News Scrapbook 1989

San Pedro, CA (Los Angelas Co.) News Pilot (Cir. D. 14,632)

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/ ,1 IU /Medical alert

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Fsl. I 883 · Semittars, workshops, changes around town on the San Diego business scene

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fomia hoepitala because of their gross medical malpractices and 7~5 malpractice lawsuits conciuded with awarde being granted in ex- cess of $30,000. Bureaucratic eloth is eo profound t~at inveetigations take 88 long 88 eight yeare and the board is virtu- ally "moribund," the inveetigators concluded. "Thie eystem, is so elow eo mea- ger and eo trivial that 'death is "'.eeding out incompetent physi- c1ane much faster than is the board," commented one member of the center. Not eurprieingly, organizations euc!i the California Medical As- ~ocaation have expressed misgiv- mge over the report's proposal to ~reate a "medical quality court" of Judges and an expanded etaff of p~oeecutore in the Attorney Gener- ale office. But 88 the report indicates, doc- ~ors have already shown they are incapable of policing their own house. Clearly, the Legislature must now act to weed out as many 88 10,000 California doctors who ehould not be practicing medicine on a relatively helpless public.




tration: 743-3380. On the Move

"Europe: 1992 and Beyond - What a High-Tech Company Needs to Know," seminar, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Thurs- day, La Jolla Marriott. Sponsor: CONNECT, UCSD Program in Tech- nology and Entrepreneurship. Cost $105, includes lunch. Registration: 534-6114. "The Big Count: How Census Infor- mation Will Affect Federal Funding for San Diego County," luncheon speech, 11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday, Mission Valley Inn. Speaker: Peter Bounpane, assistant director of the Census. Sponsor: San Diego Press Club. Cost: $12.50 members, $15 non- members. Reservations: 299-5747. " on-verbal Communication," a workshop, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Thursday, SDEA Learning Center, 9245 Sky Park Court, Suite 224. Speaker: Linda Berman. Sponsor: San Diego Em- ployers Association. Cost: $50. Infor- mation: 576-7332. University of San Diego School of Business Administration's Open House, 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Univer- sity Center Forum A, University of San Diego, Alcala Park. RSVP: 260- 4830. "Managing Products and Services in the Next Decade," seminar, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday, Mission Val- ley Marriott. Speakers: Anne Boe, president of Career Network; Clare Thain, publisher and president of En- trepreneur magazine; John Rochetti, assistant professor of marketing at USD; and Douglas A. Bingham, attor- ney. Sponsor: American Marketing Association. Cost: $55 members, $70 non-members. Reservations: 755- 8779. "Cozy with the Boss: Labor Today and the History of Work Place Coop- eration," free public lecture by Wil- liam Serrin, labor specialist and journalist, 8 p.m. Thursday, UCSD, Room 107, Third College Lecture Hall, La Jolla. Information: 534-3120. "Managing High-Performing Teams," seminar, 7-9 p.m. May 1and 9-11 a.m., May 2, Manchester Audito- rium, University of San Diego, Alca- la Park. Speaker: Kenneth Blanc- hard. Sponsor: Blanchard Training and Development. Cost: $39. Regis-

is Secretaries'

Reminder: This

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Reader (Cir. W. 100,000 1 89 'The HiJtoric Development of M~ ion Bay and lte Biol " the San Diceo and US ' la propm co-sponsor t 1s ducuss1on of the evolution (natural and otherwise) of the San D,Cllo River courJC and Mi ion Bay. The discussion will be ,pplementcd with historical map$ snd landscape photographs and enal tihoros. Archaeologist Charles Bull and ecolog11t Cam Patter-.on at the presenters. The aucltcnce will get a picture of what the a • was like in it• pristme cond,tion and what ecological chan s have curred because of the nine-year development of Ml 10n Bay Park In rhc '40s and , v\V' ( 0 /

Week. Seminar •

• Berkman and Daniels, a full- service marketing and communica- tions firm, has appointed William R. Robert• vice president of advertis- ing and has promoted Jonathon C. Bailey to account supervISOr. • The president of Grant and As- sociates, Krl1 Gilmore Grant, has been named 1989 president of the Public Relations Club of San Diego. • Rohr Industries has named Robert G. Daly vice president of operations and John Shaw general manager of space products division. • AOC Stoorza, a partner compa- ny of Stoorza, Ziegaus and Metzger, has named Linda Hunyar media director. • Annie and Associates, a finan- cial services marketing firm, has ap- pointed Relph Dixon controller. • Sea World Inc. has appointed Scott Ro • e director of sales promo- tion and Daniel LeBlanc public re- lations director. • Graphic Solution• has been honored with an Award of Excel- lence by the Society of Marketing Professional Services. The company was honored for its poster design for Deem Lewis McKinley Architects' Torrey Pines High School expansion. • anderHng Place, a 91-room luxury hotel overlooking the ocean, has selected Don R. Davies as gen- eral manager. • The San Diego Association of Advertising Agencies has elected Gary Greves, president of Walters and Graves, 1989 president of the as- sociation. • The Woman's Community Advi- sory Board of Alvarado Parkway In- stitute Adult Center has chosen A1h- ley Walker-Hooper to receive the Helen Teisher Woman of the Year award. Walker-Hooper is director of battered women's services at the downtown YWCA. • Moody, Nation and Smith has promoted Angela No•aal, CPA to senior tax consultant. • Peninsula Banlc has promoted Louise Motta to administrative offi- cer and Debbie Winder to financial

"Landlord-Tenant Workshop," two free seminars, 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. today, Stardust Hotel, Mission Val- ley. Sponsor: San Diego Housing Commission. Information: 231-8833, Ext 249. "The Imperial Story," speech, 5 p.m. Tue day, Omni Hotel, 910 Broadway Circle. Speaker: Kenneth Thygerson, president and chief exec- utive officer of Imperial Corp. of America. Sponsor: Association for Corporate Growth. Free for mem- bers, $25 for guests. Reservations: 452-0681. Free seminar on living trusts, wills, joint tenancy and various asset management techniques, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Radisson Hotel, Mission Valley. Sponsor: Earl N. Feldman Inc. and Thomson McKinnon Securi- ties. Information: 239-1151. "How to Steal Your Competitors' Marketing Plans (And How They May Be Stealing Yours)," speech, 6- 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, La Jolla Village Inn. Speaker: Jim Held. Sponsor: Medical Marketing Associates of San Diego. Cost: $25 for members and guests, $35 for non-members. "Patterns of Entrepreneurial Suc- c ," first of a series of free emi- nars, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Hilton Hotel, Mission Bay. Sponsor: San Diego State University Business Ad- visory Council. Information: 594-6437. 'Reducing or Eliminating Capital Gains," free workshop, 3:30-5 p.m. Tuesday, Embassy Suites, 4450 La Jolla Village Dr. Sponsors: San Diego Trust & Saving Bank; Luce, For- ward, Hamilton and Scripps; Tran- sAmerica Title Insurance Co., Grubb & Ellis Co. and Rogers & Kighl Res- ervations: 431-0111. "Security for Managers," and "Doing Business With the Japanese," seminars, 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. re- spectively, Tuesday La Jolla Univer- sity, 5005 Texas St Sponsor: La Jolla University. Cost: $75 for one seminar, $125 for both. Information: 293-3760. "A Socially Responsible California Real Estate Investment," free semi- nat, 7 p.m. Tuesday, South Bay Golf Club Restaurant, 4475 Bonita Road, Bonita. Sponsor: American Retire- ment Villas. Reservations: 291-5010. "Investment Opportunities with Alex Spanos,'' a seminar, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Bernardo Crest Apart- ments, 11828 Paseo Lucido, Rancho Bernardo. Speaker. Ray Cox. Spon- sor: Prudential-Bache Securities. "Investing in the '90s," free semi- ar, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dean itter Reynolds office, 520 West Val- ey Parkway, Escondido. Sponsor: Dean Witter Reynolds. Reservations: 47-5600.

San Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W 27,500) APR 0 1989


P c. B


, 11/88


.JU(m ',

SD School of Law names woman as~an ALCALA PAR'Sft · . n: nstine tr~chai:i, profe sor o law at the University of Utah College of La h b w, as ~en named dean of the Univeristy of San Diego S, hool of Law She is the first woman to head the I, 100-student law school, and when she assumes her po t in August, wiU become one of _the very few women law deans in the United State 65 applicants following a yearlong search by a committee of faculty, administrators, students and representatives of the San Diego legal community. Strachan is a graduate of the U • . mverstty of Southern California and received her C law_ de~ree from the University of aliforn1a at Berkeley. st _rachan was selected from

r. C. I



Oceanside, CA (San Diego Co.) North County Blade Tribune ! Cir. D. 29 ,089) Cir. S. 30,498)


the American Cancer Society has promoted Dale Goldman to devel- opment director. • Mayor Maureen O'Connor has announced the appointment of Mel Katz to the Private Industry Coun- cil. Katz is an executive officer for Manpower Temporary Services. • Mission Federal Credit Union has promoted five people to mana- gers: Sheila King in the Poway branch, Mique Kea in the Claire- mont branch, Jacqueline Cornejo in the Encinitas branch, Barbara Hartley in the Stadium branch and Anna Reed in the Old Town/Linda Vista branch. • San Diego National Bank has promoted Howard W. Brotman to senior vice president. • The Bank of California has cho- sen Victor Calise as regional vice president. • KKLQ AM/FM (Ql06) has named Debbie Mo ett local sales manager. • The California Society of Per- iodontists has elected Dr. Steven Detach of Chula Vista secretary of the society.

services officer. • North County Bank has chosen three new officers: Michelle Chan- dler, Dave Fo•ter and Doug Scott. • The CPA firm of Derezin, Breier and Delsen has appointed Laurie Vogel Kittredge as partner of the firm. • J. Howard and Associates has selected Carol L. Hinton as design- er in commercial office design and space planning. • VTN Southwest Inc., a land planning civil engineering and sur- veying firm, has promoted Steven Barger to project manager. • The American Financial Ser- vices Association has elected five new members to serve on its board of directors: Jeffrey C. Larsen, Allen C. Miech, A.F. Ortwein Jr., Charle • R. Rinehart and John R. Strickland. • The San Diego chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America has given former San Diego city engineer Jim CHey its highest honor - the SIR award. SIR comes from the AGC motto of Skill, Integri- ty and Responsibility. EMS Communications has ap- pomted Max Harri• as vice presi- dent of sales with the responsibility to promote its Interactive Video products. • The San Diego County Unit of

• Gardner and Associates has chosen Brenda Talbott as project coordinator. • Brooktree Corp. has promoted Jeffrey R. Teza to corporate vice president and director of Subsystems Products. • The law offices of Mulvaney and Kahan has made Maureen E. Markey a partner. In addition Evan H. Zucker and Rex B. Beatty have been chosen as new associates. • Fuchs, Cuthrell and Co., a na- tional and international outplace- ment and human resources consult- ing firm, has named Warren E. Preston semor vice president. • Deweese Burton and Associ- ates, a landscape architectural and planning firm, has promoted Karen Scarborough, Abbie Druliner and John Patterson to associates of the firm. • Kelly Cole has been promoted to vice president and general mana- ger of Neiman Marcus in San Diego. • Horton, Knox, Carter and Foote has chosen Denni • H. Morita as a new partner. - Compiled by Renee D. Ruiz


I' C B En 1111

Prep Beat Steve Dolan

stay for four years, be a positive for the team and ·chool and won't be a headache." ••• USO FOR ENGER- Chm Enger of Vista a 6-4 center, made it official Wednesday whe~ she !gned nah?nal letter of intent with th niver- Wr.2!._San Diego Enge~,. who led Vista rast San marcos-forttro-CIF D1v1s1on II champion hip the past . ea_son, was the county's Player of the Yf'ar as a Junior and co-Player of the Year as a senior. ••• UCSD FOR CHRISTOFFERSON - Enger's tea~mate_ Da~a Christofferson, plans to attend UC San Diego m the fall. Christofferson, a three- year starter at guard, was an All-Palomar League player ~or the Panthers in 1988- 9 Smee UCSD 1s a Division HI school, it d0e~n·t offer. athl~hc scholarships. Christofferson plans to. primarily concentrate on her major political c1ence ' "She'll pro~ably play basketball her first year an? s.~e h~w it_ goes, ' Vista coach Joe DeMaria said. Shes going there for academics. If she has too ~uch trouble combining the two, she probably won t play basketball after her first year."

Los Angeles CA ( Los Angele; Co ) Los Ange/es T' • (c· D •mes ( !'· . 1, 117 952/ Cir. S. 1,022,423)

Jllfe,. ~ p c .

San Diego, Caltf. Un ion (Circ. D 217.324) (Ci rc. S. 339, 788) APR

· B 1888

••• NOO. RECOVER(. G -

PrescriptW for Acontrove ·I V 1 > ) rlst1a report on the Cahforma Board f ua I Y Assurance th respo~sible for disciplining doctirs st~: tgf;ac~ t1~~~tion to the n~ed for better denied the funds it nceds{~~s, tbhe board ha bee l The new r . o a etter Job. F'ellmeth of theport is the work of Rohert C the Univers~,o~c~!~r bor Publ:~ Intere~t Law at thinking it fa s sh t iego an , to our way of outside a'nalysis that ~oufJ kmd of objective t1on to solving the problem r! e ~aJ~r rontribu- f(~er's ~tandmg a~so IS :1:ud:d iictrst f engaged_in lltJgat1on agam t BMQA on o some V1etnam-tra1 d h weBre denied licenses to practic~~n &/~~t~n "'ho ut th e report coincide th internal board study th~t w1 f completion of an shortcoming f con irms omc of the an 18% star} o present operations and sets fort ~~oa~e:li~~=i~:p~~:1~s1r~ 1~g:h~t:d: ~~iu;tt I d 1r ct1on. sen·t~a ers of the Cahforma Medical Assn repr mg most of the tat , h announced full s es P Y 1c1an , hav StlJ.ff t I . support for bolstermg the board o c immate. the backlog of mvestiga 'I:: t now is delaying appropnate d1 c phne 1 a Medical Q behalf

Fallbrook track and


San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500)


P. C. B

Est. 1886

Escondido, CA (San Diego Co.) Times Advocate (Cir. D. 45 900) (Cir. S. 47,000)


aaeball - SDSU had 15 hits in ,ts 9-1 non confere~~c rrv· Rusty .Fil~er (2-0) won. The Az:! u six pitchers. SDSU is 30- 19 M1ccal Jackson had three hits ·a~d three RBI to lead visiting Cal Poly Pomona east USD, 13-8. USD is 18-28- 1 . . . Winrung pitcher J.J. Fisher went eight innings and Erik Judson was 3-f~r~4 with four runs scored to lead V1S1bng UCSD past Biola 11-5 UCSD is 21-15 ... Greg Lee 'wt three-run homer, but visiting USIU lost to No. 21 USC, 11-7. Jeff Matran- ga lost for USIU (16-31), which plays at Grand Canyon College on Friday.

APR 2 189


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P. c B


I , 1888



~D BualnHa Update Seminar • will feature lhe lop,c, "Manag ment Ethics. What's All lhe Fu ? Does It Apply to You?" from 7.30 to 9 a m at the Douglas F. Manchester Executive Conf rence Center on the USO campus The fee I 15 wh ch Includes breakfast. For mo~re infor- rr t1on call J ckie Freiberg at 260-4644 . .

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