program w'.fl be open to the public at a co t of $15 for general admission. Spate,~ lm1ited to 250 rse;:qJ~irAedd\F'ance hc~e~ purchase . or mo, e m,ormati m, JOcese O 'an f h S ·d 1 en t • °. . an a as Th ·.


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San Diego, Calif. Sou them Cross (Cir. W, 27,500}




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OCT 5 - 1989

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Bualne.. Update Bre kfaat Seminar continues Oct 13 with "Total Oua11 y nagement: TOM S M nufacturlng, Service and UPPOrt Orga11lzat1ons,. co nd ucted by James Caltrider associate professor Of • management. Continental breakfast 88/'\led at 7:30 a.m In ~;c,~e::r CColnl f260erence Cen.ter. · a ·4644.

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