News Scrapbook 1989
JEANETTE LEACH 11 years experience
STUART CLARK Franchise. financing expertise
DONNA BURTCH Charge of loan policy
ges staff Leach has been promoted to manager of the Rancho Santa Fe branch, where she will be respon- sible for the daily operat'.on as Leach Joined the bank m_ 1988 as a private banking officer m the Rancho Sante Fe branch. She ~as more than 11 years of ba~kmg' experience, including workmg_ is a corporate banking officer with Norwest Corp. Torrey Pines Bank. headquar- tered in Solana Beach, is the coun- ty's fourth largest independent bank with assets in excess of$390 million. well as new business development. .
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Downtown Metro Leagt:e. S~e and her husband and twin chil- dren Jive in La Jolla. Stuart Cl:i.rk is the bank's new corporat loan officer. He will be repon!'Jb1e for busm~ss develop- ment and admmistrat1on of corpo- rate toan accounts. '~lark was with BE,1k of Amei:!· <::i·,, Commercial Bankmg _C>.!nter JrlL<)flg Beach . His sp ciahty was fin::mcing franchise busmesses c;:ark ,,arned his bachelor's d.!r,ree in business from ~he Un!.._vers1t\· of Qipgo. He is a memher of the USO Alumni Association. Also at the bank..Jeanette
Two new members have joined the staff at Torrey Pines Bank. Donna Burtch is the new administrative officer in the bank's Loan Administratio~ Department. She will be respon_si- ble for management of loan policy and loan training. Burtclt joins the bank from the Arthur Andersen and Co .. where she was a market research analyst. , Burtch earned her 1'.°1ascer s degree m business admimstrat10n from Adelphi Umvfrs1ty and her bachelors degree from Kansas State University. he is a memb~~ of the Amencan Cancer Society s
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An ther gr d Luca ' father treated tm Lan~ry, sa1 rlv In versa any h1s son very poo rinth to ard Dave affection, any a d of h own ' HlSfath rwa na or d Lucas' neighborhood d threat of violence. n 'I thmk virtually everyone v;ho grew up m that ne1ghborhood71S m jail," he aid. Lantry near Co with drug v;: 1ountam as {11 ed
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E r announced that it has appointed Dianne Hammon as traffic coordi- nator for its UHF station, Real TV, Channel 14. Ms. Hammon graduat- e i from Box Elder High School and Utah State University. Most r cently she served as ass, ta0:t ~c- count executive for Advertising Management Services, a Salt Lake advertising agency. Rob Edwards has been named an account execu- tive at Channel 14. Mr. _Edwards earned a bachelor of science de- gree from Southern Utah State College in Cedar City He_forme_rly worked at the station KZOL as account executive where he was promoted to the post of sales manager. David Fowler has been named promotion manager for the station. Mr: Fowler will participate in establtshing and ~x- ecutmg advertising an~ marketing strategies for the station. He for- merly worked for KUTV. R. Kelly Harris has been named an account executive for Channel 14. !-ir. Har- ris earned a bachelor of science de- gree in marketing from Brigham Young University. He formerly worked for Commercial S~cunty Bank. He joined Moun~inWest Savings in 1984 as marketi':1g man- ager and became vice president of banking services and preside~t of MountainWest Financial Services. American Tele:vision. also an- noun~ed that it has appointed Rus- sell J. Heaton as general sales manager for Channel 14. Mr. Hea- ton joined KXIV :,vith ~ver 18 years of experience m retail, agen- cy radio and television. He was cially be installed . as Diego coadjutor bishop with right of s~c ,.,ession during a liturgical reception at 11 a.m Monday at the Im_maculata on the University of San Diego~- P~he Mass will feature Archb~h~p Pio Laghi the apostolic pro-nuncio m the United States, reading the papal letter of apr,>intment of Brom, ~ho for the last six years served as b1Sh- op of Duluth, Minn. On May 9, Pope Jo~ Paul named Brom San Diego coadJutor to replace Bishop Leo T. Maher. The bishop ~ad to submit his resignation, accordmg to Vatican law, because of h1s 75th birthday, which will be, Julr l, i 99 o. In keeping with Maher s wlShes, the new bishop will have. an expected one-year transitio~ penod before be- coming resident b1Shop. . . Bishop Brom will be prmc1pa~ cel- ebrant of the Mass with archb~hop Laghi. Others in attendance will be Archbishop Roger Mahony of Los Angeles and Maher. Because of seat- ing, a limited number of ticke~ have been made available to the panshes with the production. diyision of Skaggs Telecommunications .Ser- vice including director, bus1i:iess manager, director of operations and assistant general manager. Mi- chael F. Hemingway has been ap- pointed program director at _Chan- nel 14. Mr. Hemingway Joined Channel l4 from the Internat1onal Television Networ_k where he worl ed as vice president of Net• wor Operations. He has strong ties to the Utah television commu- nity having worked from 1980_ to 1985 at KBYU-TV as production manager and senior producer • • • Kathy Parker was recently ap- pointed the new manager of Just Petites, a specialty shop at the Crossroads Plaza. Ms . Parker joined Just Petites with ,.. 15 management experienc~_from Peck 'N Peck in Salt Lake ...,,ty · · · Joy Dean Thurmond was recently chosen as "Credit Woman of the Year" by the Sunup Club of CWI Credit Professionals of Salt L~ke City She has served the past nine yea;s as the president of Jordan Credit Union. She is also_involved in ICA Financial Markett_ng Asso- ciation Education Credit Umon Council and the Sandy Chamber of Commerce. from BYU. Tim Call has been named loca, sales manager at Channel 14, according to Amen- can Television of Utah: Mr. Call graduated from the _Umve~s1ty of San Diego in 1982 willl .a _bacfi~ior dflltts iinmsiness admin1st_ration. After graduation, he and his fam- ily moved to Salt Lake City where he worked as a media consu)t~nt for KUTV American Televmon announced that Dale Gary Leavitt has been appointed Channel 14 s comptroller Mr. Leavitt earned ~n accounting degree from Westmin- ster College in Salt Lake City._ He joined Skaggs Telecommumca- tions Service in 1978 and rose to the position of corporate control- ler. Dale Zane Darling has. been named an account executive at Channel 14. Mr. Darling e~rned a bachelor of science degree in mar- keting from the University _of Utah. He previously worked with the KUTV sports department and as a VISA collector for Valley Bank & Trust. Robert Quigley has been named station manager at American Television's Channel 14 Mr. Quigley was born and raised in Salt Lake City. During the pas~ 11 years he has held several positions EDWARD MCCOY Associate planner .,.-/1 , fo~merly the local sales manag~r at KUTV. Mr. Heaton grew up in Southern Utah and holds a degree San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064) JUL 1 'I ..All«..·. "· C, 8 I 888 ,F., Tickets to the '92 Games include this stop in Oklahoma City By Tom Coat d-? 'But," she added, in an understatement of --- ----- in more than 40 hours of coverage on ESPN I overcame so many obstacles with the shoul- Tr1buneSportswnter Olympic proportions, "I did have a hard time .i are: der surgery, rehab and coming back. W III. G for yesterday's afternoon finding experienced players." ........ • • Diver Kent Ferguson. "I'm not going to dwell on Greg not being training ess10n at USO, the West The fact is that most of the West's players, A fashion model, Ferguson has returned there anymore. Greg may not be around, but women's team handball entry in the along with those from the South, East and from two shoulder dislocations and reconstruc- there is so much depth in men's diving, I am 1989 .S. Olympic Fe. tlval did what comes North, will play their first team handball tive surgery to win the Phillips 66/U.S. Diving not assured the No. 1 spot the next three years naturally. They broke into two groups and games in the 1989 U.S. Olympic Festival, which ]IIC:~ Indoor National Championships. He's now at all." tarted playing ba ketball. opens tomorrow in Oklahoma City. .-..,,_..~._ being looked at as the possible American sue- • Emerging figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi. It houldn't be surprising. Of the 15 high But that's fine. The 37-sport, two-week festi- ~-.. cessor to the legendary Greg Louganis, who Last February in Baltimore, the 17-year-old hool and college-age Vlomen on the West val was created to provide American athletes has retired with back-to-back double gold won the pairs title with Rudi Galindo and fin. roster, 13 have never played a game of team with a platform from which to sample the ..__ _. medals in the 1984 and '88 Olympics and a ished second in women's singles. In the U.S. handball. All have played basketball. Olympic experience. The team handballers, en- ..__.,.. record 47 national titles. Olympic Festival, she'll compete only in sin- "I didn't hav too much trouble filling up the gaged in a sport dominated by foreigners, are "When I beat Greg for my first national title gles. roster," aid coach Meg Sanders. "I looked for merely taking that philosophy to the limit. in 1987, it was like a dream come true," Fergu- "It's one of the most fun competitions for good athletes in basketball and volleyball, There will be plenty of other "new faces" in son told the Olympian, the U.S. Olympic Com- me," she said. "It's very early in the year for a which use a lot of the ame skill a player Oklahoma as the Olympic generation of 1992 mittee's monthly magazine. ''But this one (the competition, so there isn't as much pressure." need in team handball. begins emerging. Among the stars to watch for indoor title he won in April) was great because Please see FESTIVAL: C-2, Col I '".1.. ..:.~' .. ·1~ ..••.• '1 ...:. ·:.: ,..·' . •• 1 µ.s.-' Olyrf!pic .F..es_tfvs,f /, ~••!~=.'!,._,;.~•t.-o.~~'i;~.~~--~l~•( •'~,, •t~; '
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