News Scrapbook 1989

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) C:vening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064)

Gaels are blowing "r-°'-05through WCAC on way to NCAAs By Kirk Kenney Tribune Sportswriter I T'S ALMOST NCAA Tournament time. What team do you like to win it all in Seattle? North Carolina? Louisville? Indiana? George- town? Duke? Oklahoma? Arizona? One of them has to be your favorite. They're perennial favorites. . But deep down inside, you're always pullmg for an underdog, too. A team that doesn't have a prayer, then jumps up and preys on one of the favorites.. . . The beauty of it is you never know who 1t ts until the tournament bracket is announced. That's because you've never heard of the team before. Murray State? Lehigh? Marist? Fairfield? Marshall? Drexel? C'mon, Drexel. • The perennial favorites capture the championships. The unknowns capture the imagination. How can they miss with nicknames like Thoroughbreds, Engineers, Red Foxes, Stags, Dragons and Thundering Herd? Go Thund- ering Herd. They don't have a chance. But they're given one. Who gets the chance this season? Whi~h team goes from being a face in the crowd to becoming a feature story? From center court to center stage? The secret can be kept no longer. It's St. Mary's. The Gallopin' Gaels. St. Mary's can go to the NCAAs by winni~g the W~t Coast Athletic Conference Tournament the first week m March or by receiving an at-large berth from the NCAA. One way or another, people will be hearing from the Gaels. And about them. The name St. Mary's may sound vaguely familiar. The school was a powerhouse in the 1920s, '30s and '40s. But that was in football. There's a reason why most of the nation never beard of St. Mary's basketball before this season. There wasn't anything worth hearing. The last time St. Mary's won 20 games in a season was in 1942. The last time the Gallopin' Gaels went to the NCAA Tournament was in '59. But St. Mary's earned its 20th win in 23 games Saturday by beating Loyola Mar- ymount for the second time in conference play. The NCAAs are next on the agenda. USD knows all about St. Mary's travel plans. The Toreros and Gaels are travel partners in the WCAC. They play host to each other this week. The te~ms meet tomor- row night in Moraga and Saturday mght at the ~SD Sports Center. St. Mary's is tied with Pepperdine fo~ first place in the WCAC at 8-2. USD-(6-16) stands last 10 the WCAC at 1-9. When USD coach Hank Egan thinks of St. Mary's, he is reminded or the USD team he took to the NCAA Tourna- ment two years ago. "When I came here, we were 16-11, then 19-9 and then strung it together pretty good," said Egan, who we~t to the NCAA Tournament his third season at USD with a team that returned four senior starters. "They're the same way. They were down at the bottom, then they won 17 games, then they won 19 games. This year they come in and they've already fought some battles together, had some ups and downs and they've just matured. "I see a lot of similarities between this team and the one we had and for that reason I like them. I think they're very steady. They ex'e very well." The Gaels were 17-13 nd 19-9 in their first two seasons under coach Lynn N ce. All five senior starters re- turned this season. rward Robert Haugen leads St. Please see GAELS: , Col. 5

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064) 188'

TENNIS CLINIC - USD men's tfl!nis coach Ed Col• Ilns will host a clinic toiiiorrow for players of all ages and levels of play. The clinic will be held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at USD's west courts. Inst:11ction .:,vil~lude eXhll>jtions by Toreros players. / • • •

San Di~go, CCA \ o,ego o. lSan . Tribune Ev~mn9123 064) \Cir. D . •

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.I Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064)


P. C. 8 1888 Pacific Supernatural Bodybulldlng Cham- pionships - Steroid-free bodybuilders from the western ftates will meet to compete in an eveot encouraging athletes to refrain from drug use, 7 p.m. Feb. 11, Don Powell Theater, S~ ~ate University. Tlckets:)15-20. Information: m-2639. .;2.'{5".) /

AP photo

Syracuse guard Sherman Douglas gets ar?und G~rgeto_wn's Charles Smith for a layup last night in a game between lbe Big East rivals m Landover, ~d. Fourth- ranked Georgetown defeated the o. 6 Orangemen 61-54 to take a two-game conference lead. Please see college basketball roundup on C-6.

A battle of the Beasts of the East

.Al~'• , . c. 8

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Business Journal (Cir. W. 7,500)

Los Angeles.CA (~os Angeles Co.) Times (San Diego Ed ) (C!r . D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573)


3 1989


Business Administration workshop. The SBA sponsors the workshops, but members of the Service Corp of Retired Exe~u- tives (SCORE) and the Acti,e Corps of Executives (ACE) con- duct them. They'll highlight issues of mar· ketmg, planning, financing, legal matters and recordkeeping. The next workshop will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow

a City Council comm1tte last year that car dealers along freeways ed . ome flexibility within the Cl· ;;. 8 strict Rign code. The politicians didn't nece. sarily buy that, but they did refer the matter back to staff. So the door's not closi,d. . . Sometimes the board can stick 1t to City Hall, which may not be en• tirely productive, but satisf~mg nonetheless. Zoning regula~1ons prohibit the use of harp pointed fences, like barbed wire, around your business. If you're using it. it . t means no one's complained or JUS , t thr city's fence-police hasn t swep through your neighborhood yet. Well, the SBAB pointed out to a council committee that, 1) such fences are nee sary in some neighborhoods to deter the bad guys, and, 2) city government uses such fences around plenty of its property The burenucrats are mulling that om· . The SBAB h ul o hl•en working on the city's procurement policies to make sure small busme,ses get a fair . h ke, has promoted the Mid City clean-up, helped a j~int city-county hazardou. materials management committee come up with policies "more favorable to small," and tried to get the county to ltghlPn up on its no- . making legi l,1tion. In the coming year, the SBAB int nd. to mi·l'l with each City ouncil memhl·r's stofl, the city munager' taff, y.ork on some of the same problem it tackled m 19 88, nd conduct mon• of its meet- ings in the nt•ighhorhoods to let small busines~ owners know the SBAB xists. In addition to Chandkr and Row , SSAB member· include Elida haV<'7., Maxim• oney, Richard Brady, Susannah En- l1Jn, ghiep Lt•, Bri Poll rd and. of cvur , Don ~;r" m • * • If you're t,irtini; .1 busine ·s, or having problt•ms 111 your estab• hshed businc s, check out a mall


p C B



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Jll~ • "· C. 8

/ The University of Callfomla, San Diego receiveo '$90,012 from tli&-o+fioe of Naval Research in Arlington, Va., for microblolO{Jjlral alteration of marine surface microlayers.,.,~ /

Est. 1888


and •.he Bee- Richard Phillips

, ;~~~geofogrc hrstory of San o ~s- nd lagoons from the ice age to the future, at 7 p.m. Wednesda in Room 204 of Serra Hau at the of L Sa~ Admission is free. f

San Diego CA /San Diego Co. ) San D1eg_o Union [ Cir . D. 217,089) C,r. S. 347 ,840)

.JJfL-';t ts~ Around town on the S.D. business scene 'l ,!11? ,..f6 Continued from D-1 :21::?

Small Business Matters by Gary Shaw

at National University's Room 41 _0 in Mission Valley The next one ts Feb. 28 , same time and place. Reg- istration is $20. A place can be re· served by calling 557-7272. .. .. On Wednesday, the day after tomorrow, the Carlsbad Cham- ber of Commerce sponsors workshop on the "XYZs of Bust• ness Planning." It's 8 a.m. to noon at the Tamarack Beach Resort.. Featured will be Carl G. Khne, Douglas F. Wall, Pam Means and Garth O. Reid. Call the Carlsbad chamber to make reser• vations * ... Promoting commerce on the waterfront, the Propeller Club meets next Wednesday night at the Bal, Hai on Shelter Island to hear Vice Adm. Albert J. Herberger talk about the role of the merchant marine in national def~nse. Cocktails start at 5:30 p.m., dmner at 6:30. Cost is $15. .... The Universjty of San Diego opens its Spring Business U:pdate Breakfast series at 8 a.m. th1 s Fn• day with "Why Managers Fail," an examination of the phenomenon by Miriam Rothman, assistant pro· fessor of human resource man• agement. . A continental breakfast at 7.30 a m precedes the semmar Cost is $l 5. Call Jackie Freiberg at 260· 1 5 4 4 for more information. .. -·-~---

Chamber of Commerce. Reserva- tions: Pat Milliken, 544-1391. Cost: $18.50. "Leadership: A Key to Organiza- tional Effectiveness," breakfast/seminar, 8 a.m. Feb. 24, Univ~ Diego, Alcala Park, San Diego. Cost: $15, includes continental breakfast. Lady Lord West Inc., has opened a store at 919 Fourth Ave. in the Gaslamp District. The store imports leather goods from India. California Tile Co., an R.W. Col- gate Inc. company, has moved to new offices at 6455 Weathers Place, San Diego. The Small Business Development Center of the Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce has chosen Patti Roscoe and Associates as its "Small Business of the Month" for February. Opportunities for career develop- ment and training for women ages 16-24 are offered at the San Diego Job Corps Center. Training is offered in more than 100 different skills. In- formation: 295-1163. Sponsor: Women in Community Service. Free income tax help for people who do not speak English, have low incomes or disabilities or are senior citizens, through April 17. Bring this

year's tax package, forms W-2 and W-2P, dividend and interest state- ments and other pertinent records. Location information: 549-0997 in central San Diego, 943-0997 in north county coast; 425-0997 in east and south county; 740-0997 in north coun- ty inland. On the move: • Oak Industries Inc. has appoint- ed Alan R. Steel chief financial officer. • Woodward-Clyde Consultants has selected Ed Gabrielson as manager of its Environmental Sci- ence and Engineering Group. • Carl Warren and Co. has pro- moted Patricia A. Dekema to vice president. • Bank of America has named Fred c. BiranowtJfi vjce president and manager of San Diego's main of- fice; Philip E. Paul has been named to the same position for the Escondi- do main office; Ellen R. Howard has been named manager of the Ran- cho Penasquitos branch; and Dar- lene M. Horde has been named manager of the Fallbrook branch. • Industrial Equity Pacific Limit- ed of La Jolla has selected Robert G. Sutherland as president and chief executive officer and Terry

Vandewarker as operations execu- tive. • Dunham and Greer Investment Couni;:il has selected Chria L. Meac- ham as supervisor of the financial planning department. • The secretary of the Treasury has appointed Nurman W. Hickey, chief administrative officer of the San Diego County, as county cam- paign chairman for the 1989 ll.S.Sav- in~ Bonds Campaign. • • Nlwdy, Nation and Smitli, an accounting and consulting firm, has chosen Joyce Nevarez as a senior business consultant in its downtown office. • The Bank of San Diego has ap- pointed Norman E. RichlllL..t.Q. ex- ecutive. viee-pFe&ident of credit ad- ministration. • Rancho Santa Fe National Bank's Escondido office has named Robert H. Longacre Jr. assistant vice president and manager. Compiled by Melanie Ro11- f;mith Los Angeles,CA (Los Angeles Co.) Times

"SP.Ction 89 of the IRS . , . It's Now the Law," free breakfast seminar aimed at the insurance brokerage community, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Friday, Hanalei Hotel, Coast Room, 2270 Hotel Circle North, Mission Valley. Sponsor: Integrated Marketing and Insurance Services. Reservations re- g uired: 535-9444. "Conversational Selling: The Non- Manipulative Approach to Sales," breakfast/lecture, 7:30-9:30 a.m. Feb. 22, New Ramada Hotel, 618 Fifth Ave., downtown. Sponsor: The Podi- um, an international speakers bu- reau. Reservations required: 226- 4501. Cost: $29, includes breakfast, lecture and book. "SBA Financing: A Plan of Action for the Future of Your Company," free seminar, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 22, Bank of Southern California, 1620 Fifth Ave. Reservations required by today: Wanda Ehlers, 239-3235. Refresh- ments and hors d'oeuvres will be served. "Mexico's Economic Future and the Salinas Administration: Implica- tions for U.S.-Mexican Interdepen- dence," luncheon/presentation, noon Feb. 22, San Diego Hilton Beach and Tennis Resort, 1775 East Mission Bay Dr. Sponsor: Greater San Diego

(San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D. 50,010) (Cir. S. 55,573) FEB 1 19


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