News Scrapbook 1989

"No. 32," said McCathnon, "was hitting." USD's Wayman Strickland, freshman, 17 points. "And the otlier one," said McCathrion, meaning o disrespect. "i-fo. 20." Gylan Dottin. 1 ints, eight rebounds. He, too, 1s a freshman. "Really'" said McCathrion. "Whoo'" McCathrion sounded like someone who'd just gotten a chill. ---------- -- -- I

''Above all," he said, "we got outplayed tomght." Both coaches will groan at the mention of this, but it bears. remindrng that the players who outplayed USF were Hank Egan's players, and that should be significant to USD. For so long, Egan was stuck with the asterisk of coaching players brought to Alcala Park by Brovelli.

One night earlier, Brovelli could've stood naked in Antarctica and not so much as shivered. The Dons had knocked off one of their Northern California rivals, St. Mary's, which had been 15-1 overall and unbeaten in WCAC. That, in ways, was more signficant to USF than its defeats of Cal and Notre Dame. Obviously, the Dons left much of their game in

down the stretch, including all of their last 10. "They buried 'em tonight," said Brovelli, the Dons' coach (and I'm orry, but that sull has an odd sound to it.) "I said this a couple weeks

San Mateo, CA (San Mateo Co.) Times (Cir. 6xW. 49,793)

•- - ---------

JAN 3 0 1989

San Diego , CA (San Diego Co.) San Dieg_o Union (Cir . D 217,089) (Car. S. 341,840)

._4flen's P C. B

, ,


·~Hoop~ l}!.ere at a

USO' los·ngstreak OEC 31 1988 Jl[J. 11 ' 1 P. C. B Esr . 1&88 - ----- --- J ends ag~· t Mar1·st

Securities Legislation--- c""''"u '(/f~m Pa11e I The proposed c •nter would st udy p rk d by th level of corporate u11meR a!Tectmg corporate gov


West Coast . basket a L-----------------' b I "The guys wanted to ma½e up for last night (_agamS t USF ), 5 ~ we came out a little too amoou • • the game S on Y scorer and rebounder wit lO lulled the Broncc:,s into false 1·n the h_rst half , ,St. I l0 nt Mary's "-Cored t e ma POI · of the half for a 26-18 lead and scored the first 10 of the se~ond securi't h f half for a devastating The Gaels used an in-your-face zone e ense . to Ji'm 1 ·r Santa Clara t Shooting which to 3 . percen . • th v isn't totally surpnsing mce e entered the week ranked No. 1 m h NCAA m field-goal defense. ev!t£. ~::~ sfi~~~~iif with seven bloc s and' forci'ng _8 turnovers. It was the fewest pomts ever for - i z. d f 0 6 t e , ted virtually S M • ary i. cen rer Dan Curr · J double figure •• h ' said t. e apiec · h G I h d But ju t w1o n l e ,ae s a · ZOO bl t AI call and what not to call. ter h ') 't' I e, 1 s no t basketball ,' aw ·

as the cougars snapped their six-g~me losing strea~'Sal~~i::~ei:;~;~:i~~i'.0 nval

at Santa Clara.

Times NewsiMces"'

The last ti~e the ~roncos ~cored fewer pomts was m 1960- 61 when they edf.ed San Jose Gaels relinquished fewer pomts was' in 1975-.76, when Nevada- Reno won 19-17. But the Broncos al o played well defensively. St. Mary's ma e 17 turnovers, 11 m the f1rst half. d s.no1c9o•t,S•nFranc,sco64 Wayman Strih1and scored 17 paints and the Toreros made 24 of 29 free throws lo •ft•p • seven-9ame losing streak and surprise Unlversilv of San ranc sco percent from the line, made 83 percen · Thev made 22 of 26 In the second half. clsco, established hi career high scoring torSanDiego,~l2andl-S. Kevin Mouton finished wit~ 15 for u f:, 10-9 and 2-4, which was a Fri• d•y n·inht victory over St. Marys. utah st. 68, San Jose SI. S4 Darrel White scored 18 paints and Reid Newev l7for the Aggies In I.Man, Utah. u•ah stat& Improved 10~-1md 5-5, while -· 0 ° F I In a WCTAhecTgoarmereoest, :, 11 h~ shooting 59 •· 1 Strickland, a f hman from San Fran- 5 • Th t t' e the Im . State 30-29. e as • Other Games

MORAGA - which St. Mary's suffocatrng defense was its best offense, bas- In a game _in kets were at a prem_n:-m packed McKeon fav1lion for the Gaeb' rematch with Santa Clara. By holding the baffled B_ron_cos Coreless for an astonishing 13:22, St. Mary's v_igorous Y rebounded from a Fnday upset bv USF and overwhelmed Santa c .Jara 53.34 Saturday night. The metho ., '··as different, ut the result was the same for the Ga el , who last week turned a 20- tart into a 76-48 runaway a Santa Clara. This time St. Mary's t the outset before I n fact, St. Mary's m_ustered only one field goa t e . irst : and trailed 18-16 ~Ith 2 : remaining in the opening half. "We used up so much adre- n ll·ne before we calmed own, d said coach Lynn Nance, whose Gaels improved to 17-2 overall an d 5-1 in the West Coast Ath• • I b v" t 2 d puttere erupting with a fury. a I h f 9 36 ., . at am J I tic Conference. ciate," Nance a ''It was a difhd'cdultdgamfe t? of~~ e , re em!lg I Jay that resulted m 30 h · fouls. "You don't know what to P ysica P

Southern Ca

UCLA t3, Washington 74

ernance and har holder rights. It uggcsted th~t )the c~nte\t: locatl'd at UC Ber e ey, w. ere faculty is cspec1ally expert m these wa~

own r hip by m titutaon I m•

Freshman Darrick Marlin scored a care r high POlnts at Seattle Satur ay tor UCLA, which moved Into secon,d Place In the Pac-10 thanks to Arizona s victory over Stanford. Lovola Marymount "• Pepperdlne "· At Los Angeles Sunday, NCAA scoring leader Hank Gathers had 31 P01nts to guide Loyola Marymount over Pepper- dine and Into a share of the we~t coast Athletic Conference lead a S-1 with Pep. perd·ine and st Marv'•. 22 New Mexico St. 74, UCSB 68 At Las Cruces, N.M., Joonnv Roberson h•d 2 3 points and 11 rebounds as the A;gles Improved to 13-6 and 6-3 In the Big west. uc Santa BarbJl'a suffered ,ts second 1ossofthese11-n.ilropplngtolS· 2 Fullerton St. 79, Pacific 7S OT At Stockton, Cedrl(: Ceballos scored 2A pofnts and Mark Hlli added 22 tor ~al State Fullerton Don Lyttle had 20 P01nts and 10 rebounds for Pacific, s-12 and 1-8 r and 6-2.

tors hiw ctave m the


V(•stora, nnd the become incr 11smgly


nrt'lt of corporaw 1:ov •rnnnce. As a rt>:-iult mstatutwnal invc8tors havP 0 newfound nbahty to nflect chnnge j,(OV •rnance. The chi1irm11n cited th( Califor ni Public Employ ' Retirem nt ·ystcm und the Cuhfornaa State ffpacherK' Rl'tarnm •nt System a. exnmpl . corpor tc


By Tom Krasovic

But then USO forward Kelvin Woods and center Dondi Bell began cutting to the free-throw line for "I can't hit a free throw, but I can hit a jumper," said Woods, a fr h- man from Pomona making his first Woods' jumpers helped give him a career-high 12 points and helped free teammate Gylan Dottin, who also had a career-best night with 23 start. Woods' two jumpers, and eight points by Dottin keyed a 31-20 run that gave USO a 56-47 lead with 4:50 Although critical of the officials - Pecarskimissed5:40earlyinthe c- ond half after his third foul - Ma- ''That (10-4) run they had to open the second half was the key," Magar- ity said. "We just really had a mental lapse there. I think they were a des- perate team. They did a great job of making the big shot when they had Marist (3-5), despite being taller, was outrebounded, 26-22. The Red Foxes, in addition to Pecarski's 16 points and seven rebounds, got 12 points from John Kijonek. USO senior guard Danny Means had 13 points, and Bell had a team- high six rebounds and two blocked shots. Dottin, after a cold-shooting start, hit 8 of 14 shots from the field. open shots. points. left. garity praised USD. to."

This reporter complained to Sen

Saar• Writer

nd alt r th. Rh rehold r's role m Wilham Campbell, D-Loo Angeles,

Mar1st basketball coach Dave Ma- garity said the Un~ers1t .QI an Diego ent.ered1°'ast mght's game as desperate as a man on a gangplank. But, instead of panicking, the young Toreros played with savvy during a 62-56 victory before 740 at The victory ended a three-game losing streak and restored some con- fidence in USD (5-5), which had lost its last two home games narrowly. Coach Hank Egan admitted thinking 'Here we go again," when Marist a late rush. Th l'oreros may also finally have their feet on the ground after win- ning their second game of the year at New Mexi~ That victory, Egan said, partly clouded his players' per- spective of what they must do to wrn. "We're a ways from being the kind of ballclub we want to be," Egan I said. "I wish I could rush it, but I For much of the first half, USO seemed unsure against Marist's spread zone defense, centered by 6- foot-11 Miroslav Pecarski. Marist never trailed en route to a 27-25 half- time lead that could have been big- ger. Although quicker, USO failed to produce a fastbreak basket in the half or penetrate often. Instead, they launched 10 three-pointers, making one. USO. can't." He may po;nt to last night's game as pivotal.

about the highly technical Ian• 1,'Uagc used at the meeting. "I don't understand it either, but I h ve an a~s1stant who does," he Others attending the heanng •n. Barry Keene, R-Eureka, Willie R. Barnes, Wyman Bautzer, Kuchel & Silbert, Los Angeles: Bertram B neville, vice president, Merrill Lynch; Ted Brewer, New York Stock Exchange; Ka th leen Brown, L.A. Commissioner of Public Works; Dennis Hensley, vice president of the National As- ~ociation of Securities Dealer~ wer (NASDJ: William S Milberg, Weiss, Bershad, Specthr!e Lerach , Tom, Parker, Milhkan, Cl~rk & O'Hara, Los Angeles, a nd Richa rd Damm, consultant, Sacramento. After a discussion of where to hold the next meeting March 3 , it was decided to try Palm Spri1/ ns. ~a1d. & Lerach, an Diego; Frankhn

4 0

in the Bin west

• Women's Basketball

13 and 1-B e Spartans with . Stanford 75, Oregon St. 64 Katy Steding scored 22 points and --'!l,abbed 10 rebounds Saturday night to lead Stanford Past Oregon State 7S-64 in Pac-10 game al Corvallis. d Sonia Henning sconid 18 points an -~~, Trisha Stevens added 16 for the sixth-

San Jose state ifr

Johnnv Johnson I



. Washington st. 12, use 6S At Pullman, Wash., on Sunday, 5enaor


ranked cardinal, now 15·2 on the year and 7-0 In the league.


San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D, 12S,064) JAN 3 11989

._A[~,.• P. C. B

E.<1. 1888

a n a pair of honors h Coach's Award - been Strengt of Gilmore, defensive ,m-, Teams Player r,f . l p !Ja' d pec1al K Ear - Pl en



SD sateJy ay D , h Senior saJ, ty Bryan_ a} named t.,U;D's De_fenSJve p .yer th Year~ . rm row. ~lso for the second consecuti~e Day made the GTE Academic .......-- q., 7

Z e::

pese winitb"



Todd Jack5?n, fullback'

v ~r

j team aptains - Mtke Cassady ~America football team, with a~ ~;ffensive guard) and Dave Dunn (de- GPA. He was joined on tbe G fensive line). n a team by senior deiens1,;e lineman All are seniors except Jackso ' / John Gomez, who had .,.sfGPAUSD juni::or::·----~~--~ Other award mners or ' which finished the year 5-4, were:

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,064) DEC !3 11988

..Al~'• ,. c. B



Toreros try to shake free from 'albatross' with win over Marist By Barry Bl,g/GS Cal Stale F,n,rlo,, Mo,ta,a, N"ada•R•oo as a"""""'"'"••· thffl way to h,ildi"' a ,.,.,-poi,t lead. ru,g ,.,., moments late, wb"' Bell bloek,d San Diego, Saturday, December 31, 1988 IlIE51RIBUNE D-3 ,,,,,,,. s-••"' and No,Jh Texas bro,ghJth, T= down Macisl, a tioy eon,,, from ,,.tale N,w ''That wa, a hi< big b,eak," Egan said. a Peearn~ th<>t thal ,..,.., to ha,e,eached With two ga...,. remaiolog before th"tart to earth witb asiok"i"' th,d. Yock, ga,e lh• T"""" fits in the firnlhalf That break came oo th, heeb of the its apex. So m,eh foe lb.,.,, Be,oit B.,ja. or the West Coast Athletic Conference sea- In a way, Egan is glad it happened. with a collapsing 3-2 zone built around Toreros making a major adjustment in their min. '" SO coach "'"' Ega, a lilt!• "W• bad lo bell.,, we had• Joi of tltiog, Mimsla, P"""'1 - a •t1 """ realer offe,,.se lo eow,Jer the tough MaeSI woe. "Yeah, that one was clo,e (to goaJJeod- eary. to learn and to do," he said. from Yugoslavia who is said to have NBA Egan moved freshman forward Kelvin ing)," Bell said with a gleam in his eye. "We're • way a way yet, we a,e," he ,aid. HS m""ge ,...,,, lo ha,e fioally bm-ed potenJtaL Peearnld, wilh 16 poiots and ,.,,. W°""' lo the "'"'ide high post where he The Torero, re,ched the" apex at 56<7 'And I thmk we kind of know 1t" through the craniums of some of his young --------------- began hitting key jumpers. That opened Dot- with 5:19 to go. From there, it was a wreck of It diJ,, h Ip "'Y m,ch fas! oight !hat !he ~aye,s. lio lo strike horn lb,ee-point eaoge where he flailiag urns and free ,i,its lo the fo,l lioe. ore~os had to play to (he max just to ward "The reason we didn't excel as much as we 'We're a long way away from buried three of eight bombs. Despite themselves, perhaps, the Toreros off visiting Mari t Coll ge 62-56 in their own thought we would was because a lot of guys being the kind of club we want "We just created another outlet," Egan prevailed. gym. What will happen when Loyola, St. got big heads," said sopomore center Dondi to be. I wish I could rush it, but said. Afterward, Egan seemed pleased with the iry's and Pepperdine v 151 t the Sports Cen- Bell from Crawford High. "That was a big J can't.' Interestingly enough, Egan credited effort from a team that seemingly could r, Egan mu t be wondering? . problem. We figured if we do this and that, _ Hank Egan Woods, who made his first start, with smok- have decomposed at almost any juncture. ''Bad abo,1 Jh"" "fow• week, ago whe, thal's all it w'1I tak, to wi,. B,I w, foegot i,g ouJ the se,m m tb, ''"'· w°""' bad ''Foe "'"• we;.,,, b,ng with the g,m,," we beat New Mexico, thi all got out of about our heart." _______________ seven of his 13 points in the final 20 minutes. Egan said. "Some games are gonna bust and hand," Egan said after hi team broke a Ditto freshman forward Gylan Dottin, who "I want to give credit where credit is due," some games are not gonna bust. And this one 1 k scored a career-high 23 points last night - 17 rebounds, has potential, all right - to warm Egan said. "The kids made the adJ'ustment didn't bust." three-game o mg trea . in the second half. the bench for the Orlando Magic. late in the first half on that hole. The guy Although it was at least a start, Egan ''We"re • '°"g way •way from being th• "Aftee the New Me,iro g,me we 1,11 w, Te, of P=e,hl's 16 poiots e,n,. as the who oune ,, high th• fie,t time was K,M,. wo,,ld Mt ha,aed a gu"' abe,I how USO k'"d of el,b we -•• to be. l with l eo,ld eo,ld beat aoybody,'' Ootlin said. "Yo, w;, Red Fo,., el,ng to a 27-25 lead al the end of Th'" lh• g,y who eooliooed hitliog them might fare io th• ,peomi,g WCAC s,a..,_ "' h IS b,t I ea,, l lhlok that "' e>p,eta- io the Pi! '"d yo,, head ea, swell lo ..-eat th, lira! hall. Compare !hose 27 points to the was Dotti,. That's '"•hmao aO;gao i tal~,g abo,1 USO's "'""'"' wio With road game, ,.,, week m Ulah and In troth, th• gam, lo'""' last rught wh'" brol<• th""gh lo, a jaeeing jam - !he ooly Well, fig,re last y,ae that USO fmish,d '" the Lobo Cla ie B,aJiog New Me,Jro °" w.,tee, K,nJ,eky preeediog !he eoofereaee P,e,eshl drew bi, !hied lo,! with 17c25 ee- o"' of th, gume - wilh IU5 lo play. Thirty- s,,eoJh in the WCAC with a II eo,fe,e.,, No, 27 I• th• lamed Pit at Alboq,.,.,,. was op,oe, he,e ag,;,sl Gomaga o, Ja. 13, thal mainiog, ~•ing USO jwJ e"°'gb of a wi,- ,ighl "'°""' late,, his follow tip,.,, USO a reeo,d. Bo! th, Torero, dido'! owa the "alha- ooc thing. B,t "'"' 1h , it' bee, • h,ge re,JOatio, probably dido't come a mome,J dow lo"'" its reeonJ at H P,ea"'1 sat'" 47-40 ,.,,_ tro,s" of beati,g N,w Meneo m lh• Pit, ~- shee of reality. L

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